Magical Cures and Mystical Remedies
Many people have tarot card, astrology readings, go to psychics or go to hypnotherapists for post-hypnotic suggestions for weight loss, smoke cessation, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive behaviors and the list goes on. Magical cures and mystical remedies will give relief temporarily, but eventually the issue resurfaces, because the root cause that created the issue was not addressed. Finding the root cause takes you on a journey of self-discovery through your mind, body and spirit, whereby you can eliminate the need for band-aids, second opinions and empty promises.
While I am not opposed to tarot card or astrology readings, psychics or post-hypnotic suggestions, they are 'quick fixes' for which a more indepth approach is needed. Many people go to psychics who pronounce they had a certain past life or another, with no processing or conclusion as to how that past life is affecting the current life. In order to resolve how a past life is affecting the current life the pers on needs to experience their own past life.
Mildred Carter, one of the pioneers of reflexology, stated in her book, ‘Body Reflexology,’ “whenever we feel pain anywhere in the body, even the slightest twinge of a pain, it’s the body’s method of sending you a signal, and if palpated and rubbed out, may prevent future illness, although the actual dis-ease may be far removed from the original site of discomfort…”
Prevention is far superior for health care than treating the illness or dis-ease in progress. This is not to say, that the illness or dis-ease can not be eliminated--it can, but it generates a sense of fear and vulnerability, which exacerbates the illness or dis-ease. This is the very reason the quick fixes for symptoms are the staple for Traditional Western Medicine (TWM)
Given the proper support and adequate care, the body can heal itself. As Louise Hay says in her book, Heal Your Body, " matter how dire their predicament seems to be, I KNOW if they are WILLING to do the mental w ork of releasing and forgiving, almost anything can be healed. The word 'incurable,' which is so frightening to so many people, really only means that the particular condition cannot be cured by 'outer' methods and that we must GO WITHIN to effect the healing. The condition came from nothing and will go back to nothing."
Deepak Chopra, MD stated in his book, “The Book of Secrets’ that “the human body runs on dual controls. If you heal it from the outside by material means, it will respond. If you heal it from the inside by subjective means, it will also respond...” Arthur Miller stated, “I think one must finally take one’s life into one’s arms.”
Holistic Healthcare practitioners are dedicated to empower you to find nurturing links to your health and wellness.
In modern psychotherapy we treat symptoms because symptoms can be quantified and identified, or so it is claimed by traditional modern medical and psychiatric practices.
Thus Emotional Pain is described in terms of symptoms—Depres sion, Anger, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Self-Esteem issues, Mood Swings, Compulsive Behavior, Chronic and Acute Fear, Self-Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, Shame, Guilt, Eating Disorders, or Addictions) does not heal itself. Time, marriages, children, success, wealth, buying a bigger house, or faster car, changing jobs or relocating will not CURE it. The damage is sometimes very deep, pervasive and profound. It is a soul injury. The person has been robbed of his or her integrity, core identity and trust.
Emotional, Physical or Sexual trauma in childhood is 'violence' that does not require force. The child is thrown into a ‘state of shock.’ For some the memories remain conscious, while others drive them beneath the conscious level. The coping mechanisms the child used are carried into adulthood and impact the person's life on every level—Emotional, Physical, Mental, Behavioral, Spiritual, Sexual and Relationships. While these coping mechanisms were appropriate then, they are a 'problem' in adulthood.
Tradit ional mental health professionals ask: "What is wrong with you?" or "What happened to you?" Asking, "What is wrong with you?" or "What happened to you?" implies blame, sickness and fault. Asking, "What did you experience growing up?" —allows the person to begin the process of discovering the source of their pain and healing the wounds.
Traditional psychotherapy/psychoanalysis neglects the fact that we feel, sense, and experience global political mass consciousness, as well as our individual consciousness, like never before. A Mind, Body, Spirit approach addresses all three, therefore opening the door to true balance and healing.
Well-being comes from the understanding of the Self, the family, the local community in which we live, and the global community of which we are part. We are each one heart of the Whole; each heart here to express its unique piece of the Whole. Knowing Self creates a sense of "I as a piece of this Whole," different and one at the same time. The process of understanding the Self, the family, the local community and the global community has its foundation rooted in metaphysics.
Metaphysics is the science, which investigates first causes of all existence and knowledge. It seeks to explain the nature of being, the origin and structure of the world, in relationship between the ethereal and the physical. Metaphysics holds that the soul or spirit and the physical body are one yet separate; here the applied psychology of religion comes to bear. The metaphysician’s teachings help soothe the emotional and physical problems of youth and maturity, illness and death. Herein, a transformational process occurs between the work of the Facilitator and that of the individual. Because the metaphysician or doctor of metaphysics can serve as both a facilitator as well as a source of spiritual comfort, he or she espouses universal spirituality through holistic health.
Metaphysical Healing a.k.a. Transpersonal Healing is the process of reconnecting the person with their inner being. Recon necting can be achieved through meditation, introspection and over time accessing our inner self, however, few people have the discipline, inclination or know how to affect this process. Therefore, employing the help of a professional who practices Mind, Body Spirit Healing/Transpersonal Healing will quickly establish the foundation for empowerment, self-esteem, peace of mind and on-going spiritual and emotional growth.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.
Philosophy That Makes SenseCornerstone Values and Their MeaningBeyond a Persons Inner GameLooking Outside The SquarePast Life Regression
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Unleash Your Power With Personal Development
by: Scott A. Sutton When we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, we’ll have a clearer vision of the whole art work. We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our self improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we don’t see it. The only time we think of unlocking our self improvement power is when everything got worst. Take the frog principle for example – Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B: place him in a luke warm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait til the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B then thinks “Ooh… it’s a bit warm in here”. People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn’t mind her what her friends says. The next day, she learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn’t realize at once the importance and the need for self improvement until the entire community hates her. We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth have fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re gonna die tomorrow. The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self improvement power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes more painful when we ignore it.
Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good. Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self improvement. Unlocking your self improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers. Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it. Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!” Self improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy. About The AuthorScott Sutton is a savvy and successful internet marketer working with the #1 most visited personal development website in the world. Learn more at:
Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good. Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self improvement. Unlocking your self improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers. Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it. Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!” Self improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy. About The AuthorScott Sutton is a savvy and successful internet marketer working with the #1 most visited personal development website in the world. Learn more at:
Gather new and positive skills
If your company or organization believes that having the best quality of employee is absolutely critical to production and positive results in your company or group, then it becomes necessary to pay very close attention to the quality of your hiring process and to the knowledge and skills of your hiring personnel.The people we hire today have a direct impact on the upward trend in our company profits, or conversely of our profit loss. A good technique in interviewing is critical as well, to help us match the best people with the places they belong in our workplace, building a positive future experience for both them, and our company. Interviewing skills will help you to ascertain whether or not a prospective employee is entirely honest regarding his skills and work history.
While is it not usually the case, there are those who flesh out their resumes with information that is not strictly accurate in an attempt to gain a position for which they are at times not fully qualified. Not desiring to suspect each employee, we do not frequently question him or her further, nor in fact do we always determine when we are interviewing them that this is that case. While it is not a trend that is being actively searched for we must look for dishonesty in an interviewee. You as the interviewer must be able to determine when in fact it dishonesty has happened by the use of your interviewing skills as well as the prospects CV and referrals. Effective interviewing skills seminars are fast paced and highly instructional. They are a learning experience that will help us to gather new and positive skills in our work environment.New concepts are presented to us in an interviewing skills seminar that will help us to apply those learned skills, while gaining immediate feedback on how we have handled the practice interview, as well as personal assistance from an instructor who is highly skilled in the subject matter.
Your employees will learn how to conduct a face to face interview without lacking in confidence, how to use goal directed interview procedures to discover in depth background information on the prospective employee, how to understand and comply with legal directives, and how to establish a standard for selecting employees. These skills will benefit your employees in many ways as well as your company's future. As a company is based on their employees it is important to understand the skills you can gain from a seminar that teaches interview skills.
While is it not usually the case, there are those who flesh out their resumes with information that is not strictly accurate in an attempt to gain a position for which they are at times not fully qualified. Not desiring to suspect each employee, we do not frequently question him or her further, nor in fact do we always determine when we are interviewing them that this is that case. While it is not a trend that is being actively searched for we must look for dishonesty in an interviewee. You as the interviewer must be able to determine when in fact it dishonesty has happened by the use of your interviewing skills as well as the prospects CV and referrals. Effective interviewing skills seminars are fast paced and highly instructional. They are a learning experience that will help us to gather new and positive skills in our work environment.New concepts are presented to us in an interviewing skills seminar that will help us to apply those learned skills, while gaining immediate feedback on how we have handled the practice interview, as well as personal assistance from an instructor who is highly skilled in the subject matter.
Your employees will learn how to conduct a face to face interview without lacking in confidence, how to use goal directed interview procedures to discover in depth background information on the prospective employee, how to understand and comply with legal directives, and how to establish a standard for selecting employees. These skills will benefit your employees in many ways as well as your company's future. As a company is based on their employees it is important to understand the skills you can gain from a seminar that teaches interview skills.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Ram Dass calls this somebody training
The Landscape Of The Soul
Through the years, we accumulate a series of experiences. Our tendency is to evaluate and simply reflect on what we have been through and what we have learned. This inward site into what we can no longer see with our eyes allows us to see through them, and into, our soul.
The landscape of the soul creates a movement and a synchronistic pattern between our heart and our mind through the inner visions of our soul. When the heart and imagination join forces to look back or look forward, we are deepening our awareness of who we really are. This deepening of who we really are is our soul. It has been said that "our hearts will not rest until we rest in thee." This is our journey in life. It is our journey home. It is the journey into the special quality of existence that brought us into this world. It is the journey of what is leading us through this life. And, it is the journey back to where it all began. One could say that the infant and the elderly are more soul than body. As you and I develop our personality and ego, we begin to think we are somebody. Ram Dass calls this "somebody training." We begin to think we are real and act on this appearance of being as we move into adulthood. When we mature, we go back into what Ram Dass has called "nobody training." We spend a great deal of time learning to develop independence from infancy only to lose it again as we die. It is the journey from innocence to grace. The human expression is a journey with many ups and downs. What keeps us on tract and often sane in an insane world is the "landscape of the soul." The landscape of the soul gives us strength to do the impossible and give us hope when there is none. Even though all parts of the self needs to be embraced with scrutiny and unconditional love, there is something inside us perfecting our true nature. Our authentic self knows we are growing through life and simply going through life at the same time. This delicate balance between these two forces of nature enables us to stay on our path. In so doing, we learn to trust in our soul and find direction there when direction in life is not present. When darkness turns to day, the sun moves over the horizon and touches everything in sight. This movement across the landscape brightens everything. Such an illumination awakens us all. We rise with energy moving in and through us allowing us to create a new day. It is a day unique from all the rest and creatively woven into our soul. This is the landscape of our soul. As you can see, nature has a way of showing us just how powerful we are. The same power that created the moon and the stars and the movement of all space and time lies within the human heart. Human beings are fortunate to be able to be aware of our awareness. This awareness gives us an opportunity to reflect on our soul and find blessing in being alive. Our consciousness of a creative force inside us guiding us into this world, through it, and eventually to our eternal home allows us to fulfill a purpose on this earth. Such a purpose is beyond our own ability to really know. Yet, we can open our heart enough to allow our purpose to find us. This is done by recognizing that the things in life that really matter ARE the things in life that isn't matter. Yes, it is our soul's longing to fulfill the purpose for which we came to earth for. No one really knows how a baby is conceived totally. Science and human understanding still hasn't been able to fully comprehend such a force of nature. We can only embrace what is beyond us and find a way to bring into being forces of nature such as a tiny child. When a child is born, we are in awe. The miracle of birth creates something inside us all. It is the remembrance that life does not come from us. Instead, life comes through us. As such, we are living in a dream come true. All of us are probably living our soul's purpose more than we know, and even, can know. It is the mystery of all mysteries.
This does not explain why some of us find peace and other's find pain. But, such a philosophy will enable us all to find grace in knowing our lives create what we all are a part of. An understanding of such grace gives every one of us a chance to find mercy and grace and the same unconditional love we came into the world with when we were born.
By: Sam Oliver
Samuel Oliver, author of, "What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living" and "A Fish Named Ed" Sam Oliver has worked with the dying for over 16 years. During this time, he has written 5 books on grief. Website URL; Spiritual Poems
Through the years, we accumulate a series of experiences. Our tendency is to evaluate and simply reflect on what we have been through and what we have learned. This inward site into what we can no longer see with our eyes allows us to see through them, and into, our soul.
The landscape of the soul creates a movement and a synchronistic pattern between our heart and our mind through the inner visions of our soul. When the heart and imagination join forces to look back or look forward, we are deepening our awareness of who we really are. This deepening of who we really are is our soul. It has been said that "our hearts will not rest until we rest in thee." This is our journey in life. It is our journey home. It is the journey into the special quality of existence that brought us into this world. It is the journey of what is leading us through this life. And, it is the journey back to where it all began. One could say that the infant and the elderly are more soul than body. As you and I develop our personality and ego, we begin to think we are somebody. Ram Dass calls this "somebody training." We begin to think we are real and act on this appearance of being as we move into adulthood. When we mature, we go back into what Ram Dass has called "nobody training." We spend a great deal of time learning to develop independence from infancy only to lose it again as we die. It is the journey from innocence to grace. The human expression is a journey with many ups and downs. What keeps us on tract and often sane in an insane world is the "landscape of the soul." The landscape of the soul gives us strength to do the impossible and give us hope when there is none. Even though all parts of the self needs to be embraced with scrutiny and unconditional love, there is something inside us perfecting our true nature. Our authentic self knows we are growing through life and simply going through life at the same time. This delicate balance between these two forces of nature enables us to stay on our path. In so doing, we learn to trust in our soul and find direction there when direction in life is not present. When darkness turns to day, the sun moves over the horizon and touches everything in sight. This movement across the landscape brightens everything. Such an illumination awakens us all. We rise with energy moving in and through us allowing us to create a new day. It is a day unique from all the rest and creatively woven into our soul. This is the landscape of our soul. As you can see, nature has a way of showing us just how powerful we are. The same power that created the moon and the stars and the movement of all space and time lies within the human heart. Human beings are fortunate to be able to be aware of our awareness. This awareness gives us an opportunity to reflect on our soul and find blessing in being alive. Our consciousness of a creative force inside us guiding us into this world, through it, and eventually to our eternal home allows us to fulfill a purpose on this earth. Such a purpose is beyond our own ability to really know. Yet, we can open our heart enough to allow our purpose to find us. This is done by recognizing that the things in life that really matter ARE the things in life that isn't matter. Yes, it is our soul's longing to fulfill the purpose for which we came to earth for. No one really knows how a baby is conceived totally. Science and human understanding still hasn't been able to fully comprehend such a force of nature. We can only embrace what is beyond us and find a way to bring into being forces of nature such as a tiny child. When a child is born, we are in awe. The miracle of birth creates something inside us all. It is the remembrance that life does not come from us. Instead, life comes through us. As such, we are living in a dream come true. All of us are probably living our soul's purpose more than we know, and even, can know. It is the mystery of all mysteries.
This does not explain why some of us find peace and other's find pain. But, such a philosophy will enable us all to find grace in knowing our lives create what we all are a part of. An understanding of such grace gives every one of us a chance to find mercy and grace and the same unconditional love we came into the world with when we were born.
By: Sam Oliver
Samuel Oliver, author of, "What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living" and "A Fish Named Ed" Sam Oliver has worked with the dying for over 16 years. During this time, he has written 5 books on grief. Website URL; Spiritual Poems
But where there is light, there is shadow
The Book of the Spiritual Man 1-11 12-22 22-33 34- 44 45-55
The third book of the Sutras is the Book of Spiritual Powers. Inconsidering these spiritual powers, two things must be understood andkept in memory. The first of these is this: These spiritual powers canonly be gained when the development described in the first and secondbooks has been measurably attained; when the Commandments havebeen kept, the Rules faithfully followed, and the experiences which aredescribed have been passed through. For only after this is the spiritualman so far grown, so far disentangled from the psychical bandagesand veils which have confined and blinded him, that he can use hisproper powers and faculties. For this is the secret of all spiritualpowers: they are in no sense an abnormal or supernatural overgrowthupon the material man, but are rather the powers and faculties inherentin the spiritual man, entirely natural to him, and coming naturally intoactivity, as the spiritual man is disentangled and liberated frompsychical bondage, through keeping the Commandments and Rulesalready set forth.As the personal man is the limitation and inversion of the spiritualman, all his faculties and powers are inversions of the powers of thespiritual man. In a single phrase, his self seeking is the inversion of theSelf-seeking which is the very being of the spiritual man: the ceaselesssearch after the divine and august Self of all beings. This inversion iscorrected by keeping the Commandments and Rules, and gradually,as the inversion is overcome, the spiritual man is extricated, andcomes into possession and free exercise of his powers. The spiritualpowers, therefore, are the powers of the grown and liberated spiritualman. They can only be developed and used as the spiritual man growsand attains liberation through obedience. This is the first thing to bekept in mind, in all that is said of spiritual powers in the third andfourth books of the Sutras. The second thing to be understood andkept in mind is this:Just as our modern sages have discerned and taught that all matter isultimately one and eternal, definitely related throughout the wholewide universe; just as they have discerned and taught that all force isone and eternal, so coordinated throughout the whole universe thatwhatever affects any atom measurably affects the whole boundlessrealm of matter and force, to the most distant star or nebula on thedim confines of space; so the ancient sages had discerned and taughtthat all consciousness is one, immortal, indivisible, infinite; so finelycorrelated and continuous that whatever is perceived by anyconsciousness is, whether actually or potentially, within the reach ofall consciousness, and therefore within the reach of any consciousness.This has been well expressed by saying that all souls are fundamentallyone with the Oversoul; that the Son of God, and all Sons of God, arefundamentally one with the Father. When the consciousness is clearedof psychic bonds and veils, when the spiritual man is able to stand, tosee, then this superb law comes into effect: whatever is within theknowledge of any consciousness, and this includes the whole infiniteuniverse, is within his reach, and may, if he wills, be made a part of hisconsciousness. This he may attain through his fundamental unity withthe Oversoul, by raising himself toward the consciousness above him,and drawing on its resources. The Son, if he would work miracles,whether of perception or of action, must come often into the presenceof the Father. This is the birthright of the spiritual man; through it hecomes into possession of his splendid and immortal powers. Let it beclearly kept in mind that what is here to be related of the spiritual man,and his exalted powers, must in no wise be detached from what hasgone before. The being, the very inception, of the spiritual mandepends on the purification and moral attainment already detailed, andcan in no wise dispense with these or curtail them.Let no one imagine that the true life, the true powers of the spiritualman, can be attained by any way except the hard way of sacrifice, oftrial, of renunciation, of selfless self-conquest and genuine devotion tothe weal of all others. Only thus can the golden gates be reached andentered. Only thus can we attain to that pure world wherein thespiritual man lives, and moves, and has his being. Nothing impure,nothing unholy can ever cross that threshold, least of all impuremotives or self seeking desires. These must be burnt away before anentrance to that world can be gained.But where there is light, there is shadow; and the lofty light of the soulcasts upon the clouds of the mid-world the shadow of the spiritualman and of his powers; the bastard vesture and the bastard powers ofpsychism are easily attained; yet, even when attained, they are adelusion, the very essence of unreality.Therefore ponder well the earlier rules, and lay a firm foundation ofcourage, sacrifice, selflessness, holiness.
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Spiritual Ideas
The Book of the Spiritual Man 1-11 12-22 22-33 34- 44 45-55
The third book of the Sutras is the Book of Spiritual Powers. Inconsidering these spiritual powers, two things must be understood andkept in memory. The first of these is this: These spiritual powers canonly be gained when the development described in the first and secondbooks has been measurably attained; when the Commandments havebeen kept, the Rules faithfully followed, and the experiences which aredescribed have been passed through. For only after this is the spiritualman so far grown, so far disentangled from the psychical bandagesand veils which have confined and blinded him, that he can use hisproper powers and faculties. For this is the secret of all spiritualpowers: they are in no sense an abnormal or supernatural overgrowthupon the material man, but are rather the powers and faculties inherentin the spiritual man, entirely natural to him, and coming naturally intoactivity, as the spiritual man is disentangled and liberated frompsychical bondage, through keeping the Commandments and Rulesalready set forth.As the personal man is the limitation and inversion of the spiritualman, all his faculties and powers are inversions of the powers of thespiritual man. In a single phrase, his self seeking is the inversion of theSelf-seeking which is the very being of the spiritual man: the ceaselesssearch after the divine and august Self of all beings. This inversion iscorrected by keeping the Commandments and Rules, and gradually,as the inversion is overcome, the spiritual man is extricated, andcomes into possession and free exercise of his powers. The spiritualpowers, therefore, are the powers of the grown and liberated spiritualman. They can only be developed and used as the spiritual man growsand attains liberation through obedience. This is the first thing to bekept in mind, in all that is said of spiritual powers in the third andfourth books of the Sutras. The second thing to be understood andkept in mind is this:Just as our modern sages have discerned and taught that all matter isultimately one and eternal, definitely related throughout the wholewide universe; just as they have discerned and taught that all force isone and eternal, so coordinated throughout the whole universe thatwhatever affects any atom measurably affects the whole boundlessrealm of matter and force, to the most distant star or nebula on thedim confines of space; so the ancient sages had discerned and taughtthat all consciousness is one, immortal, indivisible, infinite; so finelycorrelated and continuous that whatever is perceived by anyconsciousness is, whether actually or potentially, within the reach ofall consciousness, and therefore within the reach of any consciousness.This has been well expressed by saying that all souls are fundamentallyone with the Oversoul; that the Son of God, and all Sons of God, arefundamentally one with the Father. When the consciousness is clearedof psychic bonds and veils, when the spiritual man is able to stand, tosee, then this superb law comes into effect: whatever is within theknowledge of any consciousness, and this includes the whole infiniteuniverse, is within his reach, and may, if he wills, be made a part of hisconsciousness. This he may attain through his fundamental unity withthe Oversoul, by raising himself toward the consciousness above him,and drawing on its resources. The Son, if he would work miracles,whether of perception or of action, must come often into the presenceof the Father. This is the birthright of the spiritual man; through it hecomes into possession of his splendid and immortal powers. Let it beclearly kept in mind that what is here to be related of the spiritual man,and his exalted powers, must in no wise be detached from what hasgone before. The being, the very inception, of the spiritual mandepends on the purification and moral attainment already detailed, andcan in no wise dispense with these or curtail them.Let no one imagine that the true life, the true powers of the spiritualman, can be attained by any way except the hard way of sacrifice, oftrial, of renunciation, of selfless self-conquest and genuine devotion tothe weal of all others. Only thus can the golden gates be reached andentered. Only thus can we attain to that pure world wherein thespiritual man lives, and moves, and has his being. Nothing impure,nothing unholy can ever cross that threshold, least of all impuremotives or self seeking desires. These must be burnt away before anentrance to that world can be gained.But where there is light, there is shadow; and the lofty light of the soulcasts upon the clouds of the mid-world the shadow of the spiritualman and of his powers; the bastard vesture and the bastard powers ofpsychism are easily attained; yet, even when attained, they are adelusion, the very essence of unreality.Therefore ponder well the earlier rules, and lay a firm foundation ofcourage, sacrifice, selflessness, holiness.
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Spiritual Ideas
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Mindset is arguably one of the most important factors
Fitness Goals and Visualization
Your mindset is arguably one of the most important factors in your workout routine if you really want to achieve your goals.. Most of us are not looking for a short term health solution: we want lifetime fitness – fitness for life. So it’s important that you really see things that way and start to visualize how that would look to you.
Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and looked at your self but not been happy with what you saw in the reflection? I think that all of us have done this at one time or another. The sad thing is that unless we change the way that we see ourselves, we’re never going to change! Thoughts and visualizing are very powerful in helping you to achieve your goals! Have you ever noticed that the person that thinks the most about being sick is always sick? That the people that talk the most about aches and pains always seem to have aches and pains? Or that the person that talks the most about being ugly seems to be that way because they see themselves that way! So, if you really want to see a change in the way you look you have to start to change the way you see yourself! Its time to visualize what you want to be - not what you are!
I heard a statement the other day that really rang true with this concept.
The idea is that if you look at yourself and judge yourself the way you are today you’re really just looking at what you ‘were’, and so you’ll always be stuck there. What you are today is a culmination of the past! So if you want to change your future, stop looking at the past (or in other words where you are today). Instead, start to visualize what you want to be and you’ll actually start to become that.
So next time you stand in front of the mirror take a good look at yourself. Then close your eyes and get a picture in your mind of what you want to look like. Do this on a daily basis and really feel and picture what you want to look like. Don’t make it just a mundane routine, really get into it. This will help you to stay motivated and also help you to accomplish your goals even faster because you’re involving your mind in changing your body. There is a really correlation between the mind and body. If you really want to achieve lifetime fitness you have to start including your whole body in the process.
About the Author:Dan Patterson is an editor of, a site full of information to help you achieve lifetime fitness.
Visualization and Gratitude
Leadership and Visualization
Rediscover The Power of Visualization
The Fine Art of Visualization
How Important is Visualization To Your Success
Your mindset is arguably one of the most important factors in your workout routine if you really want to achieve your goals.. Most of us are not looking for a short term health solution: we want lifetime fitness – fitness for life. So it’s important that you really see things that way and start to visualize how that would look to you.
Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and looked at your self but not been happy with what you saw in the reflection? I think that all of us have done this at one time or another. The sad thing is that unless we change the way that we see ourselves, we’re never going to change! Thoughts and visualizing are very powerful in helping you to achieve your goals! Have you ever noticed that the person that thinks the most about being sick is always sick? That the people that talk the most about aches and pains always seem to have aches and pains? Or that the person that talks the most about being ugly seems to be that way because they see themselves that way! So, if you really want to see a change in the way you look you have to start to change the way you see yourself! Its time to visualize what you want to be - not what you are!
I heard a statement the other day that really rang true with this concept.
The idea is that if you look at yourself and judge yourself the way you are today you’re really just looking at what you ‘were’, and so you’ll always be stuck there. What you are today is a culmination of the past! So if you want to change your future, stop looking at the past (or in other words where you are today). Instead, start to visualize what you want to be and you’ll actually start to become that.
So next time you stand in front of the mirror take a good look at yourself. Then close your eyes and get a picture in your mind of what you want to look like. Do this on a daily basis and really feel and picture what you want to look like. Don’t make it just a mundane routine, really get into it. This will help you to stay motivated and also help you to accomplish your goals even faster because you’re involving your mind in changing your body. There is a really correlation between the mind and body. If you really want to achieve lifetime fitness you have to start including your whole body in the process.
About the Author:Dan Patterson is an editor of, a site full of information to help you achieve lifetime fitness.
Visualization and Gratitude
Leadership and Visualization
Rediscover The Power of Visualization
The Fine Art of Visualization
How Important is Visualization To Your Success
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How To Measure Spiritual Growth

‘Spiritual level’ denotes a person’s spiritual maturity or spiritual capacity. It acts as a scale to define spiritual growth and gives perspective on where we are in our spiritual journey. The higher one’s spiritual level, the greater is the amount of God principle manifest in the individual.Let us see the importance of spiritual level. If we were to say that someone is at 100% spiritual level, it would mean that this person is one with God, whereas 1% would refer to the spiritual level of an inanimate object. The majority of people in the current era, which is Kaliyuga, also known as the Era of Strife, fall in the 20% spiritual level category.
According to the science of Spirituality, a person who is above the 70% spiritual level is known as a Saint.
Just as we have people who are at the top of their fields in the material world, so also, in Spirituality, the Saints who live on Earth are the authorities. They are not just scholars, but practitioners of the science of Spirituality in day-to-day life and are God-realised souls. Spiritual level cannot be measured by any modern scientific equipment, nor can it be ascertained intellectually by any person.Spiritual level is defined by a number of contributing factors. In the following points we have discussed some of the more important parameters that contribute to a person’s spiritual level and how they vary with spiritual growth.
Just as we have people who are at the top of their fields in the material world, so also, in Spirituality, the Saints who live on Earth are the authorities. They are not just scholars, but practitioners of the science of Spirituality in day-to-day life and are God-realised souls. Spiritual level cannot be measured by any modern scientific equipment, nor can it be ascertained intellectually by any person.Spiritual level is defined by a number of contributing factors. In the following points we have discussed some of the more important parameters that contribute to a person’s spiritual level and how they vary with spiritual growth.
1. One of the important parameters of the spiritual level of a person is the amount of ego or darkness around the Soul that has been removed and how much he identifies himself, with the Soul within. By darkness around the Soul or ego, we mean the tendency of man to perceive himself only as his five senses, mind and intellect.
. A clear sign of a higher spiritual level than the average person is a reduced attention to one’s own happiness. Paradoxically even though we attend less to our happiness as we grow spiritually, one of the benefits of growing spiritually is that we get access to greater amounts of happiness in our lives.
3. As our spiritual level increases, our capacity to do spiritual practice both qualitatively and quantitatively increases. Our capacity to do more spiritual practice is like growing ‘spiritual muscles’. The more we stretch ourselves to do spiritual practice, the more we grow our ‘spiritual muscles’.
4. As one grows spiritually, one achieves a more balanced state of mind and no longer does one oscillate between highs and lows due to events around us.
5. Spiritual emotion towards God is experiencing an intense awareness of the existence of God in everything, that is feeling God’s presence while carrying out day-to-day life activities and experiencing life based on this awareness. As one’s spiritual emotion increases one is more and more able to experience God’s hand in every aspect of life and hence is able to surrender more to God. A person at the 20% spiritual level may be full of himself and his intellectual skills after sealing a big and prestigious deal. A person at a 50% spiritual level in similar circumstances will be overwhelmed with spiritual emotion and full of gratitude to God for His kindness in gracing him with the deal.
The spiritual level that we are at is a key function in how we live our life and how we are impacted by life’s situations and destiny. We are all born at a certain spiritual level. This is based on the spiritual level achieved in the previous life time. When one does spiritual practice and grows to the 50% spiritual level, then in the next lifetime he will be born at the 50% spiritual level. This is unlike worldly knowledge where we have to start all over again once we are born.The safest way to ensure our rapid spiritual growth in this birth is to undertake spiritual practice according to the 5 basic principles of Spirituality.
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Benefits Of Mantras
Mantra is a technique, which involves repeating a word, or a short phrase several times. The aim of using a mantra is to invoke a certain quality such as peace, light or joy. If we can bring to the fore, the inner essence of a mantra, we will be able to make our meditation more powerful and soulful.
Mantra Yoga Mantra Yoga The word yoga brings to mind, especially in the West, a system of exercises beneficial for physical and mental health
Mantra Meditation ExerciseA Mantra Meditation Exercise This particular meditation may well put you to sleep if you allow it to do so. If, however, you are not intending to sleep then, when you are ready to finish, stop thinking the mantra
Mantra Chanting Mantra Chanting Tantrik mantras are the ones we call ‘Beeja Mantras’ whereas Vedic Mantras are the ones that are followed under the Vedic system
A mantra is a religious or mystical syllable or poem, typically from the Sanskrit language. Their use varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra. They are primarily used as spiritual conduits, words or vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies.
Mantra Yoga Mantra Yoga The word yoga brings to mind, especially in the West, a system of exercises beneficial for physical and mental health
Mantra Meditation ExerciseA Mantra Meditation Exercise This particular meditation may well put you to sleep if you allow it to do so. If, however, you are not intending to sleep then, when you are ready to finish, stop thinking the mantra
Mantra Chanting Mantra Chanting Tantrik mantras are the ones we call ‘Beeja Mantras’ whereas Vedic Mantras are the ones that are followed under the Vedic system
A mantra is a religious or mystical syllable or poem, typically from the Sanskrit language. Their use varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra. They are primarily used as spiritual conduits, words or vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies.
The Art of Happiness
The Art of Happiness "Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, the very purpose of our life is happiness, the very motion of our life is towards happiness." --H.H. the Dalai Lama, from The Art of Happiness So popular and so rarely understood, this Nobel Peace Prize winner and man of great inner peace brings to a general audience the key to a happy life.
In collaboration with a Western psychiatrist, The Art of Happiness is the first inspirational book for a general audience by the Dalai Lama. Through meditations, stories, and the meeting of Buddhism and psychology, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy, or just an ordinary bad mood.
He discusses relationships, health, family, and work to show us how to ride through life's obstacles on a deep and abiding source of inner peace. Based on 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations mixed with a healthy dose of common sense, The Art of Happiness crosses the boundaries of all traditions to help readers with the difficulties common to all human beings.
See also Howard C. Cutler
In collaboration with a Western psychiatrist, The Art of Happiness is the first inspirational book for a general audience by the Dalai Lama. Through meditations, stories, and the meeting of Buddhism and psychology, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy, or just an ordinary bad mood.
He discusses relationships, health, family, and work to show us how to ride through life's obstacles on a deep and abiding source of inner peace. Based on 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations mixed with a healthy dose of common sense, The Art of Happiness crosses the boundaries of all traditions to help readers with the difficulties common to all human beings.
See also Howard C. Cutler
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