Nobody can deny the importance of games in physical culture and character building. Games have immense influence on human personality. The main aim of education is harmonious and threefold development of human personality-physical, mental and moral development. Games and sports have numerous physical, mental and moral advantages. But they must be placed in right spirit and at right time. This is particularly true about students. The approach to game or playing of games may be different for different persons.
Games must be compulsory for students for all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. They are essential for both physical and mental cultures. As the maxim goes, a sound body has a sound mind, and the two function in concomitant variation. But the golden rule for the students is, play while you should play and work while you should work. The existing tendency among our rising players and sportsmen is not conductive to character building. They generally neglect their studies and use all the fair and foul means to procure a certificate or a degree for their life career. Many of them are simply spared for the teams and not for the battle of life. It is a marked contrast for one who had been a sportsman.
After dwelling on the necessity of games and sports for the youths, particularly the students, let us mark the other approaches to them as amateur and professionals. The rules of the games are the same for the both but the former take them more lightly and the latter, more seriously. The first play should be for amusement and fitness, and the other for money. Anyhow, sportsman spirit and good habits are developed and cultivated in the earlier stage. The real purpose is not fame but gains the three fold benefits. Of the educative value of games is ignored, they become a gamble, excersie without excellence-feeding the body at the cost of the soul.
Playing of games has a serious purpose. It must help in the all round development of human personality. From physical point of view games are excellent form of exercise. By playing games not only human limbs are developed and strengthened but co-ordination and rhythm are also produced in their movements. It helps in the development of muscles and strengthening of the heart. Outdoor games tone up the fresh air starved lungs for deep breathing is good for health.
Frank Desantis is a philanthropist from the U.S.A. He is a writer by hobby and writes on various topics, especially Literature and Life in general.
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