Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Secret Nazis Covet the Temple Mount

"Even before the end of this war, I revealed to you the plans for a NAZI UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT, to go underground as a SECRET organization the very moment they lost the war - to lay low...then come forth when least expected, RESTORE GERMANY TO POWER, and go on to finally accomplish their aims in a WORLD WAR III" - The Plain Truth, Sept. 1948.

The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine (Feb. 2000) reminded its international audience that Herbert W. Armstrong wrote those prophetic words long before they were confirmed by Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, who wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

Ella Steinberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress stated: "Now that the Nazi secret plan has been confirmed, the central question is whether it has been carried out."

Need we wonder? Considering German hegemony throughout Europe is practically a done deal (with the Vatican's blessing), aren't Herbert W. Armstrong's warnings about the final revival of the "Holy Roman Empire" being fulfilled before our very eyes? Only the deaf, dumb and blind could deny that the Germans have thoroughly carried out their plans!

But what is the German-Catholic kingdom without the crown of Jerusalem? "Woe to Ariel, Ariel, the city where David dwelt!" (Isaiah 29:1). The Vatican covets Mount Zion and the Temple Mount and Europe won't quit until it occupies the eternal capital of Israel! Both the Arabs and the Jews had better beware any European moves into the Middle East.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Fear Based Motivation

Monday, June 29, 2009

Use Feminization Hypnosis to Bring Out the Woman in You

There seems to be a therapy out there for everything these days. If you are having a problem with it there is a niche of behavioral therapy or hypnosis that can help you out. In the trans-gender and transsexual community, feminization hypnosis will help them bring out the true feminine traits and act like a real lady!

If you are not a natural woman, you are going to have some traits that will always stand out as masculine. These traits are inbred in us it would be very difficult to remove them from your personality without assistance. By undergoing feminization hypnosis you can train yourself to act like a woman at all times.

During the process you will have feminine thoughts embedded deep into your subconscious. As time goes by and you use feminization hypnosis, you'll find that these thoughts will come out on the surface more and more. Eventually, you will find that you are naturally acting feminine in areas that each trouble to cover up your masculinity.

There are several ways that you can go about this, most notably self hypnosis or actually seeking professional help. There are plenty of self help style hypnosis tapes out on the market each having their own claim to fame. In order to use these, you'll have to have the ability of self hypnosis. If you are not able to do this, you'll have to actually see someone who specializes in feminization hypnosis.

Whether you choose self hypnosis or traditional therapy, make sure that you are either purchasing from a proven source or saying a doctor with adequate references. You can tell by looking on the Internet that there are plenty of scams trying to take advantage of people who want to feminize themselves. Just be sure of what you are buying before you buy it.

To learn more about feminization hypnosis, just click here.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reduce Workplace Stress

So you want to reduce workplace stress, increase your job satisfaction, achieve greater productivity and, maybe, get promoted. These are great goals and something that we should all be proud to support. But what if none of this is working for you? What are the answers and how do you relieve the stress and get the sort of job you want?

If you are going to go to work, you should be happy. You will spend a lot of time at work, 2000 work hours per year for 40 years - 80,000 hours altogether. You do not want to join the 20 million American adults who have some form of mental disorder annually (includes depression, anxiety, phobias etc). you DO NOT want to be one of the 18.1 million adults who experience either dysthymia (mild, chronic depression) or a major depressive disorder. So what are some of the secrets for being happy and effective at work?

My number one solution is to know yourself. Being self-aware, understanding your skill set, knowing where you are good and where you are not so good all help you to fit in to the workplace culture and expectations. I have talked before about person-environment fit and I firmly believe that if people have a poor fit that they will be unhappy. Being unhappy for 40 hours a week leads to some nasty consequences - not only mood disorders but alcoholism, thrill seeking (perhaps through affairs, adrenaline charged outdoor activities), and de-stabilized relationships.

So coming to grips with yourself in the workplace in a realistic and not negative way is a very important part of how we deal with work or workplace stress. A half an hour ago I declared to my wife, after returning from work at the end of a long week, that while I am good at large scale conceptualization, creating research cultures, building strategic visions etc, when it gets down to supervising administrative staff to make sure that they have attended to all the necessary details and minutiae of my work place - I am definitely not very good. So I have to find a way to work around this so my colleagues and my supervisors do not suffer from my big picture view of the world.

I enjoy the research from Harvard and the work of people like Daniel Goleman. I am very supportive of the research that suggests that self-awareness and emotional intelligence are two of the major performance characteristics that predict successful outcomes. I generally look at five performance factors in an organization: productivity (not easy to measure in some organizations); punctuality (and time on task); absenteeism (sickies etc); presenteeism (at work but doing virtually nothing); and staff turnover. All of these variables impact job output and job satisfaction.

People, especially leaders and managers who are low on self-awareness and emotional intelligence will not be successful in their workplace. They will add to work stress, not reduce it. The productivity of their organizational units will be lower. They will have higher absenteeism, presenteeism, turnover, and lower productivity. Those who work but do not supervise who are unaware and emotionally dull create upward problems just as effectively as managers create downwards problems.

What does it mean if one has a high or very high emotional intelligence (EI)? I will draw upon some material from an earlier article as it sums up nicely why self-awareness and emotional intelligence is important. If you have high levels of EI, you probably have a fairly positive self-esteem, you are probably very happy, you probably maintain good relationships and understand people quite well, you manage life's stressful events and challenges well and you are probably handling virtually all aspects of your life very comfortably.

So you want to improve your lot in organizational life? Start with yourself. Reduce your stress, lower the stress levels of your partners, and minimize workplace stress for your colleagues by sitting down and doing an audit of your personal and inter-personal style. Ask a good but frank and honest friend to give you advice. And, to reduce the stress issues that seem to surround you, work on a personal improvement plan as outlined by your friend.

Dr Jeff, a psychologist, writes about stress. In this article he provides additional insights into the concept of self-awareness and emotional intelligence in terms of their effect on workplace stress. People need to learn how to manage stress and they need help to relieve stress. Dr Bailey integrates sound research with extensive clinical knowledge from his therapy with his patients. He works hard to make his articles practical and helpful but all of his articles are based on sound research evidence. To find out more about how he helps people with stress relief and to learn effective ways to manage and reduce stress, visit his website http://www.drjeffbailey.com/free_stress_book.html to get a free book that will introduce you to effective stress management.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Positive Attitude Maintenance - Self Help Tips

The thing that people must realise is that you won't suddenly decide to feel good and that's it. It is a process of bit by bit feeling a bit happier and a bit more positive every day. There may be days when you go into a bit of a relapse for a few days but don't loose your resolve.

You can improve your attitude and become happier by many means:

Saying your Affirmations
Facing your fears
Thinking more positive thoughts
Helping others
Being kinder to yourself
Stop procrastinating
Whatever works for you

But you have to keep up this activity on a daily basis, just like a piece of machinery your happiness and positive attitude need regular maintenance.

You might ask yourself, why is it that my unhappy, depressive, negative attitudes come so easily, why don't I need to maintain them.

The truth is that you are maintaining them through negative habits that you have taught yourself over many years, you just might not realise it.

There will be a point where you cross a threshold, if you have not crossed it already. Where you will wake up and realize that feeling good and positive is the norm and feeling bad and stressed is unusual.

It will then be easier to maintain your positive attitude and happy state, but you will still have to continue your maintenance program. So design your positive attitude maintenance program now.

Design some Affirmations that work for you
Start identifying negative messages you tell yourself and replace them with positive ones
Build your own support group of friends to support you in your quest to become more positive
Make lists of your abilities and the things you are grateful for in life
Help others to be more positive

And put it into action, using it and updating it on a regular basis, and now is as good a time to start as ever.

I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writing articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.

I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.

For anybody who is interested in improving their attitude to life and would like to see more of my articles or simply wants some advice on how they can feel better about themselves please visit my website http://www.positivity.9f.com - I am interested in any feedback about whether my articles are providing a positive benefit.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Skills Are Required To Be A Good Translator?

These days, people all across the globe generally believe that translation is just the involuntary substitution of languages, and therefore anybody can be a translator if she or he knows a foreign language. This perception is completely wrong, just having a good knowledge of foreign languages does not give any 100% assurance that a translation will be rendered reasonably well. In simple words translation requires skill to make the right and good analysis of the meaning in the target language. Moreover, a translator must be aware of the essence of the subject besides having a fine awareness of the language, including language rules, and spelling rules.

However, as the world is getting more globalize, in the past couple of years we are coming across the greatest challenge of text conversion and that is how to find the proper equilibrium between conveying the sense and beauty of the initial text and making the target conversion more efficient and effective. Only talented translators are competent of finding this sense of balance. So having a superior knowledge of the translation subject is just a part of the translation process.

A skilled text converter has something else and it is his/her talent. He or she must have the ability to make a virtual world where the source language author and the target language reader can network with one another. A talented text converter makes the best use of the nuance present in the source text in order to develop a fresh and effective target text.

The service that translators provide to enhance cultures and nurture languages has been noteworthy throughout history. Translators are transferring messages from one language to another, while preserving the underlying cultural ideas and values. Focusing on these facts, today some questions are being raised: what expertise is needed to encourage translating ability? How can someone turn into a good translator? If you are serious about becoming a successful translator, you must be able to fulfill or follow the following criteria:

1: The first and most important step is reading of different translations of different types of texts. An effective translating requires first-class knowledge, so approachable skills should be developed before performing any text conversion. An excellent translator has a complete knowledge of both source and target speech, so you must understand the diverse genres in both source and target verbal communication. It helps in improving reading aptitude in general, and gives insights, which can be subconsciously useful.

2: The second most vital talent required is the potential to write appropriately in both source and target languages. Writing is the chief work of a text converter. You should be well aware of different styles of writing and morals of editing in both source and target language. Factors like editing and proper punctuation usage increase the value and readability of the translation.

3. You should have listening ability to understand and alertness to grasp various expressions, idioms, and specific vocabulary and their uses. This talent is like an intuition and can't be developed easily, so to a certain extent it requires regular practice. Language intuition is like a necessity for all those who want to be proficient translators.

4. The act of translating is like accepting the significance of the source text within the framework of the source-language discourse. Now in order to enlarge this understanding, you must make yourself aware with cultural divergence and the diverse strategies present in the source and target verbal communication.

5. You should also be well aware of diverse registers, styles of speaking, and social stratification of both source and target languages. This socio-cultural awareness, helps in improving the quality of translations to a large level. It is very important to understand that the work of translating takes place in the socio-cultural framework; as a result it is very vital to evaluate translating activity only within a social perspective.

6. In order to develop excellent translation proficiency, you have to become yourself attentive of different knowledge-providing sources like bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias and learn how to utilize them. Now using dictionaries requires a very technical proficiency. Words have diverse meanings in different circumstance, and therefore you have to perform a repetitive exercise to know the projected meaning of words in a specific situation.

7. In addition to this you should know the sentence structure of indirect speech and different figures of speech in the source language like hyperbole, irony, and meiosis. Having detail knowledge of these figures of speech will further help in changing your flaccid knowledge into active talent.

Finally, you should know that it takes much more to be a good and skilled translator. Talented translators are not made overnight, it definitely requires a significant investment in both source and target speech. For every talented text converter, switching simultaneously between two universes is one of the most demanding tasks. Consequently refined and systematic practice can lead to the development of skills that can further help in being a good translator.

Goihata a language translation company provides language translation services in Japanese, Spanish and English languages in Europe

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Achieve Your Goals in 1 Year

I often look at this scenario in the first or second session of an executive coaching encounter, so I thought I would share the thought process.If you identify parts of your business life in this scenario, take heart - you will always gain from another fresh perspective!

Think about it.You have been running your business for several years now, have hired a number of staff, have made a good amount in sales, your customers appear happy, and, it appears you are on your way to accomplishing your dream!You may have even hired an executive coach to share your dream with.

Wait a minute, that dream - where did you put it inside your cranium, in the left or the right lobe?Hmm, was it something your coach asked that you couldn't answer?

As a matter of fact, you may have noticed that your staff has been grumbling a bit lately about unhappy customers, late deliveries, poor quality product, and not being paid enough for what they are worth.When was the last time you looked at the product quality, the delivery schedule, when did your staff last get a wage adjustment?

Is this your business?Let's hope not, but, if it is, are you willing to try a few basic exercises? If so, here are some executive coaching tips.

First, would you write down your 5 top business goals for the year?Consider a revenue goal - increase sales to $ 1 million, a profit goal - achieve a 5% net profit after taxes, a personnel goal - provide my employees 40 hours training in customer service, a process improvement goal - decrease unit product time and cost by 10%, and a customer goal - increase customer satisfaction rates by 25%.

Second, identify why you have these goals.As an executive coach I often ask my clients these questions: Why are they important to your business and its success?How are they related to you achieving your dream?Oh yes, have you written your dream down yet?

Third, let's ask how you are going to accomplish these goals?Will you need much more input from your employees, will you need to survey your customers to identify their current level of satisfaction, and will you talk with your accountant and business advisor about industry benchmarks for sales, profitability, and production time/costs?

As the owner, will you be doing what you do best, and liking the results - all in one year?I hope you will answer yes and achieve great satisfaction in the year ahead.


Warren J. Rutherford President of Rutherford Advisors Inc. is an Accredited Associate, IIB, a CMT Accredited Master Mentor with certifications as a Behavioral Coach, an Analyst in Axiology, a One Page Business Plan Consultant, and is a BNI Assistant Director in the SE Mass/RI Region. He provides executive coaching and business advisory and consulting services to small and medium-sized business. He can be reached at http://www.RutherfordBusinessAdvisor.com Copyright 2009, Rutherford Advisors, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Book Review: Godcountry

Godcountry by Colleen Drippe
Novel Books, Inc., 1591050022, $5.50

Eduardo Sabat was once a slave. Because he does not know the codes which will remove it, he still wears the shackle-like bracelet that once bound him to servitude in a pagan land, and which continues to remind him of his past. Though first instinct for a freed man would be to distance himself as far as possible from the place of slavery, it is not Eduardo's instinct. Now a for-hire mercenary partnered with the hardy Otto Zeller, Eduardo willingly treks back into the desolate colony called Godcountry, motivated by the job but not entirely aware of the consequences.

While the risks involved in returning to Godcountry are given, Eduardo is surprised by the attempts to foil his mission of returning the captured Hermadon Pelanot - son of the colony of Hithia's leader - to the custody of his stern aunt. His estranged wife is mysteriously murdered, and soon attempts on his own life follow. Nevertheless, Eduardo presses onward with the help of a motley party which includes the devout Christian Wolfbane and a crew of interplanetary religious known as the Star Brothers, whose faith gives Eduardo something to ponder as he discovers the threat to his life is closer than he actually realizes.

Godcountry is hard science fiction blended nicely with elements of faith and humanity. This story of a bleak future plagued by religious persecution and interplanetary greed bolstered through human slavery doesn't offer an immediate resolution to any problems, but offers the reader an intense look at how faith can exist in a hostile society and therefore offer a future of hope.

Kathryn Lively is the publisher of Phaze, romance novels in eBook and paperback. She offers book promotion advice for authors.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Believing In Religion Do You Feel Inforned - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Spiritual Christian and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Alfred Lansing
Jonathan Barnes

Getting Your Cheese Facts Straight

People all around the globe love their cheese. It doesn't matter if you love good ole' American cheese or if you enjoy Feta cheese, there is a flavor and texture out there for everyone to enjoy. Whether you just enjoy your cheese or you are a cheese connoisseur many people are unaware of the multitude of cheese facts that are available. Many people just know that they love cheese, but don't know anything about the lengthy history or the actually process required to make their favorite cheese. On the internet you can find a wealth of cheese facts for any flavor or brand that has piqued your interest. Another way to find out cheese facts about your favorite brand is to visit the company's website; they have lots of interesting particulars about their products.

Every company has their own unique technique for making their brand even though the basic steps may be the same. Everything from the ingredients, machinery, and equipment will affect the end product's flavor and consistency. If you are unable to find a particular cheese fact on a company's website you can phone, email or write to get the information. Many companies will mail you literature in the form of a brochure detailing the history and cheese related facts of their company.

Some Little-Known Cheese Facts

Many cheese producers have found that in order to retain customer loyalty to their brand they should make their information readily available. One of the little-known cheese facts is the fact that the female cows that are used for cheese production do have horns. These horns are then later removed to help the cow prevent hurting itself. These businesses have discovered that while the cows wander around grazing the risk for injury is just too great, so to avoid that possibility they are simply removed.

Most people don't want to know that type of information about the production part of cheese. Many cheese lovers would sooner just learn about history and enjoy their cheeses, discovering past times to learn the way cheese was first created, and why it has gained its present star popularity. Anyone who would like a little extra history with your cheese factoids, will find many more little snippets available. Did you know that cheese was once used as a currency in Denmark way back in the sixteenth century? Cheese and other food products were regularly used to pay their church taxes.

Facts about cheese can be very informative and fun and all the while give you more insight about the history of several societies. Have you any idea where your favorite cheese is made? Invest some of your time today and you will be pleasantly surprised at what there is to learn.

Christopher Jay has many more cheese facts available at Cheese Varieites.com Discover Cheese Facts and find some answers today.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Heretic's Daughter - Religion, Fear and the Salem Witch Trials

The Heretic's Daughter is author Kathleen Kent's first novel, and it is a stunning debut. It takes place in and around Salem, Massachusetts during the 1690's, before and during the infamous Salem witch trials. The narrator's mother, Martha Carrier, is based on the real woman of the same name, who was one of the first woman to be tried and hung in the trials. Ms. Kent is herself a tenth generation descendant of Martha Carrier.

Ms. Kent has done her research, and she does a beautiful job of depicting the harsh realities of life during this time. While the initial Puritan settlers had come to this land to escape persecution, and hoped to found a new religious community, they were besieged by plagues, crop failures, and attacks by indigenous tribes. The child mortality rate was so high, we are told in the first pages, "that some families did not name their child until the child was past twelve months and more likely to live. And in many households if a baby died, that same baby's name would be passed on to the next born. And to the very next if that babe died as well."

This is from the novel's narrator, Sarah Carrier, Martha Carrier's daughter. If Sarah sometimes seems distant and unfeeling as she describes horrific events, it is no wonder, based on the climate in which she was raised. In fact, Sarah's voice and attitude was at first a put-off to me, making her difficult to relate to or feel for. But as the novel progresses, her voice becomes one of the book's greatest strengths, because it provides such a vast contrast to our emotion-laden, Oprah-fueled times. Sarah helps us to see what a stark and difficult existence does to people, and as she does mature - through watching her mother's trial and surviving her own incarceration - her growth and new-found wisdom is that much more evident.

As the novel begins, Sarah and her family are on their way to live with her grandmother, and, unbeknown to them, are bringing smallpox with them to their new community. This fact, along with Martha Carrier's headstrong and outspoken nature, will ultimately lead to the family becoming a target when the terrible accusations begin. Those accusations, as presented in The Heretic's Daughter, gain traction in the community because of the lethal combination of fear and damnation-based religion. The community, facing so many challenges to its existence, cannot fathom why they are being targeted by God for such wrath. Surely there must be some offense, some sin, that they are being punished for? In their desperation, they seek out the 'sinners' amongst them, literally demonizing their own neighbors for the smallest of offenses. They seek to scapegoat and purge - as so many have done in the name of religion throughout history.

From there, the paralysis of fear takes over, with each new charge silencing more people within the community, all seeking to protect their own lives and families. Children as young as four are taken into custody - since the 'devil' is behind it all, and can take over anyone's mind, no one is considered innocent. Quite the contrary, during the trials the defendants are most definitely considered guilty until proven innocent. And their innocence is in the hands of several hysterical, adolescent girls no less (I'll let you read the book to learn more about this.)

One of the most touching aspects of the book is how Martha gets Sarah to save herself, helping Sarah to realize that behind her mother's stern exterior lies the greatest of maternal loves. While Sarah at first despises her mother's difficult personality, wishing she would just capitulate to others, she comes to realize her mother's seeming obstinance is actually born of tremendous faith and wisdom. This is exactly the opposite of what her community elders teach - that strict obedience is the foundation for faith. As Sarah observes, that obedience, along with fear, is what allows the madness to continue for so long.

And so The Heretic's Daughter works on at least three levels. First, as a gripping historical novel that masterfully depicts a certain setting and time period. Second, as a personal story of a mother and adolescent daughter struggling to understand each other. And third, as a cautionary tale about how religion can be twisted when a society is ruled by fear.

Lisa Erickson is a mom, meditation teacher, and writer. Visit her blog http://www.MommyMystic.wordpress.com for spiritual book reviews and information on meditation and spirituality

Hard Water Problems

Top of Mind Awareness

Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOMA) simply means that your business is at the top of a potential customer's mind when they think of the goods or services you have to offer. Your TOMA objective is to make sure that customers think of you first and foremost when they are ready to buy.

So how can you stand out more than others who offer similar goods or services? Here are five sure-fire ways to create the TOMA your business needs.

Use repetition to breed familiarity
Use unique, unusual ways to market and to serve your customers
Use the best practices in your industry each and every time you work with a customer
Get the point that familiarity with you breeds confidence in your business
Follow up

Repetition. Repetition means presenting yourself consistently to those you network with. You are dead wrong if you fall into the trap of thinking that because you know everyone in a group and they know you, there is nothing left to say to them and no reason to attend the next event. There is always something new to say and always something new to ask. Show up, be present, focus on meeting and listening well, don't come late and leave early, make it your goal to talk to someone you haven't had time to speak with before. Every single week the people you know have changing needs, and one day what they need will be what you have to offer. Repetition puts you in the right place at the right time.

Unique marketing and service. How can you introduce your business in a way that will stick in a person's mind? How can you provide your product or service in such a way that your customer is completely delighted? Your goal after the purchase is to have your customer think you are absolutely tops. Here's what Sleep America, a seller of mattresses, does. They gained a reputation early on for sending their customers a "Breakfast in Bed" basket after the sale. How fun and unique! You can bet their customers mention that to family and friends.

Know and follow your industry's best practices. Join the associations that exist to serve your industry, and take advantage of their credentialing programs. Displaying your industry's symbols of credibility will help your business stand out. Industry associations often offer packaged training for you and your staff, too. Take advantage of this benefit and make sure you advertise that your staff meets the standard of training for your type of business.

Familiarity breeds confidence. Customers like to see and know the "face" of your business. If you are not the face they see, make sure that a very trustworthy staff person is standing in your place. Customers don't feel confident if there is a new face at the helm every time they contact you or walk into your brick and mortar store. Make sure the voice on the phone is familiar and that you don't have a revolving door receptionist. Physicians and dentists often don't get that their receptionist IS the face of their business. Pay what you need to get someone with great interpersonal skills who will not leave after 6 months on the job.

Follow up. This is where 90% of businesses fall down on the job. For the past decade or so, research has consistently shown that a potential customer has to hear from you about 12 times before they will buy. That's 12 individual incidents of calling, mailing, visiting or being seen in advertisements by prospects before they're ready to do business with you. 90% of businesses quit following up after the fourth contact. Success comes from being the 10% who follow up more than 4 times. Amazing, isn't it?

Think about what you can do to build Top-of-Mind Awareness for your business. It is fun to play with, and gives you a chance to be very creative in your business.

Sue Painter

Sue Painter, the Confident Marketer, works with small business owners in marketing, visioning, and extraordinary customer service. Her website is http://www.confidentmarketer.com

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Psychics and Psychic Readings - The Higher Level

When people research or debate also talk about psychic clairvoyants or precognitions, and try to expand their knowledge about this phenomenon, and when people try to find facts about this subject using known theories, this in itself becomes a conflicting challenge about their personal theories, and not many people would like the fact that their theories are challenged.

There are many people who experience events and somehow feel that it is more than coincidence, through out our life of human history. Psychic intuition skills have helped us whether we were aware or not. To glimpse in to the future sounds out of this world, but as we know, we live in a very complex world indeed. And the advancements of modern science answer many unknown facts about our existence. Example being; we now know that our beautiful planet is round instead of flat. Yet also, ancient cultures without such scientific advancement have astounded us with their marvelous creations such as the Pyramids of Giza. They have placed high regard, rather evolved around the concept of spirituality for their spiritual masters. We can all agree we are far from really understanding our true nature.

Also we must place high respect for science and their findings as well, especially the science of consciousness. Many research and energy is being put towards subjects of psychics clairvoyants extra sensory perception telepathy just a name a few. As you maybe aware that psychic readings give insights to events and situations. Psychic readings and psychics ability to accurately advice people, on matters that concern them has forever been within our human history. Also we all have seen movies where in past history, when people who practiced or explored different beliefs or concepts have been tied to a tree and prosecuted. Thank goodness that is in our unintelligent past, as freedom of speech and choice of belief, is the most important factor, rather a sacred treasure, we must all uphold.

Psychic intuition is built in us to protect us from danger, guide us to our true nature (spiritual) just like a little new born turtle hatched and knows to swim straight to the ocean. We too are drawn to spirituality, almost all the people around this complex planet believe in spirituality. And almost all the cultures have a psychic to consult when faced with spiritually unfamiliar waters. The ocean of emotions in every heart thirsts for spiritual reason, guidance and spiritual answers. And only the calm waters will reflect the stars. When we expand our beings then calmness can become part of our hearts ocean.

It is possible to glimpse also anticipate near future events, this requires an art, art of seeing; whether one likes to label such visions as predictions or perception. To have a real psychic ability, one must attend life from a view point of purity of heart, and when a spiritual psychic advances in wisdom through proper guidance and learning for many many years, will develop an intuitive psychic ability. Every human is equipped with this psychic ability; it's just only select few choose to explore the boundaries. And just like any chosen subject, the more we attend the more we learn of it. Also when we debate a subject of reality, then this becomes a personal matter. As what is real for some might not be real for others. Yet if we were to draw a straight line _______ and we both at the same time see this line. We will both see and agree that it is a straight line. The truth cannot be bent. And the truth of the matter is, within the garden of every spiritual heart, there is a rose that is blossoming silently, which is called YOU.

Tolga Savas
International psychic clairvoyant answering all your metaphysical questions, and offers real psychic readings, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

10 Tricks to Pick Up Chicks

First impressions count, right? Well, sure they do, but to make a lasting impression on the goddess of your dreams, you need more than a shallow pool of party tricks and pick-up lines. To stand a chance of scoring a second glance, here are ten road-tested skills designed to impress a gal well into next week. You will only need to master a couple of these in order to sustain your first impression of Mr Charisma, so get practising!

1. Sensitive Psychic

This one requires a base knowledge in star signs, but youre going to have to face these anyway if you want to spend more than one night with her sooner or later, those astrological compatibility guides always come out! Get in early and guess her star sign with a flattering explanation why. Go one step further and find out her Goddess Birth Sign from http://www.goddess.com.au/home.htm

2. Wow With Worldliness

Nothing says grown up like a man who knows how to lead his lady on the dance floor. Being able to sweep her off her feet with a wild salsa will send the message that you are in control of your life, and all women want to be a part of that. Dont rely on your dodgy Foxtrot skills you learned back in high school they are way pass and dont give you enough opportunity to create sizzling body contact. Instead, take lessons in rock and roll dancing to build a perfect foundation for a brilliant career burning up the dance floor. One or two lessons should be enough to get you started with basic (but impressive) manoeuvres.

3. Potential Parent

Whether you like it or not, females are ruled by primal programming from deep within that cause them to seek out potential partners for the gene-sharing game. Appeal to your chicks nesting urge by telling a cute puppy story with actions and sound effects. Use your best cute facial expression as an unabashed excuse to show off your puppy-dog eyes. With any luck shell adopt you as her pet project after seeing them!

4. Laugh Lines

Body language experts tell us that eye contact is the ultimate way to communicate attraction. Put your own ego aside for a few minutes and look her in the eye to show her youre listening to her anecdotes. And whatever happens, laugh at what she tells you laughter releases the natural cuddle chemical oxytocin, amongst others, into the brain, and this can only work in your favour when it comes to home time. If she has no funny stories, have your own (non-offensive!) jokes ready to tell.

5. Master A Unique Skill

Feeding a condom up your nose and out your mouth might be a unique skill, but it sure aint attractive. Instead, find a unique skill that demonstrates your sharp mind a gal is always on the lookout for someone she can actually talk to after whoopee. Entice her with an offer to teach her backgammon over a European breakfast of bread, cheese and espresso. Or how to hoist a main-sail, build a pergola, or to get down and dirty together, change the oil in her car.

6. Cunning Linguist

Casual phrases like I only speak three languages scream sophistication and worldliness. Even if you cant speak another language, memorise a favourite romantic line of poetry in French and no, voulez vous couche avec moi doesnt cut it. Even a corny pick-up line crooned in another language will sound exotic. Go to http://babelfish.altavista.com to translate your winning line into any language you choose. Memorise as many as you can she will be hanging off your every word once you start whispering sweet somethings into her ear.

7. Mesmerising Maestro

Eyes are often described as windows to the soul, and if you can engage your goddess in a steamy staring competition, you are half way to happiness. Send subliminal sexual messages by subtly licking your lips, smiling mysteriously, and relaxing your eyelids. Being able to maintain eye contact shows you have integrity and that she can trust you, so if she mirrors your behaviour, she has caught your intention and is definitely interested.

8. Culture Vulture

Despite womens liberation, deep down all gals want to know that their man can be their companion and look after them for the long haul. Captivate her cultivated side (the one that is looking for companionship) by taking her for a civilised unisex game such as golf. This also gives you the chance to wrap her up in your manly arms as you teach her the golf grip, and will send her the message you are the man, her protector. Execute a masterstroke by inviting her to a game at your favourite course so you can demonstrate more of your hands on technique.

9. Trivia Master

Pick a subject, such as wine, music, movies or literature and learn a string of trivia about the subject. For example, if youve chosen a wine for dinner, research the label or the winery, and regale her with why this wine is so special to you (even if it isnt, fake it!). Because you have shared a personal story she will feel a connection to you, especially if you drop hints that maybe you could both visit the winery together one day the implication of a future will make her feel secure.

10. Toilet Trained

Above all, remember to put the toilet seat down and youre pretty much a sure thing! To impress her that one step further, modern Feng Shui rules dictate that the lid should be down too. Hey, its still only one flick of the wrist to put things in their place.

Anita Ryan is inspired by sunsets, dolphins and the fear of starvation. She has discovered the secret to waking up feeling beautiful, sassy and inspired, and writes about the subject prolifically at http://www.goddess.com.au

Split Stair Balusters

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Video Book Review - The Magic of Beleiving, by Claude Bristol

I don't need to write anything, watch the video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, More on Claude Bristol

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Does God Care About Poor People? Loving Your Beliefs

It's hard to imagine that God really does care about poor people. When I say poor people, I'm not talking about people that live in the United States of America on welfare or use their unemployment payments to survive. I'm talking about people that live in what we call third world countries, people that are starving to death and dying because they're poor.

I heard somewhere, and it's hard to believe and I don't have any proof, but someone told me that 80% of the people in the world today live on less than $20 a day. I made that statement, but in reality I heard that 80% of the world lives on less than two dollars each day. That's hard to imagine with a caring God or caring God's, the creator of the universe who made us in his image.

I've been asking this question for years to rich, poor, middle class, educated, illiterate, good-looking and ugly people. I have heard so many different answers and beliefs on why God treats poor people badly. Here is a small list of reasons why God treats these people this way.

1. They Must Have Done Something Wrong and God Is Punishing Them for Their Mistakes.

2. They Don't Believe in the Right God.

3. One of Their Ancestors Did Something Bad and Now They're Paying the Penalty.

4. They Were Born into the Wrong Family, Country, Nationality, Race or Religion.

And last but not least my favorite, the more someone suffers on earth the greater the glory they received in heaven. I can't believe someone would actually say this, but this is the one I've heard most often. " The meek shall inherit the earth." Why wouldn't God have said, "That the poor and the starving people will inherit the kingdom of heaven, and only after they have suffered, pain beyond mortal believe shall they get to enter the kingdom of heaven and then live in a world of unbelievable riches, with plenty of food, clothes and of course people that love them."

I think if religious text was a little more specific, it would make more sense to people who are actually suffering.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a Christian library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Melita Denning

Excellent Video on Angels

Are We All Angels, Watch This Video and Find out.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual and sell help articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Wandering Or Lost Souls

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growing Your Psychic Powers - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Louise Hay
Roger Hock

Reading Feng Shui Books - Get Great Advice

Quite simply, a different style of living. If you're the kind of person who eats the same food week after week, shops and the same stores and only socializes with a few people, feng shui is probably not something you're going to be interested in. However, if you're someone, who wants to try something different, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui could be something that you, just might be interested in.

Where can you find feng shui books? Of course we all know you can find them at your local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online sources. Here's something that might be a little new age or something that most people often forget about, how about going down to your local public library. Public libraries are a great source for books and if you don't like them, you never had to pay for them.

Feng shui books have become popular in the last 20 to 40 years and seems to create an environment out of your home. The Chinese have been practicing this for over a thousand years and it almost has a mystical power to it. If you're tired of the same old house and would like a little change in your life, I would suggest using some of the simple methods, suggested in these books.

One $20 book on home building or feng shui, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

You can learn a lot by reading feng shui books and I would suggest, that if you're interested in interior design or even spirituality, these books will provide you with the information, you need to create a little change in your life.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Foundation For Inner Peace

Friday, June 5, 2009

Review of Energy Awareness Training

My name is Anita and I'm a therapy junkie - or, rather, I was. Like many people, I spent much of my time looking for something that would 'fix' me. In particular, I wanted something that would cure the Irritable Bowel Syndrome that had plagued my life for over a decade, leaving me exhausted and demotivated.

As luck would have it, prior to the birth of my son, I worked as a health journalist, which meant I was able to try out, and review, a diverse range of complementary and alternative therapies over the years. Some treatments I found helpful, others less so, but none was completely effective. Some - like yoga and reiki - I stuck with, others came and went.

And then, earlier this year, a friend told me about the Energy Awareness Training offered by Stephen and Lynda Kane. The theory behind the practice is that it's possible to develop your awareness so you become able to distinguish between energy-promoting and energy-depleting choices - whether about foods and supplements, people, places or activities. These choices, of course, having a knock-on effect on every area of your life, from work and relationships to finances, home, health and happiness.

Inspired by my friend's enthusiasm - not to mention her glowing skin and bright demeanour - I decided to give it a go. After all, what did I have to lose? I signed up for the very next training session, which happened to be taking place in my home town. It seemed like a good sign...

Despite the details I had downloaded from the website, I realised that I had little idea of what to expect. As a health journalist, yoga teacher and reiki healer, I consider myself to have at least some awareness of my body's energy, but I couldn't imagine how we could learn to work with something so intangible. Would it all be hopelessly theoretical and vague?

I needn't have worried. The course was decidedly practical in nature, and the techniques taught were straight-forward, accessible, and, above all, extraordinarily empowering.

Over the weekend, we practised a series of exercises designed to increase our awareness of the energies within and around us, working initially with external aids, before graduating to more subtle 'body awareness' techniques. We learnt how to accurately discover what foods and supplements were 'right' and 'wrong' for us. And how the environment and everything in it, from material objects to directions we face and colours, affects us. We even learnt how to check out our emotional responses, bypassing our surface knee-jerk reactions to people and situations, to access the body's innate wisdom.

In particular, I was fascinated by the results of the food testing. Items I had religiously avoided for years came out as okay for me, including wheat and red wine, while many I perceived as 'good', such as bananas, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, turned out to be affecting me detrimentally, as my experience has subsequently shown.

We were also led through several unique energy-cultivating exercises, known as 'weaves'. Reminiscent of tai chi, these sequenced movements strengthen and clear the body's chakras (energy-centres) and energy-field, retrieving lost energy and generating new awareness.

Perhaps most eye-opening, though, was the work we did with a special energy protection device called an Energy Egg. I couldn't understand how this white egg-shaped aventurine crystal could possibly work, but Stephen convincingly demonstrated how it protected against energetic stresses in the room.

All in all, the course was both enlightening and comprehensive, and, by the end of the second day, we felt we had been equipped with a complete holistic toolbox of energy techniques.

Two months on, my toolbox is in daily use and I can't imagine being without it. Best of all, though, my IBS has totally disappeared - and, as an added bonus, after years of feeling blocked, I've finally written the novel I'd always been meaning to write.

When I first looked at the Energy Awareness website, I remember one of the testimonials catching my eye. It described the training as 'life-changing' - I assumed the person was exaggerating. I don't any more. The Energy Awareness Training can change your life. I know, because it's changed mine.

2008, Anita Hall. Reprints welcomed so long as the by-line below is included and all links made live.

Anita Hall is a health journalist, yoga teacher and energy awareness practitioner. She has taken and recommends the Energy Awareness Training and the Rainbow of Happiness with the School of Energy Awareness at http://www.eat.energyawareness.org

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Monday, June 1, 2009

One of the Best Books on Life

Most people read a book and if it's good, they might recommend it to someone else, but if the book is great, you can guarantee they will recommend it to everyone who is interested or who they think might be interested in the book. In the field of personal development, one book comes to mind, it's called, "You Can Have It All" by Arnold Patent.

I found the book in one of our antique thrift stores and paid less than $10 for it, I really didn't think much of it and never heard of Arnold Patent before. We've all heard of Anthony Robbins, Susie Orman, Wayne Dyer, but I never heard of Arnold Patent. I skimmed through the book and it looked like a short read. I read the book in about six hours and plan to reread the book, as soon as I get it back for my daughter. The book has short chapters, most of them less than five pages.

Looking at the short chapters, you could get the impression, that there isn't very much information in each chapter, how could there be with less than five pages and some chapters less than three pages. This was very deceiving to me, because each paragraph, was like a chapter and each chapter was like a small book.

The book is full of tools and advice and combines personal development with spirituality. He has chapters on meditation, energy, enjoying what you love to do for the rest of your life, cause and effect, abundance, attachment, pain and suffering, harmony, karma the past and forgiveness.

I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to read this book and if you're looking for some basics on quite a few motivational, spiritual and laws of attraction topics, this book has almost everything you need to get you interested in changing your life. You could actually read one chapter a day and think about it for the rest of the week, there's that much information in each chapter.

I was reading one of his recommendations and it was from Oprah Winfrey, she said, "It was one of the most important books that I had ever read." That's coming from one of the most successful people in the entertainment business. I stumbled across this book and might not have ever found it, but I'm telling you about it and highly recommend it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Start Liking Yourself First
Prayer Beads

Spiritual Affirmation - Healing Your Inner Self With Spiritual Affirmations

From childhood to adulthood, the knowledge we gain or the experiences we have in our lives only helps us to discover our outer personality and brings us closer to material things of this world. At the same time we sometimes get depressed or fall into a low self-esteem Problem. Spiritual Affirmations help us get out of these problems. Spiritual Affirmations leads us towards a happy and satisfying life with a peaceful mind.

Affirmations are a judgment that we pass or any thought we have. An affirmation is directly linked to our sub consciousness. Affirmations can either be negative or positive which can either guide our subconscious actions to a successful life or towards failure.

Spiritual Affirmations are a form of meditation which when mediated often, have a desirable results. For example if a person has a lack of confidence or self-esteem problem sit in a peaceful, quiet place with some spiritual affirmations in your mind, let the emotions flow to you and start saying the spiritual affirmations aloud, 'I believe in myself' or 'My inner self will always guide me towards right path with decisions that are beneficial to me and others'.

The key behind spiritual affirmations is to let go of all your negative thoughts and trust completely in yourself. Instead of thinking 'This project is too difficult for me' try thinking 'I am capable of anything and obstacles do not effect me or my work'. Once you adopting this kind of spiritual affirmation you will notice a positive and healthy change in your life.

The best way to carry out spiritual affirmation technique is to release your mind of any negative thought, sit in a peaceful and quiet place, relax and visualize any positive spiritual affirmation such as 'My mind is at peace now'. At the same time try to use simple words and sentences which can easily be interpreted by our mind and mind can easily accept it to be true.

Spiritual affirmations not only help to achieve a peaceful mind and happy life but also helps us draw closer to God. Remember God and His blessings as much as possible while utilizing the spiritual affirmation technique. For example "I let my renewed soul thank God for His blessings" or 'I release my old self and reborn with a new pure soul'. The most acceptable and commonly used word in spiritual affirmation is 'Amen' meaning 'so be it'. While some of us use it to conclude our prayer, it can be used for spiritual affirmation.

For a positive result spiritual affirmation needs to be repeated many times for effectiveness. Write down any positive thought you get maybe in a diary, on a piece of card or whichever way is convenient to you. Review them daily to get your mind to completely accept these thoughts. Preferably review them twice a day. Initially during spiritual affirmation technique we will also get negative thoughts. Note down these thoughts as well and at the end of the day review them and try replacing them with something more positive. Once you perform this spiritual affirmation technique on a regular basis you will find a positive change in yourself with a renewed spirit.

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his Subliminal Messages website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

Stopped Losing Your Car Keys