Friday, October 2, 2009

Imagine Jesus' Children Reporting Directly to God

Now what if, Jesus actually had a son, and his son followed the Old Testament rule of being fruitful and multiply. Each one of Jesus' kids had at least 10 kids and by now there's thousands of his descendants all over the world and these guys are watching everything that's going on around them and reporting everything directly to God.

Imagine this, every one of his kids have down syndrome, are handicapped, blind, deaf, homeless, homosexuals and the worst of all, atheists. They have been strategically positioned all over the world to gather information on how, Christians actually treat other people.

Every time that a homeless person has asked you for spare change and you haven't given them anything, this would count as one black mark against you, on the great chalkboard at Judgment Day.

Every sign you held up, rejecting gay marriage or abortion, would count as five black marks. Each one of these people or any other person, who you had intentionally hurt their feelings, would be 15 black marks.

Every time that you lied to another Christian, this would be 50 black marks. If a Christian lied to a nonbeliever, especially when trying to convince them that the Bible is the written Word of God, this would be 150 black marks.

Jesus' children would be reporting directly to him on a daily basis, through the use of the Internet, God's Internet that is. Every Christian who thought they were doing the Lord's work, could actually be in grave danger.

You only get a thousand black marks and if you're 150 black mark short of entering heaven, you will have plenty of time, as you burn in eternal lake of fire, forever. Think about it, the next time that you lie to someone, refuse generosity, or try to convince someone that the Bible is actually the written word of God.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thanks for reading my articles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Properly Exercising Faith - People Who Represent Christianity

It's your responsibility as a Christian to properly exercise your faith and to express your opinions as such. If you don't know something for a fact, you are obligated to seek and gather more information about these so-called facts.

With this said, if you hear a Bible verse quoted to you by someone and you don't necessarily understand 100% of what they are saying or you think that they might be twisting around the Scripture, it's your obligation to find out, the truth and nothing but the truth.

Let me give you an example of how to properly exercise your faith. An atheist walks up to you and asks you why you believe in God, you reply," Because it says so in the Bible." Wrong.., wrong answer. Because it says so in the Bible, isn't what I would consider a good answer. It's what I would consider to be a controlled Christian answer, simple but untrue.

The minute that you start referring to things in the Bible and you don't really understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not doing Christianity any favors. The minute that you listen to another person quote out of the Bible and start repeating, what it is that they were saying, without clearly understanding the truth, you're simply spreading rumors.

Think about this, the next time that you tell someone something that you heard, just because you hear something three times, doesn't make it a fact. I would like to tell you a little secret, so pay attention, simply because someone within your religious community, who others look up to, say something that sounds believable, don't start spreading rumors, find out for yourself, if it's actually true.

Christian Bible Problems

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Understanding the Bible

Monday, September 14, 2009

Strategies to Become a Motivation Speaker

If you are an interesting speaker and have many memorable experiences in life to motivate others, then you can become a motivation speaker. Motivation speaking is nothing but public speaking to convey a special message that could help the audience in lifting their morale. A successful motivation speaker must have something special to deliver and must be able to carve a niche out for himself. In many ways, motivational speaking is a commodity that must be sold.

Why Should People Pay To Listen To A Motivation Speaker?

Problems are a part of parcel of our life. At times, it takes a toll on our confidence and the zeal in our life vanishes. In bad times we all look forward for some motivation and this is where a motivation speaker is needed. The speaker should be articulate in narrating his own experiences in life to inspire others.

Strategies For Motivational Speaking

Charity begins at home and the saying goes well for everyone who is trying to make a career out of motivation speaking. The best thing is to start around you own neighborhood or locale for free to make your name. Slowly others will start contacting you after hearing about the interesting experiences you have to share. Also start informing others about your availability. You should also start contacting non-profit organizations and other professional bodies. You can also register with any speaker's bureau, but they will charge you for acting as your agent. It is the desire which will carry forward the speaker and no special education or training is needed for one to succeed.

Developing The Special Message

The speaker has to put in a lot of hard work to write the special message. First and foremost he should start with what he (or she) has to say and how will it help others. The message should be special and the audience should connect to it. It should have some real life experience with dollops of humor to keep it lively.

Warnings For A Motivation Speaker

The speaker should be spontaneous with his speech and he should avoid using fillers like aa, uh and eh. If you get nervous and forget your speech then you should take a deep breath and start speaking from your mind.

The speaker should also avoid taking an awkward pause because it breaks the flow of the speech. Even if he forgets the speech, he should be able to cover for it by speaking from the heart. Before facing the audience, the speaker should rehearse well to get the confidence.
The best way to overcome nervousness is by focusing on the audience and not what they are going to think about your speech. Try to speak cleverly and repeat the message at least thrice.

The need of motivation speakers is increasing every day. Throughout history, they have inspired generations and have helped others to achieve their goals. Some of the top motivational speakers are legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong, Olympic swimming champion Amanda Beard and Dr. Deepak Chopra.

In schools throughout North America, motivation speakers are in great demand to inspire students to say no to drugs and crime and lead a healthy life. Besides, motivation speakers also help people to heal their relationships, lead a healthy life and prosper in business to have fun in life.

Top Motivational Speaker Gives You His $47 Champion Ebook FREE! Get your copy today at:

How to Carry Out Your Self-Help Affiliate Training Without the Stress

It's not entirely easy to get effective affiliate training on your own. Like any other business, it's true that a huge chunk of affiliate marketing depends on luck. However, jumping into the shark lagoon of online entrepreneurs without ample knowledge about the industry will also cause you to fall apart. Here are ways to help you familiarize yourself with the industry without spending a penny.

Join public forums about affiliate marketing

Believe it or not, getting basic affiliate training can be as easy as signing up on forums. This is, of course, provided that you're good at conversations. There are online communities that offer to pass on valuable nuggets of information to starting affiliates. You need to use your head, though, because some of these tips need to be taken with a grain of salt. This means that you can't simply take free advice and tips from strangers without testing them out first. After gathering enough basic data, you can either choose to experiment by using your own choice of affiliate marketing tools. Most people prefer to surf the internet, though, and gather reviews instead. In other words, you can choose to get your affiliate marketing training on your own, for free, but you need to make a lot of effort doing so.

Be involved in one affiliate marketing strategy at a time

Unless you have money to spare, it's highly risky to test out a dozen affiliate marketing tools at the same time. This will also make "learning about the industry" a bit harder simply because you're distracted. Stick to one strategy at a time, and try to work your way through it. It's bound to be tough, because all businesses are tough when you start out. Give your strategy at least six months to progress before totally giving up on it.

Zack Lim is an internet affiliate marketer who owns He has helped hundreds of people to start their own affiliate marketing business.

He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your own affiliate marketing business easier. To learn how to start your own affiliate marketing business without wasting your time and money, visit

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Can My Fireplace Affect My Health?

Many people love the look of fireplaces in their homes. Having a fireplace creates a warm, inviting feel that makes visitors feel at ease, and creates a centerpiece that enhances the dcor of any room.

Although fireplaces are usually good for your home's energy, there are a couple of situations where having a fireplace can actually drain the positive energy of your home, and create an environment that can foster poor health.

This can happen when you have a fireplace that is located in the center of your home. Your home's center is the most important area for maintaining positive energy and good health. This is because the energy in this area affects all of the other areas in your living space. For this reason, it is vital that the energy in this area be kept as clear as possible.

The center of your house represents the center of your body. Having a strong element of fire in this area is just like having excessive heat running through your body. Having a fireplace in the center of your home can create a sense of exhaustion throughout your living space. It also affects your adrenal glands, and can weaken your immune system.

Obviously, if you have a fireplace in the center of your home, it is not practical to move it for the sake of improving your home's energy. However, there are a number of feng shui techniques you can use to stop the energy drain.

First, you can place a water feature, such as a small table top fountain or a fish tank, near your fireplace. Including the water element in this area will help to balance the energy created by the fire element.

If it is not possible to place a water feature near your fireplace, you can use objects that represent water, such as paintings or pictures of seascapes, rivers, lakes, or waterfalls. Hanging these pictures over or near your fireplace will help to improve the energy throughout your entire home.

You can also use black colored objects to represent the water element. Black planters, vases, and statuary placed near your fireplace will help to build positive energy to support your family's good health.

Hanging a mirror over your fireplace, or placing one in the surrounding area, will also bring in the water element. Using a mirror near your fireplace will stop the drain of energy, and you'll notice that your whole house just feels better.

Another area that is not ideal for a fireplace in terms of health is in the middle, left area of your home. This area also represents health, as well as family. Having a fireplace here can result in 'heated' family issues or over-activity in the body (such as high blood pressure, over-active thyroid, etc.)

Once again, the key is to balance out the fire energy with the element of water in the same ways as mentioned previously. Since this area is also associated with the wood element, you could also add some wood here - some ways to do that would be to bring in a plant or some flowers, a picture of flowers, plants or trees, or simply something that is made of wood. You could also use anything in the colors of blue or green.

It is important to take care of your health in any way that you can. If you have health issues and you happen to have a fireplace in either of these two areas - you'll want to consider these recommendations. They really can make a big difference.

Linda Binns shows you how to be more successful in all areas of your life by working with your environment. Get FREE Feng Shui Success Secrets. These powerful and practical secrets can help you transform your life. Go to now.

Linda Binns is author of Feng Shui for Your Relationships: Changing Your Environment to Create Better Relationships. She has been a Feng Shui Practitioner, Author, Speaker and teacher for over 10 years. She has appeared internationally on television and radio and in local publications. Linda is also the founder of The Feng Shui Success Institute - which teaches in-depth Feng Shui training and practitioner certification.

Chopsticks and Etiquette

When you are invited to a Chinese home for a meal, it is helpful to be aware of Chinese table manners, or etiquette. First, several dishes are placed in the center of the table. Wait until the host or the head of the family picks up his chopsticks and motions for all to start. That is the proper moment for the guests to acknowledge the invitation, pick up their chopsticks, and proceed.

Unlike some Western-style meals, the dishes are not passed around the table. Rather, all at the table help themselves. In a family meal, it is customary for each member to use his or her own pair of chopsticks to take pieces from the common dishes and put them right into the mouth. Even so, it is considered bad manners to slurp your food, lick the ends of your chopsticks, or pick through the dishes for your favorite piece. Mothers in the Orient instruct their children not to bite the ends of their chopsticks, not only because they are concerned about hygiene but also because it spoils the appearance of the chopsticks.

Out of consideration for guests, sometimes serving spoons or additional chopsticks are provided. These are used to take pieces from the center dishes to another dish or to your rice bowl. Still, do not be offended if your host uses his chopsticks to pick out a choice morsel and place it right into your bowl. After all, he wants to make sure that his honored guest gets the best piece!

It is considered bad manners to point with chopsticks, just as it is with knives and forks. It is equally bad manners to pick up something else while you still have your chopsticks in your hand. So when you need to use the serving spoon or to pick up a napkin or a teacup, first put down your chopsticks. Small, attractive chopstick stands are often provided for this purpose.

When you finish eating, put your chopsticks down neatly, sit back, and wait. It is bad manners to leave the table before everyone finishes. Once again, it is the host or the head of the family who brings the meal to a close by rising and inviting all to leave the table.

Now that you know how to use them, all you need to do is get some chopsticks and practice with them. The next time someone invites you to a Chinese restaurant or to their home for a Chinese meal, why not try a pair of the "quick ones"? It may even make the food taste better!

A Little Chopstick History

Some Chinese scholars believe that the first chopsticks were used, not for eating, but for cooking. Small pieces of raw food were wrapped in leaves, and sticks were used to transfer heated pebbles into the wrapping. In this way food could be cooked without the cook getting burned! Later in history, chopsticks were used to remove pieces of food from the cooking pot.

The Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and others in the Orient also use chopsticks, and this is largely because of the influence of Chinese culture.

Geoff Cummings runs a kitchen products site at where recipe books, gourmet food and more are on sale at discount prices.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Healthy and Delicious - Tilapia Fish Recipes

There are many tilapia fish recipes, each of which offers a slightly different texture and taste. Tilapia is very versatile and there are several recommended cooking methods, baking being one of the best.

Not only are all baked fish recipes delicious but also tilapia is a very healthy fish and an ideal part of a nutritionally balanced diet. Tilapia is a mild-flavored fish, which means you can feel free to use tilapia fish recipes with strong sauces. Eating Tilapia, twice a week has various health benefits and this fish is available all year round.

A small piece of salmon contains 158 calories and the same sized piece of tilapia has only 85. The salmon contains 7.9g of fat and the tilapia only 1g for the same sized portion.

Tilapia Fish Recipes - Health Benefits

A small portion of tilapia fish has about half the calories of an equal size piece of salmon. The salmon ways in with a whooping 158 calories, which as said is about double! In addition tilapia contains only 1g of fat compared to 7.9g of fat in the same sized portion of salmon.

Tilapia contains no carbohydrates or fiber. It is low in sodium and a good source of phosphorus and niacin. Tilapia is also a plentiful source of selenium, protein, and vitamin B12. The only negatives are that it is quite high in cholesterol and does not contain healthy omega-3 fatty oils but you can make up for this by consuming oily fish such as mackerel or salmon once or twice a week too.

Tilapia fish recipe nutrients vary depending on how the fish is prepared and cooked and what fats or sauces are added. You can marinate tilapia but you should only marinate it for a short time because else the proteins will be broken down, resulting in mushy fish. Grilling is another cooking method although tilapia does tend to be thin and small, meaning it tears easily if you are not careful. It needs only a few minutes grilling else it might dry out. Tilapia has a delicate taste and suits most seasonings. Grilling is a healthy way of cooking tilapia. You might want to grill a whole fish with some seasoning added or you might want to marinate it first.

You can use a baked tilapia recipe too. You will need to add fat by brushing on some oil or melted butter, to ensure the fish remains moist. This type of fish can dry out easily because there is very little fat content, so using butter or oil has great results.

You might like to place the tilapia on a bed of celery and onion or bake some vegetables with it or some thinly sliced vegetables on top of it to add moisture during cooking. If you want to saute the tilapia, this will also require butter or oil. If you do not want to add extra fats, steaming the tilapia is also a good cooking method.

Tilapia Fish Recipes Using Oil

You can bake or saute tilapia in oil or melted butter. If you would rather use oil, peanut, or sunflower oil are good choices, as they will not change the flavor of the fish. Many other oils will add their taste to the tilapia. Olive oil or canola oil can be used but you will be able to taste the oil flavor as well as the fish. Preparing tilapia with fats is also healthy, since fats are one of the major food groups required for overall good health.

Can't find the right tilapia fish recipes we have plenty that are sure to please including plenty of easy fish recipes

What is Your GQ? - Grandparent Quotient

No matter when we senior citizens finally achieve being a grandparent, there are some tests to help identify our capability and capacity for being a good one. My experience is certainly limited in the role and I have never taken courses in retirement to boost my GQ. Basic intuition and sensitivity contribute about as much to ability and smarts as most anything else.

First, a grandparent is not a replacement for the parent. Of course, this assumes all are available to fulfill their roles and to understand the limits of each. If circumstances have created a situation in which the roles are different, that has to be worked out accordingly.

Complexities introduced before and continuing in the 21st century contribute to keeping abreast of inter family dynamics. It ain't what it used to be, if it ever were that way.

If there still is a "nuclear" family, the dynamics aren't necessarily simplified. Families who have meals together at home, without interference by television, etc., is an increasingly unusual phenomenon. Perhaps one of the roles grandparents can fulfill is offering an occasional get together around the table for a meal. Assuming this won't be a forced occasion, but one which can contribute to frivolity and good times, such an opportunity can create fond memories.

Finding something in common with grandchildren, such as activities you enjoy together, (no matter their age) remains a challenge. It is, however, a challenge worth pursuing. Genuine companionship between generations offers a wealth of recollections worthy of posterity.

Adolescence offers its own challenges. When grandparents find ways to contend with that hurdle, then a true, lifelong affection will surely be shared. I think we are there with our grandchildren, although times together are predictably less frequent.

Finding gifts that respect the grandchild and are age appropriate will also offer memories, for the item will likely be one that the grandchild chooses to keep.

Communicating with some frequency becomes more and more a challenge. However, with email, text messaging, cell phones, etc. available some contact can be established and maintained. It is an easy exercise to overlook, but one that needs nurture for the benefit of both parties.

Identifying and reserving some special alone times is also important and necessary. Before long, graduation and off to college, distance and demands will consume more and more of what had been time a grandparent could claim. Try to hang on to some of what soon will be absorbed by the claims of normal growing up and going away.

Check out your GQ once in a while with other senior citizens learn from them, both what to do and what not to do. Thank your grandchildren for the wonderful contributions they make to your life. Let them know often, with genuine sincerity, how special they are.

Article provided by Dr. Jerry D. Elrod. For information on retirement, Baby Boomers and everything related to Seniors, please visit my blog at

Friday, September 11, 2009

Qualities of Appetizers

Best appetizers are perfectly made to suit the occasion and the guests. They are easy to eat and are able to build and maintain your appetite for the main dish. They are perfectly flavored and go together with the main dish. Guests are able to enjoy eating them as they also mingle and chat with each other.

The best appetizers include finger foods, soups, roasted nuts, grilled figs, blue cheese, Hot Crab, and many others. Cookery books, magazines and specific Internet sites are some of the guides which will enable one to choose good starter dishes. You can even enroll in a cookery class to ensure that you learn how to make this dishes.

The choice of the best appetizer will depend on several factors. One of them will be the main course that is being served. For instance, if the main course consists of a stew, then the best appetizer would be something like roasted nuts. The kind of guests being served will also play a key role in your choice. They may be vegetarian or non vegetarian, some may even prefer spicy foods. Therefore, you will have to make your choice accordingly. The theme of the party will also play a role in your choice of the starter dish. Your choice should match the ambiance of the party.

With proper research and preparation, you are able to end up with the best appetizers which will set your party into the right course. This may make your party a very memorable one for both you and your guests.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Appetizers. For More Information on best appetizers, Visit His Site at BEST APPETIZERS. You Can Also Add Your Views About best appetizers At My Blog here BEST APPETIZERS

Mouth Watering French Gourmet Food

Many people in the United States as well as in the rest of the world know of the distinct quality and flavor of French cuisine.

French food is frequently duplicated in the United States as well as in other countries of the world, but to experience the French gourmet foods that France is known for, it's best to break France apart into different regions and explore the different tastes France itself has to offer.

France divides it's regions up into different departments, and under these different departments, visitors can find different French gourmet food, as well as distinct French flavors, beverages, and chocolates.

In the Champagne region of France, this area is best known for the sparkling wine known as Champagne. This area reserves the right to call their sparkling wine Champagne because of the unique grapes that grow in this area as well as the name of the region itself.

Champagne is one in a group of three regions in a collective area that offers fine French gourmet foods. Lorraine is known for its selection of fruits and is also famous for quiche, a baked product which contains pastry, cream, and eggs. However despite Champagne's notoriety for having the only sparkling wine in the world that can be called its namesake, Paris also has some of the most unique and interesting French gourmet foods.

Paris is known for having a variety of different French gourmet food dishes as well as many other cultures. All train lines lead centrally into Paris so almost any food product is available. Paris also houses some of the best restaurants in the world, and over 5,000 of these restaurants exist in this one city alone.

Brittany and Normandy are towards the shore line in Northern France and are known for their exquisite sea products. Brittany has a fine gourmet selection of lobster, crayfish, and mussels.

Another place for superb crayfish lies outside of France in New Orleans, Louisiana and is worth a mention for all the French gourmet foods that have influenced Creole cooking. Normandy, also along the Northern coast has a fine selection of scallops and sole, a type of fish.

Normandy also has many apple trees, many of which are used for cider and other pastry dishes. All of the food items from these areas are known for having the highest quality, mostly because France has some of the finest soil in the world for growing French gourmet foods for French dishes.

Many areas in France are known for gourmet wine, such as Bordeaux and Burgundy. Burgundy is the more well-known of the two, some of the finest wines in France coming from this region alone.

Not only does Burgundy offer some of the finest wines, but this region is also the home of Dijon mustard as well as currants, a favorite among gourmet chefs. This area is also known for snails, high quality poultry, river crabs, pike, and honey cake.

The best place to find French gourmet foods in the United States is either at a local gourmet market, or by importing directly to the home from France itself. Needless to say, French gourmet food items are some of the best in the world.

Discover the best French Gourmet Foods on the Planet at: French Gourmet Foods Online.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feng Shui Kitchens

A Feng Shui kitchen is a very important part of a harmonious home. In Feng Shui, each room is associated with certain areas of one's life. The kitchen is representative of prosperity in life. It is also representative of nourishment and health of the body and soul. Both prosperity and nourishment can easily be seen as coming from the kitchen. After all, food is stored and made in the kitchen and food gives us energy, strength, and fulfillment. If you are building a new building or applying Feng Shui principles to an existing one, the kitchen is an important place to pay attention to.

When building a new structure, you have the convenience of placing the kitchen in your desired location. If you are going with Feng Shui principles, it is best to put the kitchen in the back of the structure. This is important because many eating and health problems can stem from the kitchen being at the front of the home or building. This is worse if your kitchen is visible from the front door. If this is the case, you and your family will likely suffer from overeating because the kitchen is such a focal point.

If you are working with an existing structure and are unable to do major renovations, you may have your kitchen at the entry. Though this is not ideal, there are some easy steps you can take to counteract the negative energy. If the kitchen does not have a door, you can add a door or create the illusion of a door. Decorative drapes or sheer curtains can be hung in the entryway to block the negative energy. If you would prefer, beaded curtains or bamboo shades can also be appealing and have the same affect. Either way, covering the kitchen in some way helps better achieve a Feng Shui kitchen.

As far as the interior of the kitchen goes, it is important for the stove to face to entryway into the kitchen. This is important to ward away uneasiness which can cause negative Chi to flow into the kitchen. Because the kitchen is so important in Feng Shui this can be very bad for the inhabitants of the home. Unfortunately, it is popular in modern design to have the stove face the wall. If this is true for your kitchen, you can place something reflective over the stove. A mirror or a reflective piece of metal will let the chef see whats coming, warding off uneasy feelings.

Once you have applied Feng Shui principles to your kitchen, you will be in awe at the difference it can make for you and your family.

For more information on Feng Shui and Feng Shui Products, visit

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Advantages of Framing With Steel Studs

I have heard all sorts of stories over the years of the advantages in framing with steel versus wood studs. One time I even heard you could build an entire house with the amount of recycled steel from a large automobile such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you're building a very small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is that they are extremely straight. I have built nonbearing partition walls using 12 foot 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs and after the drywall you can lay an 8 foot level to check it for straightness on the wall with amazing results.

If you use 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs with 5/8 of an inch drywall you will get an extremely durable and sturdy wall. Framing was steel studs is common in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is done via the drywall contractors.

Steel studs and termites do not mix. You'll never have to worry about these little buggers or other uninvited house pests damaging your walls.

Over the years I have heard stories that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They might be more resistant to fire than wood but keep in mind when metal is hot enough it will bend and warp making it unusable.

When I hear people talking about a fireproof building built with metal framing components my first thought is all of the other materials used in building the house that are not fire resistant. Don't get a false illusion when buying a house framed with steel studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed buildings being earthquake proof this is another story. I really can't comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they seem to create fires. So even if you're building does survive an earthquake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I have framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is limited to nonbearing partition walls usually located in office buildings. I love framing with metal because of its light weight and ease of construction.

I still love framing with wood. There is something about what framing that I have always loved and always will.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Framing Ideas

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Women in Midlife - How to Get the Love You Think You Want, or Anything Else - the Spiritual Answer

It's so easy to think that love has to come from somewhere outside ourselves.

In midlife, I finally discovered that I have to BE the person that I think I want to attract

To find out if this is an issue for you. See if you relate to what one woman over 40 once said:
"At 46 I've got three kids and four grandchildren. I also have three ex-husbands. Looking back, I realize I wasn't in love with any of these men. After my third divorce, many self-help books and some therapy, I now live by the motto, To thine own self be true. When I meet a new man, I review my list of qualities I'd like in a mate: Is he honest? Does he have a good relationship with his mother? Is he spiritual? Loyal? A good provider? I'm not interested in looks or money, but in where he's coming from. I don't have time to waste, and I don't want to grow old alone. What can I do to attract the love I desire and deserve?"


It is possible that, like many other women in midlife, you are putting too much energy into not being alone. I suspect that the woman speaking above went into three relationships running from what she did not want, rather than claiming and creating what she desired. In the process, because she was focused on her fears, she proved them right. Whether you tell yourself, I'll never experience love, or wonder. Will I ever experience love? your words may lock you in to the very thing you desperately want to avoid. It's so important to move from fear to faith - starting with what you tell yourself.

I know a lot of people tell you that it's important to create a list of the characteristics you want in a partner. I disagree.


Yes, you should have expectations. But rather than an ink-and-paper list, create a vision that keeps you clear about what you want to experience in a relationship and what you are willing to give. Even though you may have a picture of the attributes you desire in a mate, when you meet a new man, these do not become the topic of dinner conversation. Never measure a man based on what he says. Open your heart, and observe your inner responses to him and his outer responses to you. When something is right for you, your heart will let you know.

If, your belief system is filled with fear, doubt and specifications, no man will measure up. Expectations always equal results and our expectations are often hidden.


The bigger challenge comes when you expect to find love in a relationship. Relationships are not the breeding ground of love. They are experiences that allow us to share the love we have within. Loving yourself is always the key to experiencing love with another person. What will attract a partner - for all aspects of our lives - is the level and quality of love you exude to the world.


Love is a state of being. It's not a reward for being good or selfless or for becoming spiritually adept. Love is who and what you are, whether or not you have a mate.

Put your search on hold and take some time to grow into the experience of your own love. Ilyana Van zant once gave this advice about self- love. "It may be time for you to give yourself all the things you are looking for in a relationship: Spend time with you. Have long, endearing conversations with yourself. Send yourself cards and love letters. Get dressed in your finest, compliment yourself, and take yourself for a night on the town. Affirm and encourage yourself daily. As you begin to love, cherish and adore yourself, the universe will multiply your energy. In that process, men who love themselves will be attracted to your loving energy. In the meantime, I will hold you in the light of love. Be blessed!"


I'd like to urge you all to consider that whatever it is you think you want -- What you REALLY want are QUALITIES OF BEING - I refer to them as GOD qualities. We think we want something outside ourselves, when really we are longing to experience the qualities we actually already possess, whether its a mate, a new job or more financial security. We already possess : Abundance, Balance, Beauty, Freedom, Joy, Love, Order, Peace, Power, Unity, Wholeness and Wisdom.

And so, I would like to offer a support system for getting and keeping clear in your life an of focusing on the Qualities you already possess. When you subscribe to my free Women Reinvent Midlife newsletter, you'll receive a special report called, "7 Secrets for Reinventing Midlife from the Inside-Out" and lots of other wonderful support. You can get your copy right now at

From Dr. Toni LaMotta, Midlife Reinvention Specialist and Spiritual Life Clarity Coach

Monday, September 7, 2009

Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Was Jesus A Good Example

Character is Learned by "Imprinting"

Psychological theory espouses imprinting: the phenomenon of young birds and animals to copy the first moving object near them, which is normally the mother. It was Konrad Lorenz (1937, 1950) who pioneered the theory when he observed newly hatched goslings, having them imprint on him as the object. I posit that our characters are somehow quite intrinsically affected by something like imprinting.

A generation or two back certain Christian denominations would take their young people through a doctrine called the Catechism. Students would be drilled in it and would learn the gospels as well as the law almost by rote; they could quote it and would know all the biblical stories backwards. Unfortunately, however, the methods used were often devoid of love. The teachers and instructors of the Catechism would often use a method best described as tough love. Discipline was driven into these young people and enough of it to incite fear.

One should not wonder why these young people, who're now in their fifties and sixties, would begin to see Christianity as a con and ministers as hypocrites. They had inept models of Christ with which to imprint to. (To be fair to these ministers, they would've been trapped by the era and the mandate of the denomination.) We see here that the delivery of the Catechism without a comprehensive godly character to back it up is only half the message of God's love and truth. It's the words of God devoid of the power of God.

What a difference it would have made if these young people had have had caring, kind, patient, tough-at-times, tender-hearted, yet courageous ministers and lay persons with which to imprint from. We see here that modelling (so far I've used the word 'imprinting') the right behaviour inspires young people. Young people can only admire, and seek to emulate, the Christ-like youth leader; in fact, most people find leaders who are charismatic and winsome in the best possible humble Christian way quite irresistible.

So, character cannot simply be studied; it must be seen and observed in models who are respected and admired for it to be 'installed' as a personal quality. When we think of our positive models, those we imprinted certain characteristics from, we reminisce with a particular fondness, don't we? Good character is slowly but steadily 'transferred' from one generation to the next by a process of something like imprinting. If we lead people we're models for them who will soon lead others.

Copyright 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Structural Framing Beams

Let's start with the beams. They can be Glulam, Parallam, Microlam or even wood beams. What are all of these and why do I need them in my house. The beams are used to hold up parts of the house and are located in your walls, roofs and floors. Beams are used to transfer a load from one point to another.

Structural framing beams allow the architect to create large openings, floors and roofs in your house. The beams are also used to support the weight over the doors, windows and other openings in your home. These beams support massive amounts of weight in some cases and are even made of steel if needed.

Another growing problem is the lack of old growth trees in the forest. If we just used wood beams with out using the new engineered beams we would have to cut down a lot more of the bigger trees. So you can add these guys to your Christmas list. The lumber or wood engineers have come up with all sorts of alternatives for new building products. These new beams are just some of them. Keep up the good work guys...

Glulam is a engineered wood product comprised of wood laminations, or 2 x 4s that are bonded together with strong, waterproof adhesives. If you use a Glulam beam on the buildings exterior you will have to order a exterior Glulam beam. In this case the manufacture will use special exterior rated glues for the beam.

When ordering any wood engineered beams specify to the lumber yard what you are using the beam for. Exterior or Interior of the building. If you use a interior glulam over time there is a good chance of the beam delaminating or cracking apart.

Parallam is made from almost all of the wood on the log using veneer strands that are aligned parallel for maximum strength. The end product is a rectangular beam; which is longer, thicker, and stronger than solid-sawn lumber. They are often used as beams, headers, columns, and posts, among others uses.

Microllam is an engineered wood product that uses multiple layers of thin wood assembled with adhesives. It offers several advantages over typical milled lumber: it is stronger, straighter, and more uniform. It is much less likely than conventional lumber to warp, twist, bow, or shrink due to its composite nature. Made in a factory under controlled specifications, Microllam products allow users to reduce the onsite labor. They are typically used for headers, beams, rim board, and edge-forming material.

These beams come in all sorts of different lengths, widths and heights. They are engineered to hold amazing amounts of weight. They really are great engineering marvels.

Tip: I have had to replace almost all of these types of beams over the years due to some form of damage. Like anything else in your home if it is used improperly there is a good chance your are going to have some sort of failure. I have seen people add weight to these structural beams with no thought of them ever failing.

If you are planning on building a room addition, rebuilding your roof, adding a floor or any other type of construction where you are adding a addition load to your house. You might want to consult with a building contractor or structural engineer.

Thanks Greg For Another Super Article On Home Building. For more great articles visit Greg at

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Causes of Structural Failure

Another Crappy Rule In The Bible

Stunning Motivational Makeover

There is a common saying which says - we become what we think. Can we give a thorough makeover to what we think? Can we transform our negative thoughts to positive ones? Can we sharpen our mental imagery and transform our self-esteem so that it can positively create a mental strength? These days we put a great deal of emphasis on the way we look. Everybody is talking about external makeovers. The television, magazines, radios are all talking about a makeover, a new look that can totally transform your lifestyle. We see individuals receiving makeovers in all types of television shows ranging from talk shows to fashion shows. It is as if a snake is shedding its skin for a new one. The transformation is considered to be drastic. But have you not ever wondered that such transformation is merely an eye-wash that can to a certain extent improve the materiality of our life, but not our inner being? We should not merely focus our attention on looking our best, but rather more importantly focus on feeling well.

It would be interesting if we give our inner being, our soul, our personality a motivational makeover so that it can transform our life permanently for the better. We can start effecting this internal change by using the motivational wallpapers as background to our home and workplace computers. So even while you are busy with our work our senses would be immediately heightened. We need not busy ourselves in motivational readings or motivational exercises. We can have the wallpapers in the background and we will feel energized. These jewels of photography with their words of wisdom can renovate our attitude and outlook to life. They would excite in us new thought processes and new ways of thinking.

Motivational wallpapers contain quotes within a serene and soothing background so as to immediately incite us to a positive action. The background imagery moulds our thought processes, boosts our self-perception and opens up endless vistas of self-exploration. It results in positive energy which gets reflected in our body language, verbal expressions, and our look and in our personality.

These motivational wallpapers are tremendously appealing. It seems always to interact with us in a silence. The nature photographs soothe our senses so that we have tranquil mind and then we can easily reflect on the words of wisdom depicted on them. We can ponder over the thought and how it can positively affect our life. We do not relax in our lethargic complacency; instead we are aroused to positive action. In the modern society we have become so excessively materialistic that we spend a lot of money on make-ups and clothes to have a new look. Instead, if we could just change our thought process, motivate our soul and our psyche we will be able to make our life more enjoyable. The makeover of our outward selves for which we are thus striving would automatically get transformed with a change in our inner being. Thus by using these motivational wallpapers we will be able to bring permanent and lasting changes to our life.

Click Here Now!

Frederick Snelling is an author, multimedia designer and positive thinking founder of this inspirational website with motivational quotes, positive affirmations, positive energy articles and much more.

Checking the Building For Square

The most important thing when building a home is the ability to keep everything as square, plumb and level as possible. Starting with the foundation, if the foundation is not square or level, the rest of the house is going to be out of alignment.

You've probably heard the saying, start with a good foundation. This applies to the building industry as well. There are quite a few ways to build a square foundation, it all depends on what kind of tools you have, to build it with.

Some of these tools can be quite expensive but it used every day can save you a lot of time and of course time is money.

You don't need expensive tools to build a square foundation. You could actually build a square foundation with less than $100 worth of tools. It might take you a little longer but could be done.

Let's start with the 3 - 4 - 5 rule.

Okay lets see if I can explain this in layman's terms. If no West side of the foundation is 3 foot and the north side of the foundation is for foot, then the diagonal measurement from the southwest corner to the northeast corner would be 5 foot. Out of square building can create foundation problems

This can also be done using 30' x 40' should equal 50 foot. You can use this if the building is large and you need to check it for square.

By measuring the foundation diagonally from each corner, the measurement should be exactly the same. If it isn't, the building is out of square and should be adjusted before the concrete is poured. This measurement should always be checked before you get too far along in the form building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at concrete contractor basics and home building ideas.

Personal Development

Crispin the Cross of Lead - Book Review

Newbery Medal winner of 2003, Crispin The Cross of Lead is an action packed historical novel set in the 1380's of England's peasant revolt. The protagonist is a thirteen year old peasant boy known only as "Asta's Son" (Asta being the boys mother) because he has never been called by his own name. In fact he doesn't know he has a name until his mother dies. The village priest discloses he baptized him and gave him the Christian name of Crispin.

Also, after Crispin's mother dies the only home he has ever known is burned to the ground. Crispin is forced to begin his life as a fugitive for thievery and murder. He is declared a "wolf's head" by the corrupt steward John Aycliffe, for crimes he didn't commit. This means that anyone can kill him like a common animal and collect a sizeable reward.

Feudalism is the way of life for many in 14th century England. There are countless taxes that lowly peasants must pay and constant violence. People were either very poor or very rich. Common people had no say over their destiny. The church is unable to protect parishioners and subject to many cruelties.

"Time was the great millstone, which ground us to dust like kerneled wheat. The Holy Church told us where we were in the alterations of the day, the year, and in our daily toil. Birth and death alone gave distinction to our lives, as we made the journey between the darkness from whence we had come to the darkness where we were fated to await Judgment Day."

There are plenty of chase scenes as well as undisclosed plans shrouded in mystery. Avi develops a couple of compelling characters but Bear, a traveling juggler, will become Crispin's deliverance from the bounty hunters that follow them everywhere. The relationship between the juggler and the peasant become the heart of the story.

Learn more about children's writing tips and award winning book reviews by visiting Carma's Window at Download the free EBook, "Unite to Write," a compilation of thirteen top expert authors as read on Ezine article directory and "Free Tips on Freelance Writing."

Dangers Using Wood Stair Cleats - New Stair Construction

I would imagine most people don't even know what it wood stair cleat is, in construction we have so many words that describe the same thing. A stair cleat is another word for a thread bracket. In other words it's the part of the stairway that connects the stair stringer to the stair step. These have been used for years and over time, most of them will develop the same problem.

Most wood stair cleats loosened up and create a safety hazard. If the stairs are located outside in extreme weather conditions, for example, if it rains or snows a lot, extremely humid humid weather, or extremely hot and dry temperatures, your staircase might not last that long, if it is or isn't maintained properly. It's not a bad idea to use steel or concrete for stairways in these climates.

If you're ever walking up a set of stairs with wood cleats and the stair steps feel a little loose or wiggly, make sure you examined the stair cleats for safety. It's not uncommon for someone to be walking up or down a set of wood stairs and having the stair step or tread giveaway because the wood cleats has loosened.

If the wood stair cleats are nailed to the stair stringer, the nails can loosen up, causing it to become loose, as you walk up and down the stairs applying pressure to the stair cleat, this will create movement in between the stair step and the stair stringer. This could cause the cleat to crack, break and separate the connection between the stair step in the stair stringer.

I would suggest using metal brackets instead of wood cleats. The metal brackets will not crack or disintegrate like some wood cleats. Stair building brackets of course can loosen up and should be maintained regularly.

If you decide to use wood stair cleats, I would suggest using screws instead of nails and drilling holes in the wood stair cleats, most of the time this will prevent cracking the cleat. Try to use a thicker material for the stair cleat, for example using a 2 x 4 with lag screws and washers would be better than using a 1 x 4 with nails.

If you're walking up a set of stairs and a stair step feels loose, contact the owner of the property and let them know, they have a problem with their staircase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more stair building books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Want To Control Your Thoughts?

Do you think that your thoughts can rule you? If your answer is YES then you are in the right path. Thoughts play an important role in our life. Our thoughts can be so influencing that we can even heal ailments with just only thoughts. Most of us know this. Also we can make things happen in the way you want them with your thoughts. With your thoughts you can do both good and bad. You may wonder how, just keep reading further.

Thoughts are broadly classified as Positive and Negative thoughts. As the name conveys, positive thoughts are the ones that we will have to give more importance as they do more good than the negative thoughts. There is never a moment a person is not thinking. Most of the time, we are carried away by our thoughts. And most of our thoughts are influenced by people around us.

First of all we must watch our thoughts. Just observe them cautiously. Of course it is difficult the first time. But, you know practice makes a man perfect! You will be able to master this art in no time, if you practice it regularly. Now, after watching them, the next step is to identify them. You can easily find out if it is a Positive or a negative thought. A negative thought is not only those which are bad for us but also the thoughts which will affect others are considered to be negative thoughts. After categorising, our major step will be to control the negative and replace them with the positive thoughts. This is not as easy as we say.

We have to replace the negative thoughts with our positive ones immediately whenever we find them taking control. Longer intervals for this replacement will weaken the positive thoughts and hence the effect will be less. When a negative thought comes and controls? Its origin is from the external forces. Majority of them is from the place and the people. They influence our thoughts and thus affect us. But we need not worry for this because; our thoughts will get influenced only to the extent we allow them. So its very easy for us now. We must be strong and must not allow our thoughts to get influenced. For this we need to practice.

For example, if you have failed in any of your attempts to complete an activity and you thoughts are in such a way which makes you feel more depressed then they are negative thoughts. Say if you think 'Oh I failed! I could not do it! How impotent I am' all these will add on to your failure and will never allow you to try again and succeed. Instead if you start thinking 'these are my new experience and learning that will help me in succeeding in the next attempt. I can do it!' then you will be a winner always!

When we keep reinforcing positive thoughts over the negative ones, we will soon realise that our negative thoughts are gradually getting vanished and we are in control of our thoughts, in turn our emotions. This will surely lead to a happy and peaceful life.

To learn more on thoughts, emotions, dreams do href="">Visit us

Advantages of Framing With Steel Studs

I have heard all sorts of stories over the years of the advantages in framing with steel versus wood studs. One time I even heard you could build an entire house with the amount of recycled steel from a large automobile such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you're building a very small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is that they are extremely straight. I have built nonbearing partition walls using 12 foot 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs and after the drywall you can lay an 8 foot level to check it for straightness on the wall with amazing results.

If you use 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs with 5/8 of an inch drywall you will get an extremely durable and sturdy wall. Framing was steel studs is common in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is done via the drywall contractors.

Steel studs and termites do not mix. You'll never have to worry about these little buggers or other uninvited house pests damaging your walls.

Over the years I have heard stories that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They might be more resistant to fire than wood but keep in mind when metal is hot enough it will bend and warp making it unusable.

When I hear people talking about a fireproof building built with metal framing components my first thought is all of the other materials used in building the house that are not fire resistant. Don't get a false illusion when buying a house framed with steel studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed buildings being earthquake proof this is another story. I really can't comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they seem to create fires. So even if you're building does survive an earthquake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I have framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is limited to nonbearing partition walls usually located in office buildings. I love framing with metal because of its light weight and ease of construction.

I still love framing with wood. There is something about what framing that I have always loved and always will.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Framing Ideas

Will All Men Ever Hate Jesus

Solutions For Dealing With Know it Alls - Don't Let Anyone Push You Around Anymore

Over the years of dealing with people, at work or wherever I was, I have found some of these close minded people to be extremely hard headed and this often creates problems with anyone who doesn't agree with them. You probably know someone like this and they are often hard to relate to.

Some of these close minded people will offer their opinion on any subject at any time, whether you ask for it or not. I once had a man tell me something about my business that was wrong. I suggested that he contacted a government office to get the correct information, if he was even interested. He continued to tell me, that I didn't know what I was talking about and I should contact a government agency to verify his information. I believe he just wanted to argue.

This never has made any sense, if you have some facts and can show them the information and it actually makes sense, wouldn't this be a step in the right direction.

I've tried to figure out where these people were coming from and why they wouldn't take the time to gather factual information or at the least listen to what you had to say, sensibly, usually you have already listened to their opinion and when it's your turn to speak, they have no interest in what you have the say.

These people seem to live in a life of turmoil and confusion, while constantly trying to impress others of their intelligence and this often leads others to an impression of ignorance, not knowledge. While they are explaining to you something in your business or a subject in which you are what others would consider an expert in your field, they will spend hours trying to convince you that they are right and you don't know what you're talking about. Even though you have facts to back up your comments.

These people often create problems in your life and should be avoided if possible. I suggest you have fun with them and lead them to believe, what they truly desire in life and give them the illusion that you personally believes they are the smartest people in the universe.

I have done this more than once, to these hard headed geniuses and had a lot of fun with it. Most of them will talk about subjects they have no information about. Look something up in an encyclopedia or on the internet that you think most people wouldn't know anything about. Ornithology would be a good to have fun with.

Not to change the subject, but there's a great story called the cookie thief story, it's one of my favorites and really puts close minded people into perspective.

Don't let these people control or ruined your lives, either have fun with them or explain to them that your tired of listening to their superior closed minded and hardheaded ignorance of useless information.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If you have problems and would like to learn more about Achieving Your Ultimate Goals, visit our website today

Greg is currently working on a personal development and self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

New Versus Old Lumber - Structural Failure

During my 30 years of remodeling and building new homes. I have ran across quite a bit of structural framing failures. I find myself answering this question a lot when explaining to a homeowner about the structural failure I am repairing on their home, "Why Didn't They Use Better Lumber" or " Why Didn't They Use Larger Lumber." I really have a hard time answering these questions because I honestly don't know the answer.

However I can try to use some logic and reason to give these people an answer that seems to make sense to both of us. Why didn't they use better lumber, quite simply because, with most older homes that were built before the 1970s they actually do have better lumber. Now you're probably thinking how can these homes have better lumber when the lumber is old versus the new lumber used in a brand new house.

Most of the structural repairs I have made over the years has nothing to do with the lumber and whether it was new or old. A large number of these repairs were caused by neglect and poor maintenance.

The lumber in most older houses are from older growth trees. Some of these trees were extremely large and only the premium parts of the trees were used. The premium lumber is cut farthest away from the center of the tree. Now the larger the tree it makes sense that there will be more premium lumber.

A large majority of the newer lumber used in home construction comes from trees about 6 inches in diameter. Now you're probably wondering how can they cut a 2 x 8 piece of lumber out of a 6 inch tree. Of course they cannot, the larger lumber comes from larger trees.

Most 2 x 4's that are less than 8 foot long can be cut from these trees. This scrap or waste that comes from cutting these two by fours will now go into engineered building materials like particleboard, oriented strand board and engineered beams. Another name for an engineered been would be a paralam.

I hope you're starting to get the picture now when it comes to using new or old lumber. There are companies that are going into old logging rivers and retrieving old growth lumber. These were logs that sank to the bottom of the river's and were never retrieved because it was too costly.

The old growth lumber is quite expensive. Who's to say what problems we will happen in the future from the newer products created with modern day technology. When it comes to building houses it is not an exact science and as contractors we have been repairing the damage from poor engineering for years.

When I use the word poor engineering I am not pointing fingers at engineers. We now have more knowledge about home construction then we had years ago.

New versus old lumber, who wins the battle. Only time will tell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Structural Repairs.

What Happens To Nonbelieving

Symbol of Brotherhood

Masonic jewelry is worn as a sign of membership of the brotherhood or passed down as family heirlooms. Here is a guide to this unique and interesting tradition.

The Brotherhood

The Freemasons have the longest history of any organization in the world. The first Grand Lodge was formed in 1717 in London, but there was loose organization and use of terms and symbols centuries before that. Stonemasons were the founding fathers.

Today, it is not necessary to be an actual mason to be a member as the principles of the brotherhood are self-improvement, social works and self-awareness. They were behind the creation of public schools in Europe and America.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, they also took it upon themselves to make sure orphans, the elderly and widows were taken care of when the system provided no protection for them. There are a lot of conspiracy theories, movies and books surrounding the mystery of the Masons, but there is no real secret to this philanthropic and educated organization.

Types of jewelry

To designate membership in a Masonic lodge, there are a variety of Masonic jewelry pieces that a member can wear. The traditional piece is the signet ring, but there are other options as well. For the man who already owns a Lodge ring, other gift options are cuff links, tie pins, pocket watches and even pendants. These can all bear the same the emblems as the rings.

The Symbols

Symbols in freemasonry are important and they designate the degree of the member, the lodge and what the member wants to say about his membership. The most common symbols are the square and compass which represent the cornerstone of freemasonry.

In the center of these tools is the letter "G", which stands for geometry, a principle of freemasonry, and for God, the original builder. Some other tools of the trade found in Masonic jewelry are the trowel, the plumb level and columns. There are many other symbols to choose from when designing different pieces.

Proper wear

Only members should wear membership jewelry, but there are cases where antique Masonic jewelry is passed down as family heirlooms. As far as how to wear the rings, there are no rules on the proper way. Some men like to wear the emblems facing them but others like to wear them facing out for others to see. Married men typically wear their rings on the right hand ring finger. Some men choose to wear their ring on the pinkie finger. So, really it is all about personal preference and comfort on how to wear the pieces.

How to clean it

In gold or silver, Masonic jewelry can be very simple or quite ornate. The more intricate the design, the dirtier it can get. Gold pieces can be soaked in warm soapy water and scrubbed with a soft brush. If there are enameled or synthetic colored parts, don't soak the piece, but gently scrub with a soft soapy brush. Regularly polish with a soft cloth. For sterling silver pieces, only use cleaners designed for silver cleaning. These products come in wipes, cloths and creams.

There are millions of freemasons across the world and a gift of men's Masonic jewelry is a great way to recognize his contribution to society and to honor his pride and dedication to his brotherhood.

Men's Masonic jewelry can make a great gift and is a way to show your appreciation for a member of the brotherhood. Browse through a beautiful collection of Masonic pieces in solid gold when you visit

Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Nothing Will Be Impossible

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life is a Journey Not a Destination

Life is a journey, not a destination is a phrase that has become popular. Have you pondered the true meaning of this statement? If you have, you no doubt, recognize that, life is a journey with many steps on your unique personal journey that takes you down a winding and sometimes bumpy road of constant evolution. Each day, you are provided a myriad of opportunities that allow you to transform into your next best self--more of who you truly are.

Each moment on your journey, you are presented with an opportunity to react differently when yet another someone or something in your life rubs you the wrong way, or you may find yourself wanting to walk away from a circumstance, but are not sure if that is the right thing to do. However, you may find yourself stuck in a rut that seems impossible from which to extricate yourself. You may even make the same choices over and over again because you do not know how to choose otherwise.

Rather than moving you forward, your present path may take you in a seemingly never-ending circle where your actions and choices lead you, not only, nowhere, but to where you've been before. It is during these repetitious moments that awareness becomes the first step to change.

Awareness is the moment when you are able to recognize what you are doing at the deepest level. You observe yourself, noticing your actions, reactions and choices in real time. Awareness is the first step to change because you can not make a change unless you are aware of what needs to be changed.

You can then understand why you are doing what you are doing. Afterward, it becomes difficult not to change because you are no longer in a fog about what you are doing. You will, also, realize that as much as you are the root source behind the causes for your behaviors, you are also the originator for any changes that you need to make.

There is infinite freedom in your awareness. Rather than thinking that you are stuck in a repetitive cycle with no escape, you will begin to see how you play a role in creating your life. Whether you are aware of them or not, your behaviors and choices are yours to make. Your past and present no longer have to dictate your future when you choose to be aware in real time. You are then free to move beyond your old limits, make new choices, and take new actions. With awareness, you take a new path that moves you forward while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being. It is through awareness that you can continue to consciously evolve.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Nailing Or Screwing Drywall

Nails versus screws who will become the winner. When drywall first came out the installers used everything from regular steel nails to galvanized roofing nails. After a short amount of time they started to develop major problems from nails popping out of the finished drywall.

Nail popping results when the nail is driven into moist lumber and as the lumber shrinks the house settles and nail can actually pop out to the walls. Hard to imagine the nail could actually pop out of the drywall as the wood was drying out.

How far the nail would actually pop out was determined by how far it was driven in to the framing studs or ceiling joists. Well pretty soon drywall installers started to use ring shank nails to eliminate this problem. This worked great but these nails were hard to drive in and would often break.

As time went on the nails improved and were made out of galvanized metal with cupped shaped heads and came in a few different sizes. The size of the nail used was determined by the thickness of the drywall. These new nails worked great and had good holding power and eliminated a lot of nail popping.

Using nails means driving them in with a hammer. If you miss the nail you damage the drywall. This seemed to be a big problem and was virtually eliminated with the screws.

Well pretty soon people started using screws which had greater holding power and pretty much nail popping. Another advantage to using screws over nails is the simple fact you need less screws than you do nails to attach the drywall to the metal or wood framing.

This means less labor installing and finishing the drywall.

There is one problem with the screws and that is they have to be set perfectly. They can not break the paper surface on the drywall but have to be set enough into the drywall so that it can be finished properly. Most screw guns have an adjustable setting used to get just the right depth for the screws installed in the drywall. But this also was a problem when screwing into a hard piece of wood you can actually snapped the screw head off, strip the screw head or break the screw.

Nails on the other hand can bend while driving them into a hard surface.

Who wins the nails versus screws while installing drywall? I have got to give it to the screws. That doesn't mean the nails just got screwed or the screws just got nailed.

I couldn't resist. I actually preferred the screws over the nails except for when nailing the drywall corner bead on. Some drywall professionals use nails to hang the drywall and go back with a screw gun and some screws to finish the job. The nails sometimes seem handier than the screws when installing the drywall.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Carlsbad Home Improvement

Another Crappy Rule In The Bible

Positive Attitude Maintenance - Self Help Tips

The thing that people must realise is that you won't suddenly decide to feel good and that's it. It is a process of bit by bit feeling a bit happier and a bit more positive every day. There may be days when you go into a bit of a relapse for a few days but don't loose your resolve.

You can improve your attitude and become happier by many means:

Saying your Affirmations
Facing your fears
Thinking more positive thoughts
Helping others
Being kinder to yourself
Stop procrastinating
Whatever works for you

But you have to keep up this activity on a daily basis, just like a piece of machinery your happiness and positive attitude need regular maintenance.

You might ask yourself, why is it that my unhappy, depressive, negative attitudes come so easily, why don't I need to maintain them.

The truth is that you are maintaining them through negative habits that you have taught yourself over many years, you just might not realise it.

There will be a point where you cross a threshold, if you have not crossed it already. Where you will wake up and realize that feeling good and positive is the norm and feeling bad and stressed is unusual.

It will then be easier to maintain your positive attitude and happy state, but you will still have to continue your maintenance program. So design your positive attitude maintenance program now.

Design some Affirmations that work for you
Start identifying negative messages you tell yourself and replace them with positive ones
Build your own support group of friends to support you in your quest to become more positive
Make lists of your abilities and the things you are grateful for in life
Help others to be more positive

And put it into action, using it and updating it on a regular basis, and now is as good a time to start as ever.

I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writing articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.

I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.

For anybody who is interested in improving their attitude to life and would like to see more of my articles or simply wants some advice on how they can feel better about themselves please visit my website - I am interested in any feedback about whether my articles are providing a positive benefit.

Checking the Building For Square

The most important thing when building a home is the ability to keep everything as square, plumb and level as possible. Starting with the foundation, if the foundation is not square or level, the rest of the house is going to be out of alignment.

You've probably heard the saying, start with a good foundation. This applies to the building industry as well. There are quite a few ways to build a square foundation, it all depends on what kind of tools you have, to build it with.

Some of these tools can be quite expensive but it used every day can save you a lot of time and of course time is money.

You don't need expensive tools to build a square foundation. You could actually build a square foundation with less than $100 worth of tools. It might take you a little longer but could be done.

Let's start with the 3 - 4 - 5 rule.

Okay lets see if I can explain this in layman's terms. If no West side of the foundation is 3 foot and the north side of the foundation is for foot, then the diagonal measurement from the southwest corner to the northeast corner would be 5 foot. Out of square building can create foundation problems

This can also be done using 30' x 40' should equal 50 foot. You can use this if the building is large and you need to check it for square.

By measuring the foundation diagonally from each corner, the measurement should be exactly the same. If it isn't, the building is out of square and should be adjusted before the concrete is poured. This measurement should always be checked before you get too far along in the form building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at concrete contractor basics and home building ideas.

Effects Of False Prophets

Just the Way I AM

I may be wrong, but people seem to be getting more tolerant. It is as though in the name of political correctness, we have confused what is acceptable and what is not. My observation is based on the growing number of times I hear people say, Thats just the way I am. Or, Thats just how she/he is. It is as though saying someones this or that way makes they way they are ok. Well, I dont think so. Sometimes the way someone is is not ok. It can be wrong, rude, inappropriate, overly demanding, inconsiderate or a variety of other not ok stuff. When that happens, I dont think saying, that just how they are makes the behavior acceptable.

There is a difference between accepting someone as they are and being victimized by them. We need people in our life who accept us just as we are -- warts and all. Yet, that doesnt mean we need to bless them in their illness or let off the hook for becoming the best that they can be. People who accept me "just as I am," are those who have most likely earned the right to share with me where I need to change, grow or adjust.

Life is a balancing act between becoming and being. When am I an unfinished work in progress and when am I done?

Three questions provide the answer: 1 - Is my behavior hurting me? 2 Is my behavior hurting another? 3 Is my behavior keeping me from being all I am meant to be? If the answer is yes to any of the three, then I work on changing. If not, then its just the way I am.

Jim Gustafson was born in Chicago. He received his Masters Degree from Garrett Theological Seminary. An Ordained United Methodist Minister, he has served as a pastor and counselor. He has more than 20 years of broadcast management experience. His book Take Fun Seriously is sooned to be released. Jim live in Florida where he works, writes, plays golf and pulls weeds.

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Personal Development

Friday, September 4, 2009

Symbol of Brotherhood

Masonic jewelry is worn as a sign of membership of the brotherhood or passed down as family heirlooms. Here is a guide to this unique and interesting tradition.

The Brotherhood

The Freemasons have the longest history of any organization in the world. The first Grand Lodge was formed in 1717 in London, but there was loose organization and use of terms and symbols centuries before that. Stonemasons were the founding fathers.

Today, it is not necessary to be an actual mason to be a member as the principles of the brotherhood are self-improvement, social works and self-awareness. They were behind the creation of public schools in Europe and America.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, they also took it upon themselves to make sure orphans, the elderly and widows were taken care of when the system provided no protection for them. There are a lot of conspiracy theories, movies and books surrounding the mystery of the Masons, but there is no real secret to this philanthropic and educated organization.

Types of jewelry

To designate membership in a Masonic lodge, there are a variety of Masonic jewelry pieces that a member can wear. The traditional piece is the signet ring, but there are other options as well. For the man who already owns a Lodge ring, other gift options are cuff links, tie pins, pocket watches and even pendants. These can all bear the same the emblems as the rings.

The Symbols

Symbols in freemasonry are important and they designate the degree of the member, the lodge and what the member wants to say about his membership. The most common symbols are the square and compass which represent the cornerstone of freemasonry.

In the center of these tools is the letter "G", which stands for geometry, a principle of freemasonry, and for God, the original builder. Some other tools of the trade found in Masonic jewelry are the trowel, the plumb level and columns. There are many other symbols to choose from when designing different pieces.

Proper wear

Only members should wear membership jewelry, but there are cases where antique Masonic jewelry is passed down as family heirlooms. As far as how to wear the rings, there are no rules on the proper way. Some men like to wear the emblems facing them but others like to wear them facing out for others to see. Married men typically wear their rings on the right hand ring finger. Some men choose to wear their ring on the pinkie finger. So, really it is all about personal preference and comfort on how to wear the pieces.

How to clean it

In gold or silver, Masonic jewelry can be very simple or quite ornate. The more intricate the design, the dirtier it can get. Gold pieces can be soaked in warm soapy water and scrubbed with a soft brush. If there are enameled or synthetic colored parts, don't soak the piece, but gently scrub with a soft soapy brush. Regularly polish with a soft cloth. For sterling silver pieces, only use cleaners designed for silver cleaning. These products come in wipes, cloths and creams.

There are millions of freemasons across the world and a gift of men's Masonic jewelry is a great way to recognize his contribution to society and to honor his pride and dedication to his brotherhood.

Men's Masonic jewelry can make a great gift and is a way to show your appreciation for a member of the brotherhood. Browse through a beautiful collection of Masonic pieces in solid gold when you visit