A Haunting Story of Seeking God's Purpose in Suffering
As an avid reader I sometimes find a book that deeply touches my heart. Jeanne Damoff's "Parting the Waters: Finding Beauty in Brokenness" is that kind of book. This is a poignant account of the trials and testing faced by the Damoff family when their fifteen year old son, Jacob, was left in a coma as a result of a near death drowning accident.
Jeanne describes the raw emotion and physical exhaustion she experienced throughout the years of Jacob's treatment, therapy, progress, set backs and victories. She candidly tells of her personal emotional pain, the absence of laughter in their home, and of how the family suffered with Jacob through his suffering. She writes of trying to banish fear and anxiety, while looking for a break through, a sign of complete restoration and healing.
Jeanne writes of the support of family, church friends, and of the community backing which enabled her with her husband George to focus on being with Jacob while health care professionals planned his treatment and therapy, during the time Jacob was in a coma as well as the months that followed. God graciously built a wall around Jeanne's pain as she persevered in prayer, pleading for a miracle while working through periods of resentment, anger, guilt, and desolation.
Beautiful testimonies from family members, caregivers, and friends tell of how they personally were touched and are being touched by Jacob's life. These words of affirmation add to the books authenticity and bring honor to God for the miracles seen in their own lives through the ongoing story of Jacob's simple, joyous faith, and his sense of personal contact with his God though worship. The book also addresses questions of God's purpose in suffering, His sovereignty, and His power to heal. Any parent who reads book "Parting the Waters: Finding Beauty in Brokenness" will be touched by the under current of a deep faith and positive hope displayed by the Damoff family. I found an unexplained beauty in Jacob's story. It has deeply moved me and touched my heart.
WinePress Publishing, 978-1579219505
As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review
Richard R. Blake, Christian Education Consultant, Book Store Owner
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