We all know that motivation is about as temperamental as a two year old, right? That being said, it's to our benefit to stay conscious of the 5 energies that can severely short circuit and deflate our motivational mindset.
I've identified what I like to call the motivation deflator(s). When we hit one of these babies it's like hitting an extra large speed bump. Yeah, kind of like the one I went over the other day and it had my car jumping up and down like I had hydraulic shocks on my little Beetle Bug. I had to slow way down after I went over that stupid speed bump and regroup. Basically, I had to adjust. Well, the same thing is called for when we meet one of the 5 motivation deflator(s): negativity, shame, detachment, bitterness, and fear.
Now that you know what they are let's talk about how to deal with them when they rear their ornery heads.
1. Negativity - practice the positive. For this little gem you've got to get into the habit of practicing your positive posture. Stand positive, smile positive, think positive, speak positive. Pretty quickly negativity and it's henchmen will scurry away. Practice daily!
2. Shame - practice acceptance. Experiencing disproportionate feelings of shame can sap the life right out of you. To combat this stealthy energy, you must practice self acceptance. Repeat daily "There is no perfection only process." Whatever you may have done learn from it, maybe teach others about what you've learned, and move on.
3. Detachment - practice connecting with others, your dreams, and your ideas. When you get detached from the world around you and your inner visions it can literally feel like you no longer have a place in the world. To get your groove back, get out there and connect. Connecting both virtually and in the real world. Reconnect to family & friends. Write about your dreams and ideas and share them with those you trust. Connection is it baby!
4. Bitterness - practice gratitude. Oh, this one is big! When we experience something that we know wasn't right, bitterness stands waiting in the wings because this energy wants to be the STAR of the show! Don't look in the wings!! Don't! Instead, look inside your heart and tap the gratitude that always resides there no matter what the circumstances.
5. Fear - practice courage. Now I'm not talking about healthy fear, like, don't touch the fire because it will burn you. I'm talking about illogical fears that immobilize you and hinder you from living in the now and actualizing your dreams. Repeat this "Courage is not the absence of fear, but moving forward despite fear or doubt." You don't have to wait until you get rid of fear, you move forward anyway. Moving forward is what builds courage. You can do it in small steps or big ones, it doesn't really matter the size, what matters is that you move!
I suggest that you study these 5 steps for combating the motivation deflator(s) and maybe even tape them to the wall where you can read them daily. I know they'll surely help you to calm the motivational equivalent of the temperamental 2 year old in us all.
Download a free motivation enhancement tip sheet by visiting http://www.increaseyourmotivationmojo.com & signing up for my newsletter to learn how to live your personal best and maintain your motivation mojo no matter what's going on! For the past 15 years Denise Hart has been teaching women how to discover success strategies in record time that improve the bottom line in all areas of their lives & offering free weekly teleseminars, as well as online courses with a workshop environment. Her 6 day 30 minutes a day workshop "Motivation Solutions" will provide your with immediate success strategies to improve your life and your business. http://www.motivationmojosolutions.com
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