In the world of stuttering treatments there is unfortunately rather a lot of trash out there. You may believe that this is a rather hard hitting statement however if you are a person who has a stutter then I am confident that you will understand what I am saying. There are, however, treatments for stammering and stuttering that do work, I will be writing about these in this article.
So which stammering and stuttering therapies do work? Well the first piece of advice that I will give is that the treatments that are offered by people who have previously had and overcome this form of speech impediment are likely to prove to be the most beneficial.
There are stuttering therapy courses on the market which are run by people who formerly had a stammer or stutter. The second piece of advice is that the courses which are on a one-to-one basis are likely to be of more benefit than those that are on a group basis. Yes there is likely to be a longer waiting time before a person can attend a one-to-one course, this is essentially because they are more popular, for obvious reasons.
Over the last few years there has been an ever increasing demand and popularity for self-help stuttering therapy products. There are now some excellent alternatives within the market place including a DVD, an e-book and an audio book.
The third and final piece of advice, well at least for this article, that I will provide, is in relation to these self-help stammering/stuttering therapy products. Before you decide to purchase you should ensure that there is a support service which you can contact if you have any questions from watching, listening and reading the material. If there is not a support service in place then it could be well worth seeking an alternative form of stammering treatment.
Steve Hill is a speech coach from the UK; he runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre and has a number of websites including:
stuttering information
speech impediment cure
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