Sunday, May 31, 2009

Awakening - White Sun

If we are not in the state of awakening and enlightenment, then we are still in the state of slumber and drowsiness. This awakening is not that we wake up from our sleep and aware from our dormant state. It is very difficult for the soul to wake up from its deep slumber without the guidance of Truth. Buddha in Sanskrit means the awakened one and it describes a person who has come to the understanding of the Truth and reality of life. It is to wake up from the delusions of the transient world of illusions.

We can look at the meaning of being awakened from two points of view. Firstly, being awakened means to be conscious or aware of what is going on around us. If we are wide awake, then no thieves would dare to steal the treasures from within us. Being awakened also means realization that is to understand the real and true purpose of life. When we come to this realization, we can put together and manifest fully the precious divine qualities in us. Unfortunately this is not easy to achieve because most of the time we are still lost and trapped by the colorful world around us. Our basic senses, like what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think, often deprive us of our peace of mind. This is akin to our precious treasures being stolen without us realizing it.

Secondly, to be awakened is to come to the realization of ones True Self. He makes sure that whatever he says, acts, and thinks are faultless. He maintains tranquility in his sensual organs. He gives convenience to others. He makes no distinction between himself and others. He conveys the Truth to others so that all, including himself; can become Buddhas. He vows to save the world out of his mercifulness.

If we are not awakened then we will find it very hard to let go of attachments and do not know how to untie entanglements. Many people would do anything to acquire what they desire to the extent of jeopardizing their own integrity and morality. They may act unscrupulously and ruthlessly to fulfill their innermost desires induced by the six senses. Such unrighteous behavior of mankind is a consequence of the attachment to the myriad worldly objects. The attachment to the temporal world will give rise to all obstacles and entanglements.

What do we mean by obstacles? The path of Truth is originally bright and smooth. It is because we choose to act in opposition to our conscience that our heart is then fill with guilt and remorse. The path thus becomes rough, narrow and full of pains and sorrows. We were originally a liberated soul that was free from troubles and worries. It was due to the attachment to the physical world that we became blinded and confused. We then cannot be the master of our destiny unless we are awakened to the Truth of life and its purpose. Fate will then determine our lives but if we are awakened then we can change our fate by knowing how to let go of attachment and untie the entanglement that can suffocate us to death.

The saddest thing of all is that we have been entangled in the worldly realm for too long that we are used to living in such manner and considered it as normal for human to live, grow old, fall sick and then die. We are confused and lost and our sense of spiritual awareness may not be deep enough to help us out of this misery. Sufferings become normal and thus we live in this world helplessly and lack the courage and wisdom to find a way to free ourselves from all these entanglements. Fortunately there are people who are awakened to this misery and search for the Truth to end this suffering.

We all wish to live a meaningful and fulfilling life that will end up with the attainment of eternal life like the previous Saints and Sages who managed to transcend the cycle of birth and death. To achieve this, we must firstly recognize that the worldly realm is not our real home and the physical body is not our true self, it is the false self. We know very well that one day we will all die. There will be a time when this body is no longer usable. When our time is up, we need to leave our body and everything we possess behind. Therefore, this body and this world are actually not ours and thus cannot be depended on but however, we need this body to save the true self, meaning using the false self to save the true self.

In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, we say that an awakened lives in the adulterated society, yet he is not tainted by emotions and desires. He devotes himself to the spreading of Tao to the world, transforming Hell into Heaven. He points out Tao of Heaven to those who are lost so that they can also realize their True Selves. He acts according to Tao. He will correct all his bad habits, perform good deeds, speak only of the Truth, practise only Tao, take only what he justly deserves, think of only righteous thoughts, be honest, and have an everlasting reputation by establishing his virtues. He takes ferrying those who are predestined to encounter Tao of Heaven as his mission. He vows to save the world out of his mercifulness and spread benevolence, justice, virtues and the truth.

This is the advice from my Heavenly Teacher JiGong, Everybody can become Sheng-Xian (saints and worthies); everybody can become Xian-Fo (angels, immortals and buddhas). It only depends on whether the person has aspiration or not. So long as one has aspiration, one can cultivate no matter if one lives as a commoner or leaves home and lives as a priest, a monk or a nun. For those who have aspiration, although they live at home, they would regard their wives or husbands as friends and their children as companions. The worldly affairs cannot pollute them and conjugal love cannot bind them. They take the Spirit and Life as the vital, and take Truth and Virtue as the honorable. They borrow the worldly and common way to cultivate the transcendent and uncommon way. For those who lack aspiration, they cannot see through the reality behind the worldly affairs; they focus on the unreal but slight the real, and they do not realize that Spirit and Life and Birth and Death are a great matter indeed.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew was told that in order to save the True Self (soul), we need the False Self (body) and only human can be awakened. Upon initiation of Tao, he realized that it is very important to restore his True Self and overcome emotions and desires. Website:

Power Of Affirmations

Secrets of Qigong Meditation

Qi ("chee": life energy) circulates through a network of meridians or channels in the human body. Qigong means "working with life energy." Through qigong training we can facilitate the movement of qi through the body. The movement of qi leads the circulation of the blood and other bodily fluids. The effects of qigong practice include: stress reduction, improved health and energy, emotional balance, mental calmness and clarity, and an awareness of the wholeness of life.

Qigong is a truly holistic philosophy and system of health care and self development. The primary principle of qigong practice is this: Where qi flows smoothly there is health, happiness, and well-being. Where qi flow is impeded, there is disease, distress, and conflict.

Smooth qi flow is regarded as a natural state of being. This natural state is affected by our responses to the demands of life. When we become sick or have dis-ease on any level of our being the questions in this system are: 1) Where is qi flow impeded? 2) What is impeding smooth qi flow? and 3) How do we facilitate smooth qi flow?

Qi flow is interrupted by the way that we handle internal and external stressors. Qi can be impeded by physical tension, emotional holding patterns, rigid thought patterns, and patterns of spiritual resignation. The more general pattern of impeded qi flow is experiencing yourself as a passive victim of circumstances that cause the conditions of your life. By contrast, in qigong we learn to experience ourselves as empowered participants in our health and self development.

This leads us to a second qigong principle: The mind leads the qi and the qi follows the mind. The term mind here means mental powers and spiritual intent. In qigong meditation, we learn to use powers of mind and spirit to feel, gather, store, cultivate, refine, and circulate universal qi. The circulation of qi leads the circulation of blood, lymphatic fluid, and nerve impulses along their respective pathways.

We lead qi in qigong meditation by following these cues: 1) Relaxing and aligning posture, 2) Smiling and breathing consciously, 3)Visualizing qi pathways, and 4) Imagining and feeling universal qi flowing smoothly along these pathways.

One further note on this principle: It may be more accurate to say we "allow" qi to flow smoothly rather than we "lead" it, because smooth qi flow is natural. We allow this natural process to occur when we stop restricting it. When we live in stress mode we restrict qi flow. When we center our awareness in universal qi, we allow a greater wisdom to work through us. We let go of ego control and allow higher powers of mind and spirit to come forth. Letting go leads us to the next qigong principle.

The third basic principle of qigong is active relaxation. The ability to actively relax is the first step toward a Core Energy State. When practicing, Qigong Master Tianyou Hao says "Don't forget, don't pursue." In qigong one is present and aware while being relaxed and calm. We learn to detach from our patterns of stress so we can recover the original joy and vitality which resides steadfastly ever-available at the core of our being.

What does smooth qi flow feel like? The classic signs of qi activity in the body are called the eight sensations. These are: heat, cold, pain, numbness, soreness, swelling, itching, and twitching. The less pleasant qi sensations occur when qi is blocked or when it is beginning to move in an area that has been stagnant. Most commonly the positive feelings of smooth qi flow are warmth, fullness, tingling, and a sense of overall happiness and well-being.

Now that you know some qigong basics, it's time to get to the most important part--practicing. Daily practice is the key to realizing the amazing positive effects of qigong meditation.

If you are interested in more articles in this series or my Learn Qigong Meditation Program visit:

Copyright 2006 by Kevin Schoeninger

Kevin Schoeninger: M.A. in Philosophy, Certified Qigong Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Reiki Master.

Developing Wealth Building Habit

How to Get What You Really Want

I love Wayne Dyer and here's one of his great videos

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the new habits that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development article library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

If You Behave Your Children Will
Why I Built Spiritualbooks4u

What Faithful Religious Followers

How can you honestly understand someone else's opinion if they sincerely differ from yours? For years I have been trying to understand the beliefs portrayed by organized religions around the world. Whenever someone is explaining part of their religion to me and I bring something to their attention, about their religion, and they don't know the answer, their replies always seem to be based around faith. You just need to believe.

I've been asking people for years, why do you believe? The answers vary from time to time but the essence of the answers are similar. Our conversations seem to start out with a few facts, which leads us into a friendly discussion about their religious beliefs and how they were formed. Whenever I start to dig a little too deep or ask some of these people questions that they don't have the answers to, the conversation always ends abruptly and the word faith always seems to appear.

I feel like this is the easy way out for religious believers.

I'm sure that they get frustrated with me, asking them questions about their religions, that they can't answer. Most of these people won't even bother to find the answers for themselves either, this has often irritated me, but at the same time I think I understand. Most people want to be a part of something but won't take the time to be involved in it. Living a life based on a little information, a lot of hope and the rest completely immersed in faith, seems like a life that is lived without questioning the most important thing in your life.

If I went to a place of worship and asked this question "What's the Most Important Thing in Your Life?" I would imagine most of these people would tell me it was their God or gods. God seems to be the main focus on their lives but they don't seek to understand how he came to be, why he doesn't help the poor, why won't God communicate with us, or even something as simple as understanding some, at the least 10% of your religion.

I don't believe there's anything wrong with living a faithful life. I have faith in things that are out of my control and am still seeking answers to their origins and existence. The sun, Earth, air, water and even God. I suggest to religious, nonbelievers and spiritual people all over the world, to gather a little more information about your beliefs, if they are indeed important to you.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence

Action Plan For Success

How to Write Inspirational Articles for Newsletters

Inspirational articles were once limited to self-help and religious publications, but they are just about everywhere now. (Think about those wildly popular Chicken Soup books or most of the stories in Reader's Digest, for example.) Inspirational articles can be very useful in newsletters, because they make a human connection between the newsletter publisher and the reader.

Well-written inspirational articles move people emotionally and motivate them to do something or to make a change of some sort. Nonprofit organizations can use these articles to motivate readers to volunteer, write letters of support, or make a donation. Businesses can use inspirational articles to create a positive public image, build brand loyalty, and encourage repeat business.

Good inspirational articles have five characteristics.

1. They are personal.

Inspirational articles are all about the power of personal connections. They should include very personal stories about real people's lives. Don't shy away from the emotion, as strong and powerful feelings are central to good inspirational articles. You aren't speaking to your readers' minds with these articles; you are speaking to their hearts and souls.

2. They involve an emotional struggle or challenging decision.

Clearly describe the struggles, obstacles, or difficult choices that the people in your article have faced. How did they recognize the problem, deal with it, and overcome it?

3. They paint a scene.

Help your readers visualize what the people in your story went through. Describe the physical locations where the events took place. But dont stop there. Appeal to your readers senses of smell, sound, taste, and touch.

4. They include a universal message.

Inspirational articles usually end with an epiphany. They enlighten us or remind us about the essential nature or meaning of some element of our daily lives. These are often very simple lessons -- the importance of family and friends, the joy in giving, the danger in stereotypes, or the value in facing our fears, for example.

5. They are true.

Your inspirational articles must always be true. It is OK to change the names or locations; just state that you have done so. Making up stories to play on your readers' emotions is unacceptable. If you are caught telling lies, you will destroy any trust your readers had in you and your organization.

What would make a good inspirational article for your organization? Think about the stories from work that you tell your friends and family. Consider interviewing a person whose life or work has changed dramatically as a result of your organization. The moments that inspire you to do the work you do will likely inspire your newsletter readers too.

2005, Kivi Leroux Miller. All Rights Reserved.

Kivi Leroux Miller is president of, which provides free writing advice, tip sheets, e-courses, and in-person workshops for people who need to write well at work. She specializes in providing guidance to nonprofit organizations on newsletters, annual reports, and other publications. Visit to sign up for "Writing Tips," a free monthly e-newsletter that will help you improve your writing and your publications.

Living Your Religion One Day A W

Stammering and Stuttering Treatments That Work

In the world of stuttering treatments there is unfortunately rather a lot of trash out there. You may believe that this is a rather hard hitting statement however if you are a person who has a stutter then I am confident that you will understand what I am saying. There are, however, treatments for stammering and stuttering that do work, I will be writing about these in this article.

So which stammering and stuttering therapies do work? Well the first piece of advice that I will give is that the treatments that are offered by people who have previously had and overcome this form of speech impediment are likely to prove to be the most beneficial.

There are stuttering therapy courses on the market which are run by people who formerly had a stammer or stutter. The second piece of advice is that the courses which are on a one-to-one basis are likely to be of more benefit than those that are on a group basis. Yes there is likely to be a longer waiting time before a person can attend a one-to-one course, this is essentially because they are more popular, for obvious reasons.

Over the last few years there has been an ever increasing demand and popularity for self-help stuttering therapy products. There are now some excellent alternatives within the market place including a DVD, an e-book and an audio book.

The third and final piece of advice, well at least for this article, that I will provide, is in relation to these self-help stammering/stuttering therapy products. Before you decide to purchase you should ensure that there is a support service which you can contact if you have any questions from watching, listening and reading the material. If there is not a support service in place then it could be well worth seeking an alternative form of stammering treatment.

Steve Hill is a speech coach from the UK; he runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre and has a number of websites including:
stuttering information
speech impediment cure

Faith Belief Or Education

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Inspiration Ideas and Motivation at the Movies

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Chakras Book Review
Teenage Drug Problems

Life is a Short Rant

Life is short, don't sell your soul, life, and time for money for too long of a period. Don't let little things get in your way of what you really want to do. Stop making excuses about why you can't do something. If you really want something, change it from a "should" and make it a "must".

Life is to be experience and enjoyed. Life is not meant to be spent doing something you don't want to do your whole life. Plan out your life so that you can soon do what you want, and work because you want to not because you have to, that is, if you even decide to work. Everyone is looking for one thing in life: Happiness. So why is it that most people want to cling to things that make them unhappy? The answer is FEAR. Fear of losing that sense of security, which for most of us, is a false sense of security.

Quit doing what the average person does or you will end up living a life that average people live. Be a kid again and dream big. Don't let the limitations of your income bring your dreams down. Plan your life in a way that will let you experience those dreams. By doing so you will inspire those around you. Don't get caught up in making a living instead of designing your life. Don't be one of those people who wake up one day when they're old and say to themselves "what happened to my life?" Letting the little things in life get in the way of big things in life is foolish.

You're probably thinking one of three things at this point (that is if you've read this far). One is "blah blah blah, easy for this guy to say, he doesn't know me, he doesn't know how complicated and hard my life is". Two: "Eh, I'm cool where I am right now, I might not being living my dreams, but I'm comfortable". Three: "I understand where he's getting at, but even if I wanted to live out my dreams, I wouldn't know where to start".

1. Whatever you're facing or going through, there are millions of people who have it worse than you. Stop complaining about circumstances. Circumstances happen to everyone, it's what you do about it that matters. If you keep complaining, you will only end up living a life worth complaining about.

2. Being in the middle is probably the worse place to be. You're not living the life you want to live but your life is not bad enough for you to do anything about it. This is where most dreams are destroyed and lives are ruined. We get comfortable. We start rationalizing "it's not that bad, I have it better than a lot of the people I know". If you want to be average, keep rationalizing. If you want to live your dreams, be honest with yourself. Don't be like the dog that whines because he's lying on a nail but doesn't do anything about it because it doesn't hurt enough. Jump on that damn nail as hard as you can so that it will wake you up and get you moving towards the life you really want to live.

3. Everything starts with you. For things to change, you must change. As long as you have strong enough reasons why you MUST live the life you dream of, the "how-to" will eventually come to you. That determination and undeniable belief that you WILL live your dreams will soon attract people into your life who can help you get to where you want to be. Start surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you and who can see you for who you can become instead of just who you are today. Negative people are energy drainers, dream stealers, life destroyers and you should get as far away from them as possible. Your life will never far exceed the expectations from your peer group. Want to know how your life will turn out, look at your friends. If you don't like what you see, get new friends.

In closing, life really is short. Tomorrow was never promised. No one ever said you will still be alive 5 years from now, or even 3 months from now. The more time you spend on doing things you don't like, the less time you will have doing the things you enjoy. What ever it is you want to do in life, start today, don't delay, make a plan and start right now!

Kevin Ngo is the creator of - a motivational resource website that provides free tools to help people stay motivated long enough to create successful habits in order to obtain their goals. Ready to get back on track? You're one click away.

Starting Your Own Religion

Using Your Emotions to Create the Beauty From Within

Have you ever been in the room with someone who is truly beautiful? Are you entranced by the clothes, their looks, how their hair is done, how they walk, talk or speak? Where does beauty come from?

We have all heard the saying, 'beauty comes from within' which on the days that your hair does what it wants, you have chosen the wrong shoes to go with your outfit or you just don't feel your best, means nothing. Compliments are thrown to the wayside and you are not able to enjoy your accomplishments.

When you are experiencing those dark, ugly moments, what is going on in your head? Stop! Listen and hear what you are saying to yourself. It is true that you create your own beauty and it does come from within. What you say to yourself creates a light-filled beauty or a person from the dark side.

Your Self-Talk

Your self-talk is affecting your emotions, decisions and how beautiful you feel each day. Our thoughts affect our mood, our health and how we live each day. So, if you tell yourself that you are beautiful, guess what, you are. And that beauty will show in how people react to you when you are doing business, with friends or family.

Self-talk is a deeply ingrained, generational habit. It is like having a computer chip downloaded with instructions that you play over and over and believe is your reality.

These habits can even be measured. There is an evolving research field known as positive psychology. Dr. Sonja Lyubormirsky, in her book, The How of Happiness, states that as much as 40 percent of our happiness "is left for the intentional activities that we can choose to engage in . . . the things that we do and think every day of our lives."

By engaging in thoughts of self disapproval we bury our beauty under dark, negative feelings about ourselves. It affects every aspect of our lives and limits our possibilities.

Learn to create your most beautiful self by monitoring how you are feeling. When those dark moments appear, watch them, stop them and search your mind for an alternate, beautiful way of seeing and feeling about yourself.

The following exercise is one of the most powerful I have ever done. You may surprise yourself at how beautiful you are.

1. Write about how you see yourself. Include the dark, negative aspects that you hear yourself saying constantly. Be brutal, this is the ugly, dark side.

2. Write about who you want to be. How beautiful, wonderful, delightful, kind, enjoyable, exciting, loving, great, accomplished . . . etc. You know that person you see when you walk in a room that you want to be around because you feel so great when you are with them. Write about that person, it is you.

When you are done writing these two scenarios, read them. They are two completely different people. You will probably surprise yourself seeing how wonderful you are. Keep the one about your beauty close and read it often. This is the person you are and can become with practice.

Some other suggestions:

Be aware of what you are thinking

Shoot down those negative thoughts with positive ones

Find some books or CDs on positive self talk

Use them daily

Envision a world of beauty with you in it

Work at saying only positive statements

As you are creating your own beauty make sure that you spend time each day noticing the beauty around you. When you appreciate this beautiful world your beauty becomes a part of it and you will carry it with you everywhere.

Find your beauty, carry it with you and give it to others. Your beauty is needed in this world.

Tana Dean is an ecopreneur, author and speaker. Her book, available on her website, Your Money, Your Power: 10 Ideas for Mindful Spending to Create a Healthy Green Planet coaches us on how to create a more healthy, peaceful planet using our daily financial decisions and actions. She designed and developed her internet eco business website with articles, products and resources. She also offers her favorite products, Certified Organic Skin, Home and Nutrition. Her site focuses on Abundant Lifestyle, Green Living and Healthy Bodies. She is a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.

Time To Yourself And Meditation

3 Things to Keep in Mind to Stay Optimistic During Turbulent Times

Okay, so we've all seen the news: Many people are experiencing an economic downturn. Some people are fortunate enough to not be feeling the pinch, but many are. Although it seems rough right now, we all need to be mindful that there is great opportunity in a time like this. Here are three things to keep in mind to stay optimistic during these challenging times:

1. Be grateful for the things you have. Yeah, things are tight right now, but guess what? There are so many other things to be grateful for! Did you wake up today? Awesome! Say "thank you" for that! Do you have full use of your limbs? Say "thank you" for that! How about the fact that you don't live in the Congo? We are blessed beyond measure, but we get ungrateful and often don't think about these things that are so important and wonderful and yet so easy to forget.

2. Realize that opportunity rises from crisis. In the past, when things got rough for me, I wondered, "Why does it always happen to ME?" I'll be honest, I had a victim mentality. But as time went on, and I developed a more optimistic perspective on life, I would reflect on what I could learn from my adverse situation. Now, any time it seems like my world is falling apart, that things are just not going right, I reflect on past occurrences that seemed difficult at the moment, but ended up being an awesome growing experience for me. All my past negative experiences eventually lead to something beautiful and positive, and I have learned to be still and wait on the blessings that I know are around the corner. A layoff can result in a successful business endeavor. A painful breakup can lead to meeting the mate of your dreams. Develop a spirit of expectancy and keep your eyes open for the growth and opportunity that will come out of this situation.

3. Times like these can strengthen relationships. When times get tough, many friends and relatives lean on each other in ways they otherwise would not do in times of great prosperity. People have to move in with each other, carpool, or share more meals, and occurrences like these allow us all to spend more time together, see beautiful qualities in one another, and remind us all why we love each other so much. (Note: I understand that relationships are often strained during financial hardships, but there is also an opportunity to love and lean on each other a little harder, too. We make the decision as to how we want to interpret our situation.)

If you believe in a higher power, you are probably familiar with the concept of casting your burdens on God. But how many of us do that? Are you at home biting your nails, worrying about your bills, etc.? If that is the case, then you are not practicing your faith effectively. It is useless and unhealthy to worry after you have done all there is for you to humanly do. I learned something wonderful from a powerful woman named Florence Scovel Shinn. She writes in her book, "The Game of Life and How to Play It," that when you have done all you can do and see no other way out, you are to take advantage of your right to cast your burdens on God. So, when you feel there is nothing else for you to do, say, "I cast this burden on God and I go free." I know this sounds wild, but words impress the subconscious in a powerful way, and you will be amazed at the sea of calm that washes over you as you cast your burdens on an omnipotent power that gives you everything in the way of health, happiness, and supply. Remember these three things, stay optimistic, and watch wonderful things come your way. Be encouraged!

Nick Jenkins is a Success Coach & Consultant. Visit her site at to learn more.

Figure Out What You Want In Life

Friday, May 29, 2009

Four Sure-Fire Ways to NOT Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions

Most people tend to give up on making New Year's Resolution simply because they claim they do not work. Below are some sure ways to totally sink your New Year's Resolutions (if you have made any).

1. Create a Total Lack Of Clarity in What You Want

Just make statements such as "I want to be more successful", "I want more customers" or even "I want more money". Unsuccessful people tend to make generalized statements about what they want. One big problem is that they will never know whether they have reached it or not. Successful People tend to be very specific in what they want- "Success to me means that I want to get on track to exercising regularly 3 times a week on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night at 9pm" or "I want to see my customer base increase 8% this year". They tend to print many copies of their resolutions and pint them up in areas most visible. This goes with the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind."

2. Create Unrealistic Expectations With No Milestone Planning

One typical example is a weight lost expectation: I want to lose 13.2 pounds (or 6 kg) this quarter. Or another: I want to increase my income by 5 times. They do so without doing anything different from last year. If you want to increase your income by 5-fold, what you are currently doing has to change and starting creating new strategies for it. Creating milestones are also important in helping you keep track where you are in your goal. Whole year goals should be mixed with quarterly goals so that you know where you are going and can celebrate when you achieve them along the way. Celebration is an important aspect of getting results.

3. Do Not Come Up With A Plan To Achieve It

Dreams are great, and most of the time the first thing to achieve your dreams is to wake up! Unsuccessful people tend to just WANT things or results. They may not want to put in a plan to specify how they intend to achieve results. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Successful people usually have a plan (may not be the perfect plan) that will ensure that they will draw closer to the desired results. They know that plans can change according to the situations and remain flexible.

4. They Do Not Share Their Intentions With Other People

From my experience, most people believe that we should just keep our resolutions quiet and ensure that others do not know about it. This is so that when one fails, no one will know. However, if you intend to achieve it, shout it out and ensure that your best friends, colleagues or even (gasp!) family members know about it. When you put yourself on the line, you tend to achieve it. This is because there are people around you reminding you of what you have said!

So... what are you waiting for? Can you share with me your plans?

Kenneth is the Principle Trainer of Deep Impact and has spoken to thousands of clients on Mindset and Attitudes shift as well as Building Teams. You can get your free report of "7 Transformational Secrets to Creating a Dynamic and Cohesive Team in your workplace" from

Problem Solving Tips

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finish What You Started

This is an important lesson in your journey. It will set you apart from many others with similar ideas and passion. It will offer you breakthroughs and give you a profound sense of accomplishment.

Many people talk the talk but don't deliver. There are lots of entrepreneurs out there who have nothing to show for themselves but a bunch of unfinished ideas and dreams. If possible, finish what you started. Don't quit before you complete it, or let someone talk you out of your dreams, goals and what can become a reality. I repeat again. FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED.

That doesn't mean when something gets too hard you give it over to someone else and say "This is too hard, you do it." But if you need some expertise to complete it, there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone who can assist you to get it done. Also finish the project with the best of your ability not half hearted. There are a lot of sloppy completed jobs out there. But it is not a sign of excellence. But here's the thing, if achieving perfection is stalling you and it means that the project is not complete after many years, drop your perfectionist attitude and finish it. On y our second project you can incorporate more of what you wished to achieve in the first try. If you don't complete and finish tasks you are going to have a ton of regrets in your life. "I could have-" I should have--" "This was a good idea, I don't know why I didn't do something with it-" --"If I can just get off my _ _ _ and get it done, I might have huge success." "This could have been a huge best seller-" etc.

Do you have many uncompleted manuscripts, stories, films, great inventions, clever ideas that linger in your closet and file cabinets? When I turned 40 years old, there was this urgency in my life to FINISH SOMETHING. To get it out there to the public with everything I could muster. I began to finish some projects. The sense of urgency drives me forward. I am now determined to finish every new thing that I start.

You can have that same fervor to finish projects. Never mind if anyone likes it or what people may or may not think. Get it done. Let others wonder how you did it after it's done. Start to complete tasks and stop wasting your time and life. In case you didn't know your life, work and energy is a limited resource. You only have this moment to work and complete it.

Have a different mind set in determining when the project is actually complete. Don't stop before the full project is accomplished. For instance, you have an idea and maybe an outline for a book, you write it, now you have to get it edited, and published. But you can't forget marketing and promoting! You do an outline of an audio CD and you have to record it, produce it and market it! If you have a great idea for a song, why not determine how many songs are needed to create an album? That would be a finished project!! I know that completing tasks can be daunting, but if you have the mind set to finish what you started, that discipline will solidify talent and ability that you have. You will emerge as a leader and doer.

People will know that if you say something they will be able to count on you to accomplish what you say will be done. But for yourself, it is necessary for building confidence, strong self esteem, a sense of pride and understanding of your personal strengths, talents and discipline. Once you achieved something, no one can take that accomplishment away from you. Whether it is your school work, after school curriculum, a group project, or a research project, or your own brilliant idea, you will feel ecstatic when you did it to the best of your ability and others start taking notice. But let me remind you again, nobody will ever notice anything if you have all these unfinished, albeit great ideas scattered around your room, closet, filing cabinets, or filling notebooks, etc. Determine to finish what you started.

Some projects are more urgent than others so make them the priority. For an example if you don't finish high school or get your GED you will never get into college. If you need to pass a certification test to enter into a profession, you must finish and complete that certification process satisfactorily before you can be admitted. You won't be a MD if you don't finish medical school and then pass the medical tests or your internship at an area hospital. Everything is relative to what you wish to accomplish in your life.

If you can't finish an assignment, very shortly the assignments will begin to dry up because bosses will know that you are unreliable. If you wish to be a professional athlete and you don't finish your first competitive match up, you can't move on to the next round. Many times we don't finish projects or ideas because we start to get intimidated first by the undertaking, and second by what others might think of us, and thirdly by our own doubts or thoughts of unworthiness. We shelve the project in the idea stage many times simply because we talked ourselves out of it.

Find those things that you are really suitable for and focus your energy on these. This will help you to finish what you set out to do, because you will have passion, devotion, and drive for what you love to do. Many times you have to dig really deep within you for courage and the discipline to complete one thing or everything. But it will be worth it in the long run both financially and emotionally. You will feel complete inside with each project or goal that you undertake to it's fullest and get done.

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Book Of Life

Attraction and Positive Thinking - 4 Steps to Success

The Law of Attraction gets a lot of press. It is a simple notion, that the things you imagine, visualize, and focus upon in your mind can become manifest on your concrete existence. Conversely, focusing on the negative possibilities may help bring those circumstances or events into reality.

Attraction is a simple concept, but it is not always easy to implement. Old patterns of thinking, depression, and the influence of others may inhibit the success of positive thinking. Here are 4 steps toward success in achieving a state of positive thinking where you can utilize the Law of Attraction:

1. Take care of your physical body. The body and mind are linked, and the health of one certainly impacts the health of the other. Eat healthy, whole foods, including fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and refined sugars. Take natural supplements such as a food based multivitamin, calcium if you need it, and fish oil. If you struggle with mild depression, try L-Theanine and 5 HTP (hydroxytryptophan). Implement an exercise plan approved by your doctor.

2. Release your negative thinking about yourself. To accomplish this, you may need counseling to help you work through your individual issues and faulty self perception. The support of close family and friends also goes a long way toward helping you to feel better about yourself. Imagine yourself as being just who, and where you need to be right now. Understand that you have purpose and meaning in the universe.

3. Release your negative thinking about others. If you are harboring anger or hurt toward someone, try allowing yourself the full emotion and physical effect, then make a decision to release it. Imagine you are just where you are meant to be at this moment. Try to comprehend and accept that the person who wronged you is working with and doing what they can with whatever they have, even if it isn't much. Imagine the potential benefits that may come from the negative experience, and practice releasing the offender or the event to the universe, to whatever God has in store for him or her.

4. Begin "daydreaming" about the things you desire. Is it a new house? A happy relationship? A car? A more fulfilling job? Imagine how it will feel, taste, look, and smell to have the thing you want. The more detailed you can make the sensory experience, the better. If a negative thought enters your mind, imagine a big red "X" through it and say "Cancel" or another dismissive word.

Are you interested in addressing your life challenges from a holistic standpoint, assessing the physical, emotional, and relationship components?

For a free copy of my ebook, "Natural Methods To Fight Depression", click here:

Shannon Cook is a personal growth and relationship expert who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and holistic personal growth, including physical, emotional and relationship health.

Can One Book Change Your Life

Monday, May 25, 2009

Personal Development - Add Juice to Your Life!

Life is growth, and we are not growing we are dying. If we think about this point, we can see how life can become monotonous, and mundane. When we explore we feel great, when we settle to routine, we lose sight of a vision.

What is the point of digging a hole in the ground, if all we are going to do is cover it up again? Sometimes life can seem pointless. Get up, go to work, work, come home, sleep, and rinse and repeat.

Daily routine can add its toll. But, it does not have to be that way. In fact I am sure you have had times in your life where things are going great. If you look back, it likely was a time when you were doing something new. You were exploring, and growing.

So life is growth. When we grow we feel great. When we try a new meal or go to a new destination, we learn something new. We learn we liked it or we didn't, and even what it looked like. We have created a bigger map, and here is where personal development can add zest to your life.

What has Bill Gates, Obama, King Solomon and a beggar got in common? They all goal set! Goal setting is at the heart of personal development, and it is so, because goals are generally for things we have never achieved before.

So, what has personal development and goal setting got in common? You set a goal, and now, you have to develop to get that goal. This is so, because we can only have what we are ready for. A person earning $30k a year can't earn $100k a year, until they grow.

Now, back to Bill Gates, Obama, King Solomon and the beggar. With goal setting, we all do it. Unfortunately the first 3 people set a productive goal, while the beggar did not. We may say the person on the street has no choice; they are stuck there because of circumstance.

If we hold such a view it says that we wholly believe in fate, and there is no room to achieve goals, which would be unfortunate, and does not give room for goal setting. The truth is that personal development and goal setting can take you from where you are to where you want to get to.

And here is where the fun begins. You set goals that are positive, for whatever you want. And you work to get them. They require personal development for learning, they need applying to transform learning into skills. And finally the confidence of achievement.

Goal setters live longer and they achieve more in one life time that many would not in several lifetimes. Personal development is a loose subject, which adds benefit to it also. It is like science, it can include chemistry, biology, astronomy and many more subjects.

Likewise personal development includes personal and professional, wealth, health, happiness and a number of other areas. Enjoy personal development, and grow to your full potential.

Goal setting can be a great way to cut down the time to success. Visit this goal setting link for more info. Also I have my blog up where I put some golden gems which can help you on your journey to success - success coaching.

Laws Of Attraction In Action

Discover How to Gain Self Confidence and Improve Yourself With Easy Methods You Can Do Right Now!

Many people don't have any idea about how to gain self confidence. All of us have our flaws in place. However, we are also useful each in our own way. Therefore, if there is anyone around you who is trying to make you feel useless, then immediately state otherwise. You need to be confident of yourself before exuding it to others.

The more you listen to others who place restrictions on your capabilities the more you start to believe in the impossibility of things. The main thing about how to gain self confidence is to believe that you can do anything you put your mind to if you want to.

Think well about yourself. Be rational about your success and don't blow your failures out of proportion. We all have our good times, and we have our bad times. A confident person will take the good times as it comes and will handle the bad times with much more ease.

If you don't take care of your self confidence you will be stuck in a never ending cycle of low self esteem and depression. Your opinion of yourself will be low at all times. You will never realize your potential. Therefore, it is important to be around people who will boost your confidence and fill your mind with positive thoughts. Stay away from discouraging or intimidating people.

The pursuit of self confidence must come from within. Unless you want to change that about yourself, no one else can. But with the right techniques and tools you can accomplish amazing results.

If you want to discover how to gain self confidence and improve yourself in other areas in your life, check out my review of some of the most effective Self Confidence Boosters available.

Read my Quantum Mind Power Review To Find out More about this powerful program. You dont want to miss out on this Amazing Secret when you can solve your problems Today!

Living With Out Limits

Happy Children - Create a Happy Child with a Tantrum of Thankfulness

In my research on potty training for our potty training course, I have learned that children respond to the emotions of their parents and care takers. In further research, I have learned that in all relationships, the most important step you can take in creating a successful relationship is to be happy yourself.

All people are attracted to happiness. This trait is most easily observed in children who have not yet learned to suppress their emotions.

The most important gift that you can give your child is your own happiness. When you are happy yourself, you will naturally be more patient, kind and loving toward your child. You dont have to work at it, the love just flows naturally when you are happy.

Too many parents think that once they have children, pursuing their own happiness is selfish and something to feel guilty about. Neglecting your children while pursing your happiness may be something to feel guilty about; however, there are many ways to create your own happiness and provide care for your children at the same time.

Children need love and happiness as part of their nutritional requirements. They cannot grow and develop to their full potential unless they receive adequate love and attention.

Parents who are filled with happiness and who think happy thoughts the majority of the time are in a much better position to provide the nurturing environment that children need to grow and develop. Finding your own happiness is the first step in creating a happy child.

Dr Wayne Dyer suggests in his books that you can choose your emotions. You simply choose to feel angry or choose to feel happy. While I love his writings, I have had trouble practicing that suggestion. What works better for me is to choose thoughts that allow the happy emotions to flow naturally.

For example, when my dog was injured, there was no way I could feel happy about his injury. However, after a great deal of prayer and meditation, I was able to slowly begin to find things about the episode that I could feel better about. By slowly changing my thoughts from sadness and anger to thankfulness and expectation, I was eventually able to feel happy again about my dog.

And just like a child, my dog has responded to my thoughts and emotions. While I was sad, he moped around and looked awful. As my mood improved, he began to get more active and is now again the feisty puppy that I enjoy spending time with.

Because children respond so visibly to your emotions, it is your duty as a parent to be as happy as you can be. Seeking your own happiness is not selfish, but the act of a loving and responsible parent.

Over the years, I have observed many child behavior issues that we very obviously linked to the unhappiness of the parents. Well, it was obvious to everyone except the parents of these children. They kept looking for someone else to blame for their childrens problems. They continued to create more unhappiness for their children and everyone involved.

So, if you notice undesirable behavior in your own children, take a moment to look inside yourself before you start looking for someone else to blame. Are you happy? If not, take steps to address your own emotions before you start to work with your childrens behavior problems.

As an engineer, I was very good at the identify a problem, find a cause, remove the cause, theres your solution kind of problem solving method. But in my work with children, I have found that this method is ineffective.

A better method is to simply identify and express the desired behavior and then encourage it. I call this the creative intention method of problem solving.

We can leave the cause finding to the research scientists. As parents, we just want happy well behaved children.

And the first step in creating happy children is to find happiness ourselves. Creative intention works especially well in finding ways to create more happy thoughts in your life and in the life of your children.

In every situation, there is always something good to be thankful for. Those of us who are accustomed to finding problems that need a solution will need to practice a bit before we can easily and quickly see the good in every situation. You may want to find someone who is naturally optimistic to mentor you.

But with practice we all can learn to think thoughts that will create happy feelings.

One quick exercise that can help is throwing a Tantrum of Thankfulness. We all know that two year olds can express a lot of emotion is a short period of time so let us use that example to create more of what we want and less of what we dont want.

Set a timer for three minutes. During that time think of as many things as you can to be thankful for. Write them down, speak them aloud or just think about them. I like to do opposites: I am thankful for sunshine, I am thankful for rain. Get as animated as possible while doing this exercise. Jump around, sing, yell, do whatever you can to experience the emotion of passionate thankfulness.

Get your children involved in the game. Really listen to what they are thankful for. If they dont understand the concept of thankful just ask what makes them happy. Dont make any judgments, just go with what they say.

I prefer to do this exercise with my dog as my children are older and think I am crazy. My dog just enjoys the company.

Whenever you find unhappy thoughts creeping in, just throw a tantrum of thankfulness. If it is not appropriate to throw a tantrum right there like waiting in line at the post office - just remember the last tantrum you threw. Experience the happiness in your mind and smile.

The greatest gift you can ever give to anyone is that of your own happiness. Guard it with all your might and seek new ways to create happiness everyday.

Teach your children how to be happy. Create a happy world for all of us one happy child at a time.

Mike Strawbridge is the owner of Straw Solutions Performance Improvement Consulting and is dedicated to creating happy business owners and happy employees.

Mike is also a contributing writer for the Potty Training Site

Dealing With Macho Mentality

Many Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a way of life. It leads one to the path of health and peace.

Meditation is not easy. One needs a mental discipline and dedication. It requires perseverance just like those who are dedicated to their sports, art or other field of endeavour. Over time, their performance is enhanced through their dedication and discipline. There is much to gain from learning to embrace the practice of meditation. It is not as awkward and uncomfortable as some may think.

Meditation works through the brain circuitry. Meditative practice helps people achieve different levels of awareness. Through meditation. the brain waves get organized and mental activities like focus, memory, learning and awareness are sharpened. Benefits of meditation touches on the physical, psychological and spiritual level. Many medical practitioners believe in the benefits of meditation.


Stress reduction

Today's world is stressful. Negative emotions invade our everyday life. These manifest as disappointments, regrets, overwhelming responsibilities, relationship issues, failure, feelings of rejection and a lot of other issues. There are many physical conditions triggered by stress such as hypertension, cardio-vascular disorders, ulcers, skin rash and insomnia, just to name a few.

Calm down, relax. These are words we hear when stress starts to take over. Meditation offers the promise of a tranquil and calm mind. Meditation is not a review of what could have been and other thoughts of uncertainty. It is not a rehash of unpleasant events. Meditation is a way to relax the mind and focus on the present moment. A calmer mind is empowering. Issues are not threatening.

Levels of cortisol and lactate are lowered through meditation. These chemicals are linked with stress. During deep meditation, the metabolic rate and heart rate are reduced. It is a process of slowing down. This state will not be achieved quickly.With patience and dedication, a meditator will get to this state.


Meditation quietens the mind. This brings about coherence in the brain waves. When the brain wave activities are in harmony, this is associated with improved reasoning and greater creativity. The clutter in the mind is minimized.

Other psychological benefits are decreased anxiety, decreased depression and irritability. With a quieter mind, the power of concentration is improved, memory is enhanced, vigor and vitality is renewed, better emotional stability and self-awareness. A calmer person finds inner peace and happiness and projects this on the outside. Meditation makes one realize that problems people worry about are trivial.


Meditation is a way to connect with inner feelings. It guides one to feel calm, love and peace. Acknowledge negative feelings and let these go.The goals of meditation is to replace these with positive feelings. Meditation helps one to go deeper into one's being and appreciate what a relief it is to be able to surrender negative thoughts, let go all negative feelings that cloud judgment and reason.

Meditation ushers one into a different world. There is an experience of feeling peaceful and general well-being. Intuitive capabilities are enhanced with a feeling of assurance and "knowingness." One embraces unconditional love and psychic abilities are sharpened.


Breathing is very important in meditation. It is a way to calm down and quieten the clutter in the mind. Thoughts will come and go as one meditates, especially at the start. Don't let this discourage you. Even expert meditators experience fleeting thoughts that intrude into their meditation. Just let it go and continue meditating.

The proper way to breathe is to extend the stomach on inhale, and contract on exhale. The shoulders should not move. Focus on counting as you breathe in and out.

Sit in an upright position, on the floor, lotus or semi- lotus position or sit on a chair. It is important to be comfortable.

Focus on breathing and nothing else.

Start with count of four or five as you breathe in. Hold your breath

Count the same as you breathe out.

Thoughts will come and go, don't let this stop you, just keep counting and breathing.

As you practice, increase the count. Savor the calmness and relax. Slowly, you can adopt a mantra, this helps you to keep your focus. As you practise, you will be able to clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. As time moves on, so will you. Discover the surreal world of meditation. There is a lot of doors to open.

Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality.

Visit her website :

Studying On Faith Alone

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Healing into Light - The Purification of Individuals and of the Earth

Today, many people on the planet are in need of healing and are suffering through difficult times - some physically, some emotionally, some due to what appear to be external circumstances. In reality, the earth itself is undergoing a global purification which is causing many to experience an upsurge of both emotional and physical difficulties. We are not yet accustomed to thinking of everything that is physical as having a spiritual root, and yet this is what is taking place as purification advances upon the planet. Many nations, as well, are experiencing a similar kind of upheaval related to planetary purification. The purpose of this movement and, indeed, of this turbulence, is to free the self of formerly blocked negative energies and ultimately to create greater freedom for each self and for the planet as a whole.

The purification of the individual and of the planet operates according to similar principles and the healing that is made possible through both is the same. Light intensifies in its potency, creating a separation between energies of light and darkness. The darkness, once separated, moves from a dormant state into the light of awareness where it can be seen, and felt, and released into the infinite light of God. During this passage, things that were held in the body because they were too painful to feel things that may have manifested as longstanding physical or emotional symptoms may intensify in their level of activity while at the same time becoming available to our awareness again. On a planetary level also, things that were latent within human consciousness are now more readily acted out upon the world stage because what was hidden is now revealed, and what has become more conscious has a greater possibility for becoming active in its expression. The purification that is taking place in a general sense means that people will feel more that things will come up more frequently and with greater intensity on all levels in order to be healed. This is the result of the greater efficacy of light upon the earth, and though its immediate result may be disturbing in certain respects, it is simultaneously creating the possibility for greater freedom of people everywhere to live in love, in peace, and with a sense of unity with all of life.

The increased possibility for dealing with formerly concealed or dormant energies that are now making themselves known, creates entirely new possibilities for healing at this time. This can include physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that are acute, or those that may have troubled us for years. The power of light that is now more available on the planet is already infusing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Through understanding the process and through working with it in a conscious way in a way that focuses on the incorporation of greater light into the body and consciousness - greater healing of pain and suffering that relate to the time we are in can take place, and discomfort and distress can be alleviated.

There are many avenues of working with light for purposes of healing and purification, some more powerful than others. Some take place through meditation; some through participation in the synergy of light-filled groups; some through being in nature, and some through spiritual practices which focus more directly on alignment and on breathing in light for the purpose of healing painful areas of life, whether physical, emotional, or any other variety. Commitment to such a practice can go a long way toward concentrating light in the body for purposes of healing. It can also create a heightened awareness, simultaneously, of our deeper identity as spiritual beings.

For additional writings by Julie Redstone see Pathways of Light. For a deeper understanding of healing through light as it relates to pain and suffering, see the Calendar of Healing.

Submit Your Link to Yoga Directories

Submit your yoga web site's link to online yoga directories so that students can find your classes and services. The right yoga directories will not only send a trickle of traffic directly to your yoga web site, but also help your site show up higher in the search engines. Get your site onto page one of Google for yoga in your area, and would-be students will flock to your site.

Where is your yoga web site in Google right now?

Is your yoga web site lost in Google? Most yoga searchers won't look past page one or two when searching for yoga class information, so it's important to help your would-be students find your web site and yoga classes easily.

Just like in a brick-and-mortar yoga business, the most important factor for your yoga web site's success is "location, location, location." And in this case, the location you want is on Google's first page of search results, using the most popular search terms for yoga in your area.

One of the easiest ways to claim your stake on this coveted search engine real estate is to submit your yoga site to various yoga directories online.

What is a yoga directory?

A directory is a site that lists links to web sites grouped by topic. There are general directories, which may have a yoga section in addition to other, unrelated topics, and then there are niche yoga directories, which only list yoga links. You may even find directories that only list links for a subset of yoga, such as Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, or Kripalu Yoga.

As a general rule, it's a good idea to submit your yoga link to any directory that will bring you web traffic and/or help boost your site's rank in search results pages.You want to earn as many links from other related sites as possible to your web site not only to get traffic from those sites, but more importantly, so that Google and the other search engines will consider your site an authority on the subject you and the other sites cover.

Become a yoga "authority," and search engines will bring you traffic.

Authority web sites rank higher in search engine results pages. The higher your site ranks for yoga terms people actually search for, the more traffic you get. The more traffic, the more yoga students.

Some sites will ask you for a reciprocal link. Keep in mind that linking to another site is like casting a vote for it, and the content on that site is like an extension of your own site. Consider carefully who you link to. For instance, you may not want to link to the yoga studio down the street from you, they're a competitor. And you don't want to link to a site that holds no benefit for your yoga site visitors. They won't appreciate it if you waste their time with useless links.

More considerations for yoga link exchanges and paid listings:

Another thing to look out for when exchanging links or paying listing fees is to make sure you get what's called a "direct link" to your yoga site. Some yoga directories don't actually link directly to you, but instead link to themselves then redirect the traffic to your site. An easy way to tell if this is happening is to put the cursor over a link in the directory to see what address shows in the bottom of the screen. If the url of the web site being linked to doesn't show up, it's a good sign this isn't a direct link.

Another trick link directories employ is what's a called a "nofollow" link. This looks like a direct link -- when you mouse over a link, the actual web site's url shows up. But the directory has inserted some code -- either into the link itself, the meta tags in the header of the page, or in a file called robots.txt -- to keep search engines from following the link.

What this does is set up a condition so that human visitors will see your link and can click to your site, but your web site won't get the benefit of a "vote" from the directory. That means your yoga web site won't get a bump in search engine results. The easiest way to detect "nofollow" links is to use the Firefox browser with an add-on called SearchStatus. SearchStatus will display "nofollow" links with a pink background.

Directories use these strategies so that they will maintain higher listings than the sites they link to. It's fine to submit your site to these directories, but think twice about linking back to them from your own yoga site. If it's a high-volume directory (like the online Yellow Pages, for instance) it might be worth it. Otherwise, a link back is not worth it, and neither is paying for a link, in most cases.

Though directory links and links from a list of links don't count towards authority as much as a link surrounded by a few paragraphs of text (called a "contextual link"), general directories with yoga sections and niche yoga directories are a great place to start in building links to your yoga site. It's easy, and it's free.

Get more students: Submit your yoga URL!

Yoga directories are a great tool you can use to drive more traffic to your yoga web site and earn more yoga students, so start submitting, and please stop in to let me know how it goes!

David Morgan is a Knoxville yoga teacher and owner of Yoga Class Hub, a yoga directory

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Video

I Recommend Watching This Video and Then Picking up the Book If You're in the Sales Business.

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Powerful Life Changing Thoughts
Caring About Others Problems

Geared to Struggle

I am aware that every time I use a wisdom construct from a tradition not overtly Christian or Jewish there are potentially people I know who could castigate me for it.So it's important to place a disclaimer on this advice, because the source is not Christian; but it is, I believe, entirely biblical.

Rob Bell of Mars Hill Church, in his book Velvet Elvis says, "If it is true, if it is beautiful, if it is honorable, if it is right, then claim it.Because it is from God.And you belong to God."[1] (Italics mine.)

There's a theological truth in the Shaman philosophy to struggle.This advice is more than just pagan religion.God's truth works, period, as cited above.Here is some of God's truth:

"The spirit of a warrior is not geared to indulging and complaining, nor is it geared to winning and losing.The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior's last battle on earth.Thus the outcome matters very little to him.In his last battle on earth a warrior lets his spirit flow free and clear.And as he wages his battle, knowing that his intent is impeccable, a warrior laughs and laughs."[2] (Italics in original.)

'Every struggle being the last battle on earth' is significant.It means this warrior focuses so much on the present issue and all it demands of him or her that their chances of success are maximised.They are as efficient as possible.

Perhaps the warrior also keeps things as simple as possible, not cluttering their thinking with indulgences, complaint or thinking of winning or losing.They might focus on the process and not the outcome.They ensure their 'intent is impeccable' so that the spirit within is free and clear to flow in the right direction and at the right rate.One this method is employed they have little need of anxiety, hence they can 'laugh.'

We're geared (or organised) to struggle.That's why we have God.After all, 'all things are ours.'We have a tip here regarding intent.How can we make our intent more impeccable?How can we resiliently struggle better, and perhaps even enjoy the struggle?

Struggle is an opportunity to inspire.

Copyright 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2005), p. 79f.Bell cites 1 Corinthians 3:21, 23 where Paul tells the believers at Corinth that "All things are yours," in the context that these believers are claiming smaller things than they could, through Christ, who is of God.See also David E. Garland, 1 Corinthians - Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2003), p. 124.
[2] Carlos Castaneda, The Wheel of Time: The Shamans of Ancient Mexico, Their Thoughts about Life, Death and the Universe (Los Angeles: Eidolona Press, 1998), p. 60.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

5 Steps to Combat Motivation Deflation

We all know that motivation is about as temperamental as a two year old, right? That being said, it's to our benefit to stay conscious of the 5 energies that can severely short circuit and deflate our motivational mindset.

I've identified what I like to call the motivation deflator(s). When we hit one of these babies it's like hitting an extra large speed bump. Yeah, kind of like the one I went over the other day and it had my car jumping up and down like I had hydraulic shocks on my little Beetle Bug. I had to slow way down after I went over that stupid speed bump and regroup. Basically, I had to adjust. Well, the same thing is called for when we meet one of the 5 motivation deflator(s): negativity, shame, detachment, bitterness, and fear.

Now that you know what they are let's talk about how to deal with them when they rear their ornery heads.

1. Negativity - practice the positive. For this little gem you've got to get into the habit of practicing your positive posture. Stand positive, smile positive, think positive, speak positive. Pretty quickly negativity and it's henchmen will scurry away. Practice daily!

2. Shame - practice acceptance. Experiencing disproportionate feelings of shame can sap the life right out of you. To combat this stealthy energy, you must practice self acceptance. Repeat daily "There is no perfection only process." Whatever you may have done learn from it, maybe teach others about what you've learned, and move on.

3. Detachment - practice connecting with others, your dreams, and your ideas. When you get detached from the world around you and your inner visions it can literally feel like you no longer have a place in the world. To get your groove back, get out there and connect. Connecting both virtually and in the real world. Reconnect to family & friends. Write about your dreams and ideas and share them with those you trust. Connection is it baby!

4. Bitterness - practice gratitude. Oh, this one is big! When we experience something that we know wasn't right, bitterness stands waiting in the wings because this energy wants to be the STAR of the show! Don't look in the wings!! Don't! Instead, look inside your heart and tap the gratitude that always resides there no matter what the circumstances.

5. Fear - practice courage. Now I'm not talking about healthy fear, like, don't touch the fire because it will burn you. I'm talking about illogical fears that immobilize you and hinder you from living in the now and actualizing your dreams. Repeat this "Courage is not the absence of fear, but moving forward despite fear or doubt." You don't have to wait until you get rid of fear, you move forward anyway. Moving forward is what builds courage. You can do it in small steps or big ones, it doesn't really matter the size, what matters is that you move!

I suggest that you study these 5 steps for combating the motivation deflator(s) and maybe even tape them to the wall where you can read them daily. I know they'll surely help you to calm the motivational equivalent of the temperamental 2 year old in us all.

Download a free motivation enhancement tip sheet by visiting & signing up for my newsletter to learn how to live your personal best and maintain your motivation mojo no matter what's going on! For the past 15 years Denise Hart has been teaching women how to discover success strategies in record time that improve the bottom line in all areas of their lives & offering free weekly teleseminars, as well as online courses with a workshop environment. Her 6 day 30 minutes a day workshop "Motivation Solutions" will provide your with immediate success strategies to improve your life and your business.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Can't Believe This Guy- Movie Video

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Crimes Solved With Psychic Power

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

False Prophet Are Biblical Facts- Movie Video

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Believing In Yourself

Why Creative Visualization Works

Experience has shown that creative visualization works. It is quite possible to prove that circumstances and events follow thoughts. Take any situation or happening in your life, and go back to find what kind of thoughts preceded the event. You will find out that a particular event, followed particular thoughts.

Here are the reasons why visualization produces results:

# We are an inseparable part of the creative Universal Mind. Our thoughts are projected into this omnipotent power, and cause its tremendous power act on our behalf. The Universal mind and us are partners in creating our life.

# Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Each thought, action and event in the universe are connected, and influence each other. Each thought and action causes reactions and repercussions.

# Everything in the Universe is energy. We see differences because each object has a different wavelength and density. We live in an ocean of energy. Each wave in this ocean influences the other waves. Thoughts, as part of this body of energy, work with the creative Universal energy and interact with it.

# Thoughts are like a magnet, they attract similar thoughts and circumstances. Thinking one thought invites into the mind more similar thoughts and ideas. These thoughts tend to attract circumstances that are in accordance with them.

# A clear mental image radiates from the mind of the one thinking it, and is transmitted to other minds. Whoever is receptive to this kind of thought may perceive it and act on it, thus being the agent to fulfill the desire.

# By repeating the same thoughts day after day, the subconscious mind is driven to act on them. In this way habits and behavior are formed. The thoughts that sink into the subconscious mind drive people into corresponding action.

# Each thought we think arouses an associated emotion. If the emotion is strong enough, it incites to action. Strong thoughts energized by emotions cause more energetic and definite action than weak thoughts. Such an action brings results in accordance with the thought that prompted it.

# Similar thoughts bring people together. When one person has a need, and the other can supply it, their thinking can bring them together in a surprising manner. This is what we call a coincidence.

Some time ago I have heard the following story, which can illustrate such a coincidence:

A woman has been searching for of a new job as a graphic designer. One morning, while going towards her car, she found out that she had a flat tire. Reluctantly she took the spare tire out, and prepared herself for the unpleasant task of changing it.

As she was trying to loosen the screws of the tire, a car stopped by, and the driver asked her if she needed any assistance. She accepted his help, and while changing the wheel they started to talk.

It turned out that he owned a graphics designing company, and needed desperately a qualified and experienced graphic designer. To her surprise and joy, he requested her to come to his office later during the day, with her certificates and recommendations for an interview.

She did not have to wait for the interview, as she was always carrying her certificates and recommendations with her. When he saw them, he was deeply impressed and hired her on the spot.

This meeting brought together two people who needed each other in some way. It was no coincidence, as one was thinking about hiring someone, and the other about finding a new job. Their thoughts brought them into meeting each other.

This is an excerpt from the book "Visualize and Achieve" by Remez Sasson

Copyright Remez Sasson

Remez Sasson writes and teaches about self-improvement, positive thinking, creative visualization, success, mind power, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, and the publisher of the biweekly ezine, "Consciousness and Success".

Visit his website, and find many article, quotes and ebooks.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking - Books to Consider Part II

Trusting in yourself makes wondrous things happen to you. These classic guides to self-esteem and success will help you learn how to; break the worry habit; get other people to like you; avoid "the jitters" in your daily work; believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the power to reach your goals, and so much more. The books listed below are just a few of the millions out there, but it comes from my very own personal collection.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

If you are not familiar about the well-known movie or book The Secret, I really suggest you checking it out. This book is based on the fact that like attracts like and is formed by The Law Of Attraction. Essentially what you focus on is what you are going to attract back into your life. So if you are worrying about money or your health, you are only creating more financial problems and more health problems. If you cringe every time you go to the mailbox expecting another bill or more bad news, you will create more bills. Obviously this isn't something we want! By attaching negative emotions to your situations you are creating more of it, this is because you are thinking and feeling about what you don't want, in turn making them stronger. The mind is creative, it will create and recreate whatever you think about. When you are fighting something, whatever it may be, you are unconsciously creating more of that very thing.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay

If you haven't seen Hay House's Lifestyles series of gorgeous gift books, there is no better way to acquaint yourself than with publisher/author Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. A bestseller for many years, You Can Heal Your Life has been republished with bright, beautiful illustrations in full, living color and exquisite typography--each and every page is a work of art by artist Joan Perrin Falquet. The timeless message of the book is that we are each responsible for our own reality and "dis-ease." Hay believes we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. This book is more of a healing book than anything else, but I do absolutely love the affirmations contained in all of her books, especially this one!

Growing The Distance by Jim Clemmer

At home or in the workplace, change is an inevitable fact of life. How we choose to respond to it - as leaders or as followers - determines our personal and professional growth. Growing the Distance is about developing the leader within all of us. This helps us to continue "growing at the speed of change." A central theme of the book is that leadership is action, not a position. We all need to be leaders regardless of our formal title or role. This starts with inner self leadership and moves outward to influence, guide, support, and lead others. Leadership ultimately shows itself in what we do "out there," but it starts "in here."

Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Just as a forewarning, this is a Christian based book by a Pastor, however it still is an incredible book. Not a lot of religious talk but he instead incorporates a lot of stuff from The Secret such as positive thinking, like attracts like, and believing in good things. I think this was probably one of the first books I read that I really got into when it came to changing my habits and trying to live my best life now! Osteen tells readers that God wants them to prosper, offering examples of obtaining an elegant mansion or a larger salary ("don't ever get satisfied with where you are," he cautions). In seven parts, he details how readers should enlarge their vision, develop self-esteem, discover the power of thought, let go of the past, find strength through adversity, give back to others and choose to be happy.

These books have helped me immensely and I know that they can help you as well, if you put the reading to use as well as the exercises and suggestions all of these books make. Don't just read the book and let it go in one ear and out the other. Really digest it, let it seep into your brain and throughout your entire body. I have seen people literally change %100 from books such as these. And if YOU want to change and want it to change your life for good, then you will really sit down and read!

Apply "The Secret" to your life. Visit this site to see where the Secret Left off.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Important Goal Setting Steps to Achieve Anything

First I'd like to ask, are you a goal setter? If yes, why are you setting goals in the first place? The answer should be to attain an admirable and deserving objective. There are many advantages in defining your objectives. First, like a movie, you choose to direct your own life. You get to pick the destination of your own choice, and not having others to dictate the destination for you. You simply want to get from point a to point b. and you want to be there at the shortest time possible. But sometimes for most dreamers and aspirers, we discover along the way that some of our goals might fail to materialize into reality.

So here are guidelines for effective goal setting steps.

#1 Important Goal Setting Step-Think about it. Try to think what you really want in your life. And I mean something which you presently don't have in your life. You cannot act on something without actually thinking about what you really want, right? At this phase, most people think about what we desire and welcome in our lives. Those who dream could begin to make more weighty decisions focusing on the purpose.

#2 Important Goal Setting Step- Decide on it. The most important in defining that target is to look at that want, that desire and ask yourself, do you really want to reach this aim? Will you really want that objective belong to your world? And if that target might take several years to accomplish, are you willing to make sacrifices? Oftentimes, we travel into directions without even giving it much thought.

#3 Important Goal Setting Step- Set that goal. Actually setting that life-defining purpose is another essential step in achieving those dreams. Those who set goals sometimes get stuck with how to achieve those objectives. By identifying those objectives, you have already decided, you've begun an all-new journey in your life. By setting, deciding, planning and actually giving deeper thought to your desired end results, you are surely getting there by formulating it with a plan of action.

#4 Important Goal Setting Step- Act on it. The penultimate step for this goal setting activity is to finally act on it. Action must be done for your vision, your dreams and your fantasy to transform into reality. For a dream will remain forever a dream without taking steps to act on it. Although it is going to take a lot of your time, action is still worth all that dreaming and aspiring you initially thought of. The objectives you want in your life is equally proportionate to the effort you need to exert. The bigger and higher your goals, the greater the effort and action needed in your part.

#5 Important Goal Setting Step- Persist and be consistent. Targeting those lofty ideals is useless without action. And without persistence, we would be easily swayed away from our goals. We may be good beginners, but can be bad finishers. It is frustrating not finishing what you started in the first place.

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spiritual Ascension in a Stressful World - Daily Habits and Deep Communication Are Key

Many clients are interested to learn how to evolve their level of spirit to achieve enlightenment or ascension.

Like anything else, one's daily habits greatly impact how one can involve spirit. For example, if your daily habit is one of embracing stress, feeling anxious, following negative thought patterns, the vibration of your spirit will naturally stay low.

An hour or two long class of yoga, qi gong and other spirit-based movements can be helpful, but what is truly more helpful is to re-set your spirit to a higher vibration as you move through the day.

This is why in previous articles I emphasize the idea of taking 3-5 minutes every hour to perform meditation and other activities that set our brain waves to higher states.

I often compare the spiritual habits we form in two ways. Imagine a person who is disconnected from God all week long, then goes to church only on Sunday to re-connect. Is this beneficial? Somewhat.

Now imagine a person who every day, each hour, engages in some form of thoughts, meditation, or activity that puts them directly in touch with the essence of God-with love and with positive thoughts. Clearly, there is increased benefit.

Often times, the habits we develop in terms of our communication style plays a role in our ability to ascend our spirits to higher vibrations and attract like-minded individuals and other forms of prosperity into our lives.

Back in the day, when I worked as a consultant for an email management company, part of my job was coaching corporate clients about how to build relationships through email. The CEO of one company commented, "You know it may sound weird, but I can actually feel the vibrancy of your spirit in your emails...and it makes me want to do more business with your company."

How did I achieve that level of spiritual communication via email?

For one thing, I create an abundance of time by making time to respond in depth to people. This is something we can all do.

After all, people who tend to write one short line as a response to something shared in depth, indirectly communicate that they lack the abundance of time and qi (energy) life force to engage people more deeply.

So, their emails come off cold, distant and perhaps withholding at times. Think about what type of energy such a person might attract into their lives as a result of this communicative style-lower vibration energy, people aligned with drama, debt and lack of abundance.

As you move through weekend and week, observe and notice how often you are communicating in a style that reflects the deeper and higher vibrations of your spirit, for certainly as we express the potential of our spirit in our interactions with others, that expression amplifies our vibration so that what we share is not only transformative for ourselves but for others.

Also notice the times when you are communicating with brevity, with a muffler on the vibration of your spirit.

We are all capable, no matter how busy our lives are, of creating a positive flow of connectivity that is truly transformative and elevating on every level imaginable.

Contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT today at and learn how to refine your ability to ascend your spirit.

Kay Hutchinson is a practitioner of Chinese medicine, energetic life coach and teacher of qi gong movement. She is the founder of Aiki Healing, a private practice in Austin, Texas, and the publisher of "Health Prosperity" a blog dedicated to empowering people to manifest optimum health and wellness.

Post your health questions free on our Health Prosperity Blog.

Lance Armstrong