Monday, May 11, 2009

Power Affirmations - Part Five

This is part five of a five part series. Because it seems that in today's society there is too much to do and not enough time to do it, I want to make sure you don't have any excuse to not use affirmations in a powerful way because of time.

While all of the techniques you have learned so far are very powerful and well worth the investment of your time, they will only work if you use them consistently. So in this lesson I am giving you my down and dirty five minutes a day Power Affirmations routine.

As you have already learned, the most powerful time to work with affirmations is during the half hour before you go to bed at night. This is the time we will focus on today. This is the time you want to use without fail for five minutes every night.

First I want you to take a powerful stance, and with your hand on your heart, and with all the emotion you can muster, powerfully state up to ten of your affirmations out loud.

Next write, don't print those same affirmations in a notebook. Writing is an ideomotor response which automatically puts what you write into your subconscious mind.

Finally, write down and commit to at least one thing you are going to do the next day to move forward toward the life you deserve and desire.

Completing all three steps should take no more than five minutes. I hope you will agree that you are worth at least five minutes of your time to move your life forward in a positive direction. Honestly I hope you think you are worth much more.

If nothing else do this down and dirty five minute routine for the next 30 days, and I think you will be surprised how something so simple can be so powerful.

It has been my pleasure to share the information in this course with you. I know that if you put into action the information you have learned the results you receive will be very powerful indeed.

I hope we have the opportunity to meet again either in another course, through one of my many products, or perhaps one of my live seminars or workshops.

Until next we meet, take care, be well, and keep affirming the life you deserve and desire. Remember there is a Powerful Champions Heart That Beats Inside Of You. Listen to it and follow where it leads.

Mitchell Dahood, M.A. has a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology, and is certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy, as well as Theraputic Image Facilitation. He is the CEO and Founder of The Champions Heart, a Personal Development Company.

Mitchell and his company are comitted to empowering individuals and organizations around the world to conquer the negative thoughts & beliefs that are holding them back from the success they deserve. You can contact him at

In addition to writing articles and books, and speaking on personal/Spiritual growth topics, Mitchell has created a number of personal/Spiritual growth products. These products as well as his blog and many free resources can be found at

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