Our Spiritual Reality is our Personal Spirituality.
Spirit is Energy and everything that is real is energy.
There are 3 types of Spiritual Energy:
Mental Energy is called Thought
Emotional Energy is called Feelings
Physical Energy is called Images, Pictures or Visions
Spiritual Energy creates our Reality via our thoughts, our feelings and our visual images.
Our Reality is divided in Relative Dual Reality Life into what is Physical Reality and what is Spiritual Reality.
In the Absolute Realm there is only Spiritual Reality.
Physical Reality is what we define as real and experience with our 5 physical senses.
Our physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch determine the vibration of the atoms that make up our physical existence.
Spiritual Reality is what we realise through the experience of our 3 spiritual senses.
Our 3 spiritual senses, called intuition, are how we know, see and feel vibrations of energy.
With our spiritual sense of seeing mental pictures, visions and images; our spiritual sense of feeling emotions; and our spiritual sense of knowing thoughts; we determine our own exclusive, individual and unique Spiritual Reality.
When our Spirituality is no longer in opposition to our physical reality, it becomes a triune reality of our physical, mental and emotional energies.
Our physical energies allow us to see the activities that we are creating and doing.
Our emotional energies allow us to feel the experiences that we are realising and being.
Our mental energies allow us to know the thoughts that we are manifesting and having.
Our Personal Spirituality is the balance, co-operation and harmony of our physical, mental and emotional aspects that are unified in perfect synchronicity.
When we are disconnected from our emotional energy, we lose our sense of feeling and our power to realise and be who we really are.
When we are disconnected from our mental energy, we lose our sense of knowing and our authority to manifest and have our own reality.
When we are disconnected from our physical energy, we lose our sense of seeing and our ability to create what we have come here to do.
Without our Exclusive-Connection to our own Personal Spirituality, we lose our Vision, Mission and Purpose for this Life-time.
Keith Collins
The Inner Coach
Life Coaching for Personal Spiritual Development & Growth
You Have Got To Read This Book
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